LCA AF Mk2 (Medium Weight Fighter) - News and discussions

Tejas Mk1 Elta 2032 has best clarity in IAF before Rafale got inducted..

Tejas nose cone diameter was as big as Rafales!

How can it be compared to Mig 21 nose cone ?

( Maybe certification with Astra missile is yet to be done ? Like ATGM for LCH )

Currently Elta 2052 in Mk1A, from 41 st aircraft Uttam + EW combo ..

Mk2 will be having GAN Aesa during which it ll surpass GaS Aesa of current F3R Rafale making it best in IAF.

Even with 30 % commonality with Mk1A, proving the Subsystems in Mk1A like Aesa radar + EW combo, integrating missiles , bombs with radar etc . I don't believe test flights of Mk2 can be finished in 3 years.
Tejas Mk1 Elta 2032 has best clarity in IAF before Rafale got inducted..

Tejas nose cone diameter was as big as Rafales!

How can it be compared to Mig 21 nose cone ?

( Maybe certification with Astra missile is yet to be done ? Like ATGM for LCH )

Currently Elta 2052 in Mk1A, from 41 st aircraft Uttam + EW combo ..

Mk2 will be having GAN Aesa during which it ll surpass GaS Aesa of current F3R Rafale making it best in IAF.

Even with 30 % commonality with Mk1A, proving the Subsystems in Mk1A like Aesa radar + EW combo, integrating missiles , bombs with radar etc . I don't believe test flights of Mk2 can be finished in 3 years.
Mk will have the GaN based radar when the production starts just like the uttam radar in mk 1A, for now it will have GaAs based radar.

For the testing part, the airframe is very similar to the mk 1A so that probably won't take much time and the prototype that'll be unveiled will be pretty close to the production standard so, it might as well happen in 3 years but even if some delay occurs it's fine.

My concern is delay may occur if GoI asks for an assembly line by private partners which probably won't happen but it's still in the realms of possibilities.
Mk will have the GaN based radar when the production starts just like the uttam radar in mk 1A, for now it will have GaAs based radar.

For the testing part, the airframe is very similar to the mk 1A so that probably won't take much time and the prototype that'll be unveiled will be pretty close to the production standard so, it might as well happen in 3 years but even if some delay occurs it's fine.

My concern is delay may occur if GoI asks for an assembly line by private partners which probably won't happen but it's still in the realms of possibilities.

Thought of saying let's wait for roll out.. but the they cancelled it.. will have to wait for first flight..

What guarantee that US will not stop GE F-414 engines to India or stops exports of LCA Mk2 to other countries. Or Links sales of aero engines to buying vintage F-16s at exhorbitant cost....
Reason why idiot Baboons at Defence ministry should be A-ss whooped for stopping development of kaveri engine and not developing ground based and buying flying test beds for speedy development.

For engine development India should have used Sam Dam Dand Bhed or Buy Steal espionage, reverse engineering. This is exactly what china did & therefore are now successful...
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What guarantee that US will not stop GE F-414 engines to India or stops exports of LCA Mk2 to other countries. Or Links sales of aero engines to buying vintage F-16s at exhorbitant cost....
Reason why idiot Baboons at Defence ministry should be A-ss whooped for stopping development of kaveri engine and not developing ground based and buying flying test beds for speedy development.

For engine development India should have used Sam Dam Dand Bhed or Buy Steal espionage, reverse engineering. This is exactly what china did & therefore are now successful...
No guaranty.

We had the option to develop MK2 around EJ200 engine, which is superior engine than f404 and greater potential to evolve to an engine capable of giving much more thrust than the f414. ADA choose an easy route of developing mk2 by going with f414 since f414 having similar dimension to f404 and developing mk2 around f414 than around EJ200.

FYI EJ200 still have better dry thrust than F414.
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What guarantee that US will not stop GE F-414 engines to India or stops exports of LCA Mk2 to other countries. Or Links sales of aero engines to buying vintage F-16s at exhorbitant cost....
Reason why idiot Baboons at Defence ministry should be A-ss whooped for stopping development of kaveri engine and not developing ground based and buying flying test beds for speedy development.

For engine development India should have used Sam Dam Dand Bhed or Buy Steal espionage, reverse engineering. This is exactly what china did & therefore are now successful...
1. False news, the deputy head of sales department called it out.

2. You can't use "reverse engineering" for making aircraft engines, China made their engine through proper investment and they took their sweet time as well.

3. You are running the such risks no matter which foreign engine you use so developing our own engine is a must.

4. Even if we build the Kaveri engine today, we won't use it on Tejas because the engine just can't produce more than 81 kN, you'll need a new engine altogether for that.

The only way forward is making a Kaveri 2.0 which honestly I don't think we will get in the next 10 yrs on our own that too when I am being optimistic.

We may get it in the next decade if we are able to utilize and absorb the technology in the AMCA engine JV. So we should try getting support for the HTAF, FTB and assistance in kaveri 2.0 if that happens.
No guaranty.

We had the option to develop MK2 around EJ200 engine, which is superior engine than f404 and greater potential to evolve to an engine capable of giving much more thrust than the f414. ADA choose an easy route of developing mk2 by going with f414 since f414 having similar dimension to f404 and developing mk2 around f414 than around EJ200.

FYI EJ200 still have better dry thrust than F414.
Again the news is false

Doesn't mean it can't happen but it's false.

2. You just can't compare EJ 200 and F 404, they belong to two different classes.

3. Even the F 414 core can potentially produce more thrust just like EJ 200 core so no point comparing the two. They have similar capabilities, In no way is the EJ 200 more or less "advanced" than F 414.

4. The problem isn't choosing F 414 over EJ 200, it's the dependence on foreign countries for indigenous aircrafts. It's not like the British are some saints who'll not cause problems, they aren't any better than the US.
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Eh! Who renamed this thread adding LCA but still maintaining "medium"? ⚠️🚨o_O
Make up your mind if it is light or medium. 🤦‍♂️🤣
Tejas MK1 = LCA.
Tejas Mk2 = MWF, started to pump up MK1 LCA.

View attachment 41046
Fact is mk 2 itself is lca. It's in the gripen E class. It's smaller than the mirage, j-10 and f-16 while being slower. The only hope is if it's RCS is able to reach sub 0.1 sqm
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Again the news is false

Doesn't mean it can't happen but it's false.

2. You just can't compare EJ 200 and F 404, they belong to two different classes.

3. Even the F 414 core can potentially produce more thrust just like EJ 200 core so no point comparing the two. They have similar capabilities, In no way is the EJ 200 more or less "advanced" than F 414.

4. The problem isn't choosing F 414 over EJ 200, it's the dependence on foreign countries for indigenous aircrafts. It's not like the British are some saints who'll not cause problems, they aren't any better than the US.
You tell me. You're the one who said F-16E has 60% increase in MTOW over F-16A which is wrong.

You were trying to use a BS figure to prove a point, now that the figure is proven wrong, you want to say the point itself is BS.


Nope. Empty weight.

6.5T vs 10.5T.

You don't compare MTOW, 'cause it's pointless. If you do, then TEDBF at 26T would be far inferior to the Rafale even though it's supposed to be a Rafale++ with far higher fuel capacity and a more modern engine.

Same with MTOW for F-22 vs Su-57, which carries far more fuel with lower MTOW, 36T vs 33T. What you are literally doing is counting air, all that empty space inside the fuel tanks.

You are supposed to compare an empty jet with no payload to see how the jets compare. This much is elementary.

You tried saying the SH was a far superior modernization of the Hornet than the LCA Mk2 was of the Mk1, but I proved you wrong with actual published figures.

SH saw a 40% increase in empty weight compared to Mk2's 20%. But fuel capacity increased by only 33% vs 45% on Mk2. Payload increased by 30% vs 62% on Mk2.

SH needed massive changes and a nearly 10-year long flight testing cycle



What does that have to do with what we're on about? We're talking about how an increase an MTOW can be a useful indicator of how much the carrying capacity of the airframe changed as a result of strengthening, enlarging or otherwise improving it.

'Cause LCA's MTOW is lighter than the F-16E, but provides significantly more range with its greater fuel fraction.

Such things are supposed to be elementary.

i'm not afraid to stand corrected. That's just you. Cuz I'm here to learn while you're just here to argue.


I'm not the one second-guessing the forces.

When you stand corrected, you don't admit to making a mistake (like I did when I erroneously believed F-35B could fit in Vikrant's elevators in the other thread), instead you just try to change the subject.


Funny how you "stand corrected" on the issue, but don't even know when you are wrong.

The problem is you don't know what's correct so you can't "stand corrected" when you are actually corrected 'cause you can't correlate one thing with another. You are proving that every second in the Trump F-35 thread.

When did I ever deny that.

The biggest mistake we made in the original Tejas QRs was that we wanted the Mk1 to be way too small & light. Had we gone for an F16-sized fighter from the start, we could've gotten so much more done with just the Mk1 without even needing to go to Mk2.

Nope, Mk1 was fine, they screwed up Kaveri. :rolleyes:

That's why Mk1A was acceptable with a different engine. If there was a problem with the airframe, there would be no Mk1A.

This is the problem with thinking that battles happen on Wikipedia spec sheets.

A MiG-21 simply cannot compare with LCA over the course of a conflict. It all comes down to how many sorties you can put up. The LCA with F404 was leaps & bounds ahead of the Fishbed. If ADF sortie rate drops, that would endanger your air bases. You start losing your ASFs & DPSAs while they're still on the ground. Then you lose the war. The ADF is the backbone of your ORBAT.

The MiG-21 vs LCA is the difference between losing that backbone in a month vs being able to keep it going for a year or two, till your opponent is forced to concede defeat.

Please stop that nonsense. The Mig-21 has been built for a very high sortie generation rate.

There are many modern jets that cannot generate as many sorties as the Mig-21 even today.

And that was the same intention as when they tried to describe LCA as such. They were trying to denigrate & kill it, so they can end up importing something else instead. Remember how a proposal for SEF competition was birthed right after we gave greenlight for Tejas Mk2? They wanted to kill that as well and go for Gripen or F-21.

IAF may be the end-user, but they certainly cannot be relied upon to foster a domestic industry. Probably because they aren't capable of understanding its importance. This is why Russia's defence minister had to be changed from a General (Shoigu) to an economist (Belousov) halfway through the war. Shoigu couldn't bring himself to understand the fact that the war had to be won in the factories, not just on the battlefield.

This is also why the Military-Industrial Complex was birthed in the US. You had to tie major economic interests into pushing military production, otherwise the brass would mess everything up.

Even if we assume they genuinely believed LCA was MiG-21++, it just proves that they think the next war will be fought exactly like the last one, and also that they were oblivious to the Chinese threat at the time too.

SEF was officially started in 2001, calld MRCA. Then canceled, then restarted in 2016. Then canceled in 2017 in favor of Mk2. :rolleyes:

Then the IAF began the MRFA process instead.

Like I said, you like to rewrite history.

The J-10A/B/C is also a Mig-21++. It's a light fighter compared to LCA Mk2, Gripen E, or F-16E in terms of overall capabilities.
Tejas Mk1 Elta 2032 has best clarity in IAF before Rafale got inducted..

Tejas nose cone diameter was as big as Rafales!

How can it be compared to Mig 21 nose cone ?

Clarity means it's better tuned, so it can see more targets clearly. It's a function of processing, not hardware. The Mig-21's radar is much smaller but developed when the LCA was not even flying. So you are comparing technologies with 15 years difference. Even with that difference, the Mig-21 Bison and LCA started off with the same weapons, even though both have a difference of 15 years between them.

The rest of you post covers a difference of 25 years in development between Mig-21 Bison and LCA Mk1A. And pretty much 30 years when we talk about Mk2. So we are not talking about Mk1A and Mk2, only Mk1, when comparing with the Bison.
Mk will have the GaN based radar when the production starts just like the uttam radar in mk 1A, for now it will have GaAs based radar.

If Uttam has been made modular, the GaAs can eventually be replaced with GaN by replacing the frontend.

My concern is delay may occur if GoI asks for an assembly line by private partners which probably won't happen but it's still in the realms of possibilities.

LCA entirely belongs to HAL. The private sector wants an order of well over 200, not counting HAL's order, so it is well past the IAF's ability. That's why they are in the running for future programs instead. Let's hope the two SPV programs work out, although they are a decade away from delivery.

What guarantee that US will not stop GE F-414 engines to India or stops exports of LCA Mk2 to other countries. Or Links sales of aero engines to buying vintage F-16s at exhorbitant cost....
Reason why idiot Baboons at Defence ministry should be A-ss whooped for stopping development of kaveri engine and not developing ground based and buying flying test beds for speedy development.

For engine development India should have used Sam Dam Dand Bhed or Buy Steal espionage, reverse engineering. This is exactly what china did & therefore are now successful...

Shiv Aroor confirmed that the delays are deliberate. The Biden administration's revenge on India for supporting Russia. Trump's reversing that.
Fact is mk 2 itself is lca. It's in the gripen E class. It's smaller than the mirage, j-10 and f-16 while being slower. The only hope is if it's RCS is able to reach sub 0.1 sqm
Correction - it is INFLATED LCA with canards. It is Tejas Mk2, not LCA Mk2. Tejas is the family name under which LCA, MWF come.
It could have been inflated further with AL-31 class engine.
There is no ISO standard about jet fighter airframe design, so it depends on maker(s) of a country to classify. USA considers F-16 as light, not medium.
The thing to realize is that jets are made with requirements which dictate the weight initially, not the other way around. But weight is tried to be reduced for better TWR, fuel efficiency, range, endurance. Better engine also means better TWR. More on numerator, less on denominator.
The goal is not to make the smallest jet bcoz weapons have some minimum size for range & effectiveness & need to be carried in some minimum quantity.
If our GTRE was like Safran, GE, P&W or at least like Lyulka (NPO Saturn) then LCA may not even exist. 🤷‍♂️🤣
The things any 4gen jet globally can do to bring down RCS are limited, like use composites, little bit geometric shaping, use some RAM at hot spots. But a lot more is required which we see in 5gen jets. The airframe itself needs to be changed & many small features modified.
Bcoz we developed RAS & NiRaLa & Adrishya RAM whose R&D might have started in 2000s, so the MWF program started in 2000s could have been AMWF, or a 1-engine version of AMCA. 🤷‍♂️ But some of our people are either Kumbhakaran:sleep:💤 or see big problems in every solution.🤦‍♂️:LOL:
Nope. Empty weight.

6.5T vs 10.5T.

You don't compare MTOW, 'cause it's pointless. If you do, then TEDBF at 26T would be far inferior to the Rafale even though it's supposed to be a Rafale++ with far higher fuel capacity and a more modern engine.

Same with MTOW for F-22 vs Su-57, which carries far more fuel with lower MTOW, 36T vs 33T. What you are literally doing is counting air, all that empty space inside the fuel tanks.

You are supposed to compare an empty jet with no payload to see how the jets compare. This much is elementary.

You don't even understand what we're talking about. MTOW is an extremely important overall figure - that's what determines what a weight class of a fighter is. When ADA officials define AMCA as a 25T (now 27T) aircraft, they are talking about MTOW. Not empty weight.

You tried saying the SH was a far superior modernization of the Hornet than the LCA Mk2 was of the Mk1, but I proved you wrong with actual published figures.

That's literally the opposite of what I said. The point was that nobody considers H & SH as the same aircraft cuz the difference is too much - even though the difference is still not as much as what is between Mk1 and Mk2, whether in terms of MTOW or in terms of capabilities delivered.

So considering that Mk1 & Mk2 are the same plane is just a disservice.

SH saw a 40% increase in empty weight compared to Mk2's 20%. But fuel capacity increased by only 33% vs 45% on Mk2. Payload increased by 30% vs 62% on Mk2.

Yep - which is why the Mk2 development over Mk1 is far more significant and needs to be given its due as a true MWF.

'Cause LCA's MTOW is lighter than the F-16E, but provides significantly more range with its greater fuel fraction.

At the cost of lower payload capacity on the underwing stores.

That's why MTOW is the defining figure for determining a fighter's weight class. Not its empty weight. Cause MTOW takes everything into account - max stores & max fuel.

Nope, Mk1 was fine, they screwed up Kaveri. :rolleyes:

That's why Mk1A was acceptable with a different engine. If there was a problem with the airframe, there would be no Mk1A.

Mk1A is still only fulfilling the Mk1's intended roles.

Had we gone for a Mk2-sized fighter from the start, we'd have been able to integrate so many more additional features (IRST, MAWS, SPJ) into it over time (like US did with F16) without needing a new airframe that requires retesting.

Please stop that nonsense. The Mig-21 has been built for a very high sortie generation rate.

There are many modern jets that cannot generate as many sorties as the Mig-21 even today.

Yeah compared to Russian twinjets...not compared to Western SEFs.

SEF was officially started in 2001, calld MRCA. Then canceled, then restarted in 2016. Then canceled in 2017 in favor of Mk2. :rolleyes:

Each time, aimed at killing the indigenous effort.
You don't even understand what we're talking about. MTOW is an extremely important overall figure - that's what determines what a weight class of a fighter is. When ADA officials define AMCA as a 25T (now 27T) aircraft, they are talking about MTOW. Not empty weight.


When you compare two aircraft, you talk about empty weight. When you compare capabilities, you compare MTOW. The former is more important because the latter only tells you what class the aircraft is in, nothing else.

That's literally the opposite of what I said. The point was that nobody considers H & SH as the same aircraft cuz the difference is too much - even though the difference is still not as much as what is between Mk1 and Mk2, whether in terms of MTOW or in terms of capabilities delivered.

So considering that Mk1 & Mk2 are the same plane is just a disservice.

You should read what you said. You pointed out the MTOW difference between H and SH puts it in the same category as the Mk1 and Mk2. I provided actual figures and said the difference is actually much bigger. And that while the SH uses a new airframe design, the Mk2 uses the same Mk1 airframe.

Yep - which is why the Mk2 development over Mk1 is far more significant and needs to be given its due as a true MWF.

ADA withdrew that classification, they themselves admitted it remains part of LCA.

Call it Super Tejas if you want, but it is no different from Hornet to Super Hornet.

At the cost of lower payload capacity on the underwing stores.

That's why MTOW is the defining figure for determining a fighter's weight class. Not its empty weight. Cause MTOW takes everything into account - max stores & max fuel.

It doesn't need higher payload for the same fuel fraction. For example, you can put 2 Brahmos M each on both Mk2 and F-16E, but the Mk2 will still outrange the F-16. So who cares about MTOW now? What it means is the F-16 requires more engine power and a larger airframe and still be inferior to the Mk2.

Mk1A is still only fulfilling the Mk1's intended roles.

Had we gone for a Mk2-sized fighter from the start, we'd have been able to integrate so many more additional features (IRST, MAWS, SPJ) into it over time (like US did with F16) without needing a new airframe that requires retesting.

What's Mk2 got to do with Mk1A here?

Mk1A was chosen 'cause it met the requirement to replace the Mig-21. It was not an airframe problem, but an engine problem. It has nothing to do with the Mk2.

Yeah compared to Russian twinjets...not compared to Western SEFs.

Even Western SEFs. What, you think the Mig-21 cannot match the Gripen A/C or the F-16?

In exercises in India, it's flown 6+ sorties a day.

Each time, aimed at killing the indigenous effort.

There was no indigenous effort at the time. The original Mk2 from 2014 was a direct capability successor of Mk1.

The Mk2's 2017 avatar is what killed SEF MII. And it's final avatar in 2019 is what we are currently developing.

You can see from the image that it's literally a resized Mk1. Just 2 plugs and a slightly wider wingspan.
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When you compare two aircraft, you talk about empty weight. When you compare capabilities, you compare MTOW. The former is more important because the latter only tells you what class the aircraft is in, nothing else.

You should read what you said. You pointed out the MTOW difference between H and SH puts it in the same category as the Mk1 and Mk2. I provided actual figures and said the difference is actually much bigger. And that while the SH uses a new airframe design, the Mk2 uses the same Mk1 airframe.

ADA withdrew that classification, they themselves admitted it remains part of LCA.

Call it Super Tejas if you want, but it is no different from Hornet to Super Hornet.

It doesn't need higher payload for the same fuel fraction. For example, you can put 2 Brahmos M each on both Mk2 and F-16E, but the Mk2 will still outrange the F-16. So who cares about MTOW now? What it means is the F-16 requires more engine power and a larger airframe and still be inferior to the Mk2.

What's Mk2 got to do with Mk1A here?

Mk1A was chosen 'cause it met the requirement to replace the Mig-21. It was not an airframe problem, but an engine problem. It has nothing to do with the Mk2.

Even Western SEFs. What, you think the Mig-21 cannot match the Gripen A/C or the F-16?

In exercises in India, it's flown 6+ sorties a day.

There was no indigenous effort at the time. The original Mk2 from 2014 was a direct capability successor of Mk1.

The Mk2's 2017 avatar is what killed SEF MII. And it's final avatar in 2019 is what we are currently developing.
View attachment 41076

You can see from the image that it's literally a resized Mk1. Just 2 plugs and a slightly wider wingspan.

Perhaps, wider wingspan is because of increase in cross section of fuselage. Wing size has remained unchanged if I am not wrong.
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Shiv Aroor confirmed that the delays are deliberate. The Biden administration's revenge on India for supporting Russia. Trump's reversing that.
What guarantee future US government won't do the same...
Hence we need our own Aero engines at any given cost. Sam Dam Dand Bhed or Buy Rob Steal Espionage Reverse Engineering do whatever we can. Spend money on infrastructure like high altitude test beds, flying test beds etc

Sack all defence baboons who stopped funding for engine development. Bring Aero engines development under direct supervision of PMO like nuclear submarines...
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Perhaps, wider wingspan is because of increase in cross section of fuselage. Wing size has remained unchanged if I am not wrong.

Wing tip pylon added ..

Almost everything is changed from MK1 to Mk2.

If Mk1 and Mk2 are parked side by side , i don't think anything would be similar..
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When you compare two aircraft, you talk about empty weight. When you compare capabilities, you compare MTOW. The former is more important because the latter only tells you what class the aircraft is in, nothing else.

And that's what we're talking about here - whether the Mk2's changes over Mk1 enable it to fight in a higher weight class.

They do.

You should read what you said. You pointed out the MTOW difference between H and SH puts it in the same category as the Mk1 and Mk2. I provided actual figures and said the difference is actually much bigger.

So you're just making my point for me.

And that while the SH uses a new airframe design, the Mk2 uses the same Mk1 airframe.

Mk2 is structurally different to Mk1 as per the Project Director. I'll take his word over your's, thank you.

ADA withdrew that classification, they themselves admitted it remains part of LCA.

It's for semantics. They want to make it seem like an LCA upgrade cuz IAF is already invested into LCA. Makes matters easier in the MoD. If you emphasize the fact that you cannot just take a Mk1/1A and upgrade it into a Mk2 (like you can with F-16A>>F16V). it would make it seem like it was ADA's failure for not making the product upgradable. It will be used as an excuse by import dalals to convince uninitiated babus to push for more imports. ADA has to play these games in order to survive.

The point is, the design hasn't changed/downsized since they called it an MWF. So for all practical intents & purposes, an MWF it still is.

And why shouldn't it be? If a 16.5T Gripen-E can be accepted as a competitor for MMRCA, then why can't a 17.5T Tejas Mk2 be considered medium-weight?

Call it Super Tejas if you want, but it is no different from Hornet to Super Hornet.

Well H and SH are different aircraft with significantly different airframes, so yeah.

It doesn't need higher payload for the same fuel fraction. For example, you can put 2 Brahmos M each on both Mk2 and F-16E, but the Mk2 will still outrange the F-16. So who cares about MTOW now? What it means is the F-16 requires more engine power and a larger airframe and still be inferior to the Mk2.

Eh? So you're just making my point for me? Well thanks for that.

What's Mk2 got to do with Mk1A here?

Mk1A was chosen 'cause it met the requirement to replace the Mig-21. It was not an airframe problem, but an engine problem. It has nothing to do with the Mk2.

Had we gone with a larger airframe from the start, then we needn't have developed the Mk2 at all.

Just block upgrades to Mk-1A, then Mk-1B, C etc. would have been enough. Just like with F-16. You could have taken any Mk-1 airframe, zero-lifed it, and upgraded it to keep up with all contemporary requirements. Like Slovakia or Turkey are doing to their F-16A/Cs upgraded to Vs.

But for us, it's not possible to upgrade Mk-1/1A to Mk-2 capabilities. If we want to put an IRST on it, we can't. If we want to double its payload, we can't.

Even Western SEFs. What, you think the Mig-21 cannot match the Gripen A/C or the F-16?

In exercises in India, it's flown 6+ sorties a day.

That's the surge rate. All jets can manage that - just not for long. That's what I meant by losing the ADF backbone in a month instead of keep going for years. The RuAF is suffering from the same problem:


Had Ukraine been in possession of a large fleet of F-16s prior to the conflict, the RuAF would have been demolished less than a year into the war. More details on that here in a previous conversation of mine on a different thread, read the linked RAND report as well:

Post in thread 'Ukraine - Russia Conflict' Ukraine - Russia Conflict

This is also why the Tejas Mk-1/1A & Mk-2 would easily pummel the JF-17/J-10C in a prolonged war. There was a point of time when IAF, like the Army, thought that a war wouldn't last more than a month or two, so that's all they need to be prepared for. But this thought process is gone now. IAF wants to be capable of carrying out a sustained air campaign. Our ground forces will have air support on call, throughout the war.

That's part of the reason why we go out of our way to push any Russian competitor out of fighter tenders for the last 20 years. We know that the current gen of Russian engines can never be a serious contender for our future requirements.

And that's also why our 5th gen engine JV is only talking with GE, RR & Safran even though Russians parade around their Izdeliye 30 with '5th gen tech'. We want none of it, cuz we know it cannot deliver what we want.

There was no indigenous effort at the time. The original Mk2 from 2014 was a direct capability successor of Mk1.

The original in 2000s was meant to kill the Mk-1's growth potential. Had that gone through, most probably we'd never have seen Mk-1A and the line would have ended with 40 instead of 220 and Tejas would've been chalked off as another Marut saga.

The Mk2's 2017 avatar is what killed SEF MII. And it's final avatar in 2019 is what we are currently developing.

SEF was only killed thanks to Manohar Parrikar's push for Tejas Mk2.

Otherwise they'd have bought a Gripen or F21 and said there's no need to develop another fighter in the class cuz we have ToT of a proven one now.

You can see from the image that it's literally a resized Mk1. Just 2 plugs and a slightly wider wingspan.

"Your drawing of a horse is nice, just a few touches needed. You just need to change the legs, the head, the body & maybe the tail too. The rest is fine."


Dude there's literally no full part of the Mk2 that's the same as the Mk1. Just cuz it retains a few aerostructures (largely cuz they're proven & fit the bill) doesn't mean it's the same aircraft. Even the basic FC laws are rewritten cuz of the new control surfaces. It effectively carries twice the warload. Sensors are worlds apart. The way the pilot interfaces with the plane is totally differnt (side-stick vs centre stick).

You simply cannot take a Mk-1 and MLU it into a Mk-2. It's not an upgrade like F-16A to F-16V. It's a whole new aircraft.

As Saurav Jha said, the commonality in components between the two is only around ~25%. The Mk2 is essentially a new design made for executing entirely new mission profiles. We just reused as many parts from the Mk1 as we could to save time & money. That doesn't mean it's the same plane and therefore needs to be treated as in the same class.

The graphic just illustrates the basic change in dimensions over time.
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