Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Both will be the same

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
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Somehow dual citizenship works for Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and a hell lot of other developing countries with lots of poverty. Only India is weirdly poor. I fail to see any link between poverty and this stupid policy.

Hell a lot of really poor african countries allow it :
Angola, Burundi, Comoros, Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zambia.

In asia, Combodia, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria besides above allow it.

Somehow, its always "India is poor and India is special" song that you sing. I believe its a hell lot of bullshit.

Most of those countries have dual citizenship which are highly restrictive. For example, Pakistan's dual citizenship is only for minors. Once they are adults, they have to choose.

Most of these "dual citizenships" are no different from the OCI card you have. For example Bangladeshi dual citizenship holders are basically considered second class citizens. For example, they can't vote, hold office or create/join a political party. In effect an OCI.

Dude, you should brush up on this instead of simply reading a list from Wikipedia.

Lastly, I didn't want to bring this up, one of the biggest drawbacks of dual citizenship for India is the whole host of proselytists who will flood India and hide in their adopted countries when the govt turns up the heat. Not the case in most other countries that are either Christian or Muslim. We can't protect our religion or culture with dual citizenship. It gets worse from a security PoV, where all the converted-crazies from mullah regimes will come in with dual citizenship.

Sorry, mate. If you leave, then you really leave. Once you leave India permanently, I would recommend demonstrating your loyalty to your adopted country instead of India. With the OCI, you have enough rights in order to have benefits that affect you, you do not need anything else from here.

India is too big, too unique and too vulnerable to allow foreign influencers gaining ground here.
I think he has decent amount of evidence of the Dems doing voter fraud. The problem will be if the courts recognise those evidence as a proof of fraud. The trump screeching is backed by a lot more evidence than the Russian intervention hoax that the Dems were screeching for.
If I look it from purely interests basis, both democrats and even republicans want to shove this under the carpet. I am not too sure about the fraud that is being decried time and again, but it is certainly making political parties uneasy.
She is the same woman who convinced Obama to intervene in Libya. She is also the same person who wanted U.S. troop deployment to the South China Sea area, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines,
Democrats are more pro intervention everywhere.
Biden's cabinet is filled with absolute Warhawks. Pakistanis, Mullahs and liberals who are celebrating will be crying later.
I don't know which direction they will lean but they certainly do love all the money flowing into MIC.
If I look it from purely interests basis, both democrats and even republicans want to shove this under the carpet. I am not too sure about the fraud that is being decried time and again, but it is certainly making political parties uneasy.
The thing is there is clear evidence of ballot fraud. And the reason why republicans and democrats don't want the Trump in is because. He is an outsider. And whatever other plans like invading Iran and other governments they were planning to overthrow have experienced a setback. 4 more years of Trump might further lead to loss of ground in the middle East or wherever the deep state interests lies. That's why they are trying so hard to brush it up under the carpet..
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Most of those countries have dual citizenship which are highly restrictive. For example, Pakistan's dual citizenship is only for minors. Once they are adults, they have to choose.
Sorry, but you are wrong.
Pakistan allows dual nationality with a limited number of countries, exactly as I was suggesting.

Not to mention, their current government is tabling a bill to allow dual citizenship holders to even contest elections.

Most of these "dual citizenships" are no different from the OCI card you have. For example Bangladeshi dual citizenship holders are basically considered second class citizens. For example, they can't vote, hold office or create/join a political party. In effect an OCI.
Again, you are wrong about voting.
Dual citizens are allowed to vote, the limitations are on contesting election or holding civil offices.

Also, these restrictions are new to BD. There is already a lot of discussion in BD to remove them.

Its not OCI. OCI is merely a long term visa being marketed as a "citizenship". Basic bare minimum of citizenship is voting rights.

BTW, this second class citizenship is not unique to BD.

In USA you cann't contest presidential position unless you were born there.
In Canada / Australia a dual citizenship holder runs a risk of losing their citizenship if they are found engaged in some particular terrorist activities.

Restrictions and limitations come with dual citizenship or even naturalized citizenship. Basic of citizenship should remain.

Dude, you should brush up on this instead of simply reading a list from Wikipedia.
Dude, the number of time you have been factually wrong on this suggest its you who need to actually know this better to comment on it.

Lastly, I didn't want to bring this up, one of the biggest drawbacks of dual citizenship for India is the whole host of proselytists who will flood India and hide in their adopted countries when the govt turns up the heat. Not the case in most other countries that are either Christian or Muslim. We can't protect our religion or culture with dual citizenship. It gets worse from a security PoV, where all the converted-crazies from mullah regimes will come in with dual citizenship.
It can happen with OCI as well, because you just need the right to enter India. Dual citizenship is not adding additional powers here. You can come do all the coversion and run back to your adopted country. Remember, OCI does not stop you from working as a religious preacher.

India is too big, too unique and too vulnerable to allow foreign influencers gaining ground here.
Its is big, its not too unique or too vulnerable. It has a hell lot of धोती शिवरिंग .
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It can happen with OCI as well, because you just need the right to enter India. Dual citizenship is not adding additional powers here. You can come do all the coversion and run back to your adopted country. Remember, OCI does not stop you from working as a religious preacher.

Not a problem. Since they are not citizens, they can be banned from entering the country. Not the case with citizens, since we are stuck with them.
Not a problem. Since they are not citizens, they can be banned from entering the country. Not the case with citizens, since we are stuck with them.
How often does that happen? It will be long before someone is caught and someone is actually punished.

Besides, citizens can also be punished with jail time for breaking laws on conversion.

Must be happy hours all through the weekend & next week too in Ireland, Paddy. It's a working week you say. Why, they'd declare it a public holiday all of next week. Why you ask ? Added bonus, the Democrats & Biden in particular are bitterly opposed to any tinkering with the GF agreement.

You're in for some real good times. @BMD
How often does that happen? It will be long before someone is caught and someone is actually punished.

Did you forget about the Tablighi zombies from Indonesia and Malaysia?

Besides, citizens can also be punished with jail time for breaking laws on conversion.

Only the non-citizens could get deported even after spreading infection everywhere. Citizens are roaming around freely after what is pratically bio terrorism.

The only way to avoid attempts at proselytising by foreigners is by keeping them out, best case, or preventing them from operating freely due to the threat of deportation. Jail time is far too short and irrelevant for it to work. This is what I mean by India being too vulnerable. All these characters use our democratic and "secular" principles against us. Try doing this in Pakistan or BD, countries that you think have dual citizenship.

Must be happy hours all through the weekend & next week too in Ireland, Paddy. It's a working week you say. Why, they'd declare it a public holiday all of next week. Why you ask ? Added bonus, the Democrats & Biden in particular are bitterly opposed to any tinkering with the GF agreement.

You're in for some real good times. @BMD
The nearest town to where my dad grew up. You'd enjoy it there immensely, loads of cows.

We aren't going to tinker with the GF Agreement, we'll leave that to the EU and their precious single market integrity.
Did you forget about the Tablighi zombies from Indonesia and Malaysia?
Indeed! They were here for long on just visitor visa. Proves my point.

Only the non-citizens could get deported even after spreading infection everywhere.
Citizens can be jailed, detaining them from doing whatever evil things they are doing. BTW, how often are even folks on visitor visa deported let alone OCI?

If you want to protect against such folks, you need better implementation of laws. Its the implementation of laws which is your issue not dual citizenship or OCI. If you have decent implementation of laws, you will avoid such issues does not matter if they are perpetrated by OCIs or visitor or citizens.

The people you are stopping by not having dual citizenship are only law abiding folks. Those who want to break laws and do conversions or spread diseases always find a way around. Only law-abiding folks who can really contribute to the nation are punished.
The nearest town to where my dad grew up. You'd enjoy it there immensely, loads of cows.
If you are talking about Indians, we don't particularly like "foreign" cows. Religious sentiments are more aligned with "desi" cows ie Indian breed of cows.
The nearest town to where my dad grew up. You'd enjoy it there immensely, loads of cows.
If joe biden is basically Irish, I wonder if he will take oath in a kilt.

Joe biden in Kilt and Kamala Harris in Saree.... That will be interesting.
The nearest town to where my dad grew up. You'd enjoy it there immensely, loads of cows.
So, the cat's out of the bag. That explains your fascination for bestiality. It's a hereditary thing running from generations in your family, isn't it? Plus, it blows out of water, you claiming that you've been born & raised in England since the past 3 generations. Mustn't fib, Paddy. For if it becomes a habit, you'd be forced to remember all the lies you told. Put another way, otherwise it results in you being caught with your pants down.

We aren't going to tinker with the GF Agreement, we'll leave that to the EU and their precious single market integrity.
You can do what you want. You're damned, either way. Plus I read recently, Biden was a closet IRA supporter. You're between a rock & a hard place, Paddy.
And then they will leave. None of them will suddenly run for office or create a political party and so on.
If you charge and convict dual citizens with the crime they committed, they cann't also run for office.
I still don't think that Joe is gonna take oath.
I think he will...
If he does not, entire political system of US will be now in question.

Unless a massive mistake is found during certification, he will take oath. What happen after that is unknown. I have a feeling that he won't last for long.

I also think that there will be more confrontation with China for US.
If you charge and convict dual citizens with the crime they committed, they cann't also run for office.

I think he will...
If he does not, entire political system of US will be now in question.

Unless a massive mistake is found during certification, he will take oath. What happen after that is unknown. I have a feeling that he won't last for long.

I also think that there will be more confrontation with China for US.


She is the same woman who convinced Obama to intervene in Libya. She is also the same person who wanted U.S. troop deployment to the South China Sea area, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines,

Biden's cabinet is filled with absolute Warhawks. Pakistanis, Mullahs and liberals who are celebrating will be crying later.

It will be about the same w.r.t India. Democrats (and GOP before trump) in foreign policy tend to use more smoke and mirrors...but push for results there behind it....more or less large regions of world its going to be the same....the concern in Europe was the threat to NATO status quo trump was making thats about it.

Trump's key difference (actionably past his smoke and mirrors) was really more internal domestic politics based.
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