Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Whatever is the case but Chinese have given us an opportunity which we should not lose. We should just squash the Lizard now before this opportunity passes forever. The world opinion about China is on lowest point and quad and others want China to be punished for its corona virus pandemic and subsequent tanking of world economy. Any war initiated by India will be supported by entire world. Now is the best time to take revenge of 1962 humiliation. Hope Modi doesn't let this opportunity go...
Perhaps he needs to read the news more carefully. Indian boat was not as alone as it looks to naked eyes! Looks can be deceiving.
Surface contact gave the pause, sub-surface kept the screen in check.
Does anyone know which ship?
Kinda idiotic and naive comment. These ships are in international waters. Just as they come to A&N we can be in their proximity. There is nothing they can do about it. Even if they are in the 'claimed' chinese EEZ, the only thing they can do maximum is to ram on our hull to compel change course.

Our ships are armed to defend themself in any scenario. An entire US Navy battle group in SCS means the same thing, a few DF-21s and land-based cruise missiles can theoretically decimate the fleet. But, does that stop them to patrol the area?. It shows a willingness to step up when the time arises.

A single Type 052D in IOR means the same, an annoyance.
Kinda idiotic and naive comment. These ships are in international waters. Just as they come to A&N we can be in their proximity. There is nothing they can do about it. Even if they are in the 'claimed' chinese EEZ, the only thing they can do maximum is to ram on our hull to compel change course.

Our ships are armed to defend themself in any scenario. An entire US Navy battle group in SCS means the same thing, a few DF-21s and land-based cruise missiles can theoretically decimate the fleet. But, does that stop them to patrol the area?. It shows a willingness to step up when the time arises.

A single Type 052D in IOR means the same, an annoyance.

During the deployment in the South China Sea, where the American Navy had also deployed its destroyers and frigates, the Indian warship was continuously maintaining contact with their American counterparts over secure communication systems, the sources informed.

As part of the routine drills, the Indian warship was being constantly updated about the status of the movement of military vessels of other countries there, they said adding that the entire mission was carried out in a very hush-hush manner to avoid any public glare on Navy's activities.
If you guys recall my earlier post about the likely attack directions of IA, I had clearly mentioned the southern Bank of Pangong Tso as one of the directions of attack and PLA tried to exactly block that axis of attack of IA. They know that they are extremely vulnerable from south bank of the lake and their positions on Finger 4 can be easily destroyed from south with complete cutoff from Kongka La and Rutog base.