It is indeed. The fact that Pakistan possesses ability to kill 200-300 million Indians makes it an existential threat. The fact the Pakistan choose to keep the first use option makes it an existential threat.
But you said that India will continue to exist, despite the damage Pakistan can do to India. If the very "existence" of India is not threatened, how is Pakistan an existential threat to India?
Case in point: Israel and its foes, during the 60s and 70s (and even today).
The fact that Pakistan chooses to employ asymmetrical warfare based on support for militants ( we call them terrorists, you call them freedom fighters ) makes it an existential threat.
So asymmetric warfare constitutes an existential threat? Well, I learned something new today.
At the very least, Pakistan is India's hypertension, Pakistan is India's diabetes. As such it wont immediately kill India but the fact it can do a silent and long term damage to India makes Pakistan lethal.
You'd be great at writing political speeches, you know.
Though I will like to make India in a country that is immune to a strategic damage by restructuring it into a distributed civilization where destroying mumbai only destroys mumbai and nothing more and remaining part can grow 10s of mumbais. Meaning, mumbai need to be smaller and rest of India needs 100s of such smaller mumbais capable of spawning 10s of mumbais. That will make me personally totally comfortable to fight a nuclear war with even China or USA for that matter.
If I understood you correctly, you propose a reform of a national scale, where larger cities should be pruned down and new cities should be set up, distributed in an even manner across the landmass of India...
(let me take this in)..
So that you'd be "comfortable" in fighting a nuclear war?
Have you ever considered the possibility that the PA will never use nukes?
If it comes to such an eventuality, uniformed personnel will of course face moral dilemmas across the hierarchy of the C&C chain. There is a possibility that some would refuse to follow orders, considering the consequences of their actions. That's a given thing.
However if you're asking that the 'boys', as a decision-making authority, will sit back and take the heat... I'm afraid the probability of that happening is very low. I hope we never have to find out.
Nuclear weapons only serve as a deterrence between unequal powers. Only equal powers can use it for warfighting.
Is there a rule or physical law somewhere that says so?
The fact is, that the dynamics of strategic stability and escalation management particularly in case of South-Asia, is pretty much uncharted territory. Both sides have their SOPs, but no definite answer can be given as to what will be the outcome of such an eventuality.
So the question is how much will the Pak Army general sell for?
You lost me there, I guess I have to watch Republic TV to understand that.
1) Play the victim and lie like there is no tomorrow. 2) Go to every global event and threaten them that Pakistan will shoot itself. Pakistani doctrine did not change.
Well it works...
Focused sustained investment in most effective means to detect, track and destroy relevant sites/platforms in first strike early is name of the game...with whatever cooperation from the known main 2 credible allies in this field that spooks Pakistan to this day.
BMD and airbourne interdiction is 2nd layer after that. There is not enough time/space between the two countries for any 3rd layer.
We cannot afford majority of pak nukes to just hit us....that is an absolute worst case scenario. Their "assured destruction" frontier must be made as inert as possible....and Indian strategic planners I am sure have long ago been working on addressing this. Funding and sustained real capacity to near fully deal with country with few nukes and little strategic depth in such situation will grow as Indian economy and wealth grows.
If I were to devise a strategy for such an eventuality (regardless of the cause), I'd do the following:
- Force Pakistan to cap its inventory at current strength, and roll back if possible
- Create hindrances in development of newer technology for delivering nuclear weapons
- Build up India's SFC to the readiness levels of US/Russia for CF targeting, meaning a larger, accurate, networked, fully assembled inventory
- Make it extremely difficult for Pakistan to assess India's readiness levels, so that an out-of-the-blue strike can be done
- Build up ISR capabilities specifically for tracking nuclear weapons. More satellites and ELINT platforms would be needed
- Develop and deploy a credible multi-layer missile defence system capable of dealing with the entire variety of Pakistani delivery systems
- Form a covert alliance with the US, to share intelligence and strike resources in case of such an eventuality
- Develop effective SOPs for disaster management of metropolitan centers
- Given a casus belli, conduct a massive pre-emptive CF strike against Pakistani first-strike elements. Preempt mobilization
- Evacuate citizens and brace for retaliation
- Intercept as many remaining missiles as possible, that Pakistan launches