Yeah but Pakistan does not have a bunch of MKIs with truck-loads of munitions, does it? That's exactly why Pakistan intends to to "substitute", where necessary.Most of those can be killed with conventional weapons more effectively. For example, a bunch of MKIs dropping 40+ SAAWs in a decapitation strike on an airbase.
Along-with usefulness, it also has a lot to do with having the response option. For example, if Pakistan uses TNW on the battlefield, and in response India SAAWs an airbase... its not exactly the same kind of a response.All nuclear powers have tactical nukes. But it doesn't mean it's going to be especially useful, especially against the targets I'm specifically talking about.
It is pointless as long as you don't blink. The whole idea of deterrence circles around declaring your redlines and saying "Don't do it! Or I will...". But in the heat of the moment, either one party stands down or it goes all the way to the end. Put simply, its a staring contest.Exactly why that list you created in your previous post is pointless.
For us, mobilisation is our red line. For you, you can make up all sorts of reasons to create an escalation ladder, but that's pointless.
No disagreement here.Isn't it obvious? All terror attacks in India comes from Pakistan, so the onus is on us to escalate. The ball has more or less always been in India's court.
Or you can more specifically say that the conventional war ball is in India's court and the nuclear war ball is in Pakistan's court. Interestingly the IA wants the nuclear war ball to also move to India, with the removal of NFU (perhaps specifcally only for Pakistan).
No disagreement here either. Indian military and the SFC is trying its best to be able to put all options on the table.Actually, it's all our fault. Nothing to do with Pakistan. Both in '02 and '08, the army was completely unprepared. No artillery, no air defence... Even the infantry was unprepared. The way I see it, Pak's strategy rests on hoping and praying that India doesn't escalate.
The main goal of the armed forces is to achieve overkill against Pakistan before any significant move is made. Whether that has been achieved or not only they know. But you have already seen how aggressive the IA has become over the last few years.
Like this one--
Will take action to reclaim PoK if ordered, says Army Chief General Naravane
Iraqis did for the same reason PA surrendered in '71. There was simply no other option available. But since the '90s, Pakistani deep state has the option to take the region down with it if it came to that. Now I'm no Nostradamus who can predict whether they will definitely do, but as I said before, the capability, SOPs, intentions and therefore the options are there.You are simply talking in general instead of considering the specifics related to Pakistan and the possible treatment of Pakistanis in a post-war world where Pakistan as a single country has likely ceased to exist.
Why did the Iraqis run away instead of fighting the Americans, ask yourself that.
So far they have displayed escalation dominance in all the recent stand-offs.
Pakistani deep state cares about strategic instability with the resources that it has available today, thats all. If I elaborate it will spin off into another discussion so I'll stop here. Perhaps in some other thread.If the PA actually cared about Pakistan itself, then they would have given up their administrative, religious and economic hold over Pakistan a long time ago, allowing Pakistan to become a rich country, and gain the effective means of stopping India conventionally.
When people like you make these statements its not even funny anymore. It was exactly the same mindset that led India to Balakot, thinking that what are the Pakistanis gonna do, start a war? The same mindset that wants to "take" Pakistani Kashmir, and send forces to Afghanistan. Its the same thinking that made Pakistan commit such blunders in the past. I, for one, am very glad that rational minds are at the spearhead of the deep state today (although we could all benefit from a world where they weren't in charge and everything was hunky-dory).Forget nukes, you should be worrying about whether the PA itself will actually fight the IA on the field. Nothing's stopping the top brass from running away to the ME, China and Europe within the small window before the IAF achieves air supremacy.
Indian military brass needs to stop making the wrong assumptions about Pakistan.
Sir, as I said, I'm no Nostradamus. Perhaps you are, in which case I could use some info on what kind of assets should I invest in, in this decade.I meant Pakistan is never going to use nukes on India, even if Pakistan is nearing annihilation in a conventional war.

Perhaps you didn't read my post carefully, I'd suggest giving it another read. Not only Pakistan doesn't believes it, ex-Indian SFC also doesn't believes it. And India has developed and deployed TNWs, to be able to respond proportionally. Perhaps you'd trust the word of @Falcon more than mine.If they are taking this risk, they are taking a massive risk. The enemy who has a declared policy of massive retaliation, the enemy who is working towards a shield against a limited strategic attack and more over an enemy who has NO Tactical nuclear weapons will find itself inclined to do a full scale nuclear attack there by crippling any chance of a counter attack by Pakistan. Essentially this stance of Pakistan hands over India a perfect excuse to nuke Pakistan out of existence. Its a risk which should not be taken.
Problem Pakistan and India face is that after a nuclear strike that kills few hundred soldiers, India will be forced to attack. This attack can only come in form of a strategic nuclear attack. ie India has NO other way but to escalate. Once India escalate, Pakistan WILL escalate. So, only option left with India is to go full scale. An unlikely option will be to NOT retaliate at all, something that is not going to happen because such a leadership will be shot dead by its own people. The fact that India refuses to deploy tactical nuclear weapons ensures that any use of TNW by Pakistan will ensure an escalation. And if it is escalation, India will be forced to go big in the first place due fear of a massive retaliation from Pakistan.