Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Any take on the possibility of Chinese biowarfare on the Indian contingent to kavkaz 2020 ( in the hope that they would spread the illness across the Army when they return, which would in turn weaken India's posture along the LAC ).. and would this be a factor in India deciding to bail out of Kavkaz 2020..? Not that this would be the primary reason for India bailing out...
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It naturally means they are going to militarize the Tibetan plateau and the LAC.

CDS Rawat claiming military option is on the table is a message to China, and this is a Chinese message to India returning the same sentiment.
Whatever is the case but Chinese have given us an opportunity which we should not lose. We should just squash the Lizard now before this opportunity passes forever. The world opinion about China is on lowest point and quad and others want China to be punished for its corona virus pandemic and subsequent tanking of world economy. Any war initiated by India will be supported by entire world. Now is the best time to take revenge of 1962 humiliation. Hope Modi doesn't let this opportunity go...
I guess the writing's on the wall. Expect something to happen on the LAC initiated by India on or before mid September.
Interesting , rafales will be formally inducted on Sept 10.
China often gets impregnated inspite of having impregnable walls... :)
Their idea is to build a wall and then claim the territory. I would not be surprised if they build the wall now and claim it was built 2000 years back.
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Go through whole thread, there are about 35 graves in that low res image of the same graveyard.

This picture tells a thousand words. All the tombstones are new as can be made out from the shine in the letters written on them. The mould of sand on the tombs is also an indication that all of them are very recent tombs. normally a tomb mould becomes flat in about two years and after six years, the same place can be used to bury another person. So this picture is of a very recent cemetry. I counted 8x7 cloumns and rows. We have seen pics of few PLA soldier's remains being returned in Urns to their family members. It appears that chinese follow the practice of burial and also cremation. So if we have 56 in this cemetry, how many more returned in Urns??
Whatever is the case but Chinese have given us an opportunity which we should not lose. We should just squash the Lizard now before this opportunity passes forever. The world opinion about China is on lowest point and quad and others want China to be punished for its corona virus pandemic and subsequent tanking of world economy. Any war initiated by India will be supported by entire world. Now is the best time to take revenge of 1962 humiliation. Hope Modi doesn't let this opportunity go...

Regardless of who attacks whom first, world opinion will be in India's favour.

China prefers India attacks first. They know they can't attack first exactly due to the reasons you have given. So the ball is in our court.

Thanks to Mr. Rawat to tell Indian plans to Chinese. Now they will happily build a wall around Tibet.

The CDS's warning was merely to add to our heft during the next round of negotiations. We're not going to keep talking forever kinda message.
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This picture tells a thousand words. All the tombstones are new as can be made out from the shine in the letters written on them. The mould of sand on the tombs is also an indication that all of them are very recent tombs. normally a tomb mould becomes flat in about two years and after six years, the same place can be used to bury another person. So this picture is of a very recent cemetry. I counted 8x7 cloumns and rows. We have seen pics of few PLA soldier's remains being returned in Urns to their family members. It appears that chinese follow the practice of burial and also cremation. So if we have 56 in this cemetry, how many more returned in Urns??

An article claimed we handed 16 bodies over to the Chinese. And we know for a fact that we killed 47 or so. And that's not counting all those who could have died over the night. Actual casualties are 120+. Perhaps as high as 150. With many of those falling into the freezing waters in a landslide. So there's no way to tell how many of them actually died unless the Chinese themselves release the numbers. It wasn't a very good night for them.

I suppose the CCP is unable to hide the actual numbers due to the domestic pressure they are in, hence this type of release. But at least it's a start.
Interesting , rafales will be formally inducted on Sept 10.

Their idea is to build a wall and then claim the territory. I would not be surprised if they build the wall now and claim it was built 2000 years back.
We just need to impregnate China by breaching their walls.. like the Mongols did..
Post-Galwan clash, Indian Navy quietly deployed warship in South China Sea

NEW DELHI: Acting swiftly after the Galwan valley clash on June 15 in

Eastern Ladakh, the Indian Navy sailed out its frontline warship for deployment in the South China Sea much to the displeasure of the Chinese who raised objections over the move during the talks between the two sides.

The Chinese have been objecting to the presence of Indian Navy ships in the region where it has significantly expanded its presence since 2009 through artificial islands and military presence.

Link to full news :