Hey guys...new member here
What can we expect from all these brig. Com. Meetings everyday which are inconclusive?
I mean what are they meant to achieve?
If our prep is complete shouldn't we just go all in before chinese can prepare, i cant see how are talks going to diffuse the situation now.
And what would be the end goal of IA and GOI in this situation?
That is why we will need a new agreement and new protocols if any disengagement happens Peacefully
The older agreements do not work at all
There is no trust left
Frankly we should avoid them for some time, they are just checking how resolute we are in holding them off. Generals at the border wont agree to their demands and only option is run down the civilian govt ministers. We should plainly respond no talks with civilian leadership is possible unless they revert back to the original positions and that needs to be vetted by forces on the ground.
Sir, I understand that I was talking about Naval warfare.Advanced technologies can only be used in specific conditions. In these tarragon, nothing work. Your planes can not carry load. Your guns can not see the target. Tanks have a very limited use. This is. Not like US Taliban war where a guy seating in war room can fire a missile on Talibans.
The most important of all is that they have to fight on ground to capture territories.
India might go for the GBU- 43B from usa ?
A order of 100 odd of these .
It's of 11 kton yield tnt as compared to the Hiroshima bomb of 15 kton.
It's a intelligent way of not crossing the nuclear threshold while getting similar explosive power.
Probably use them against the major Chinese cities as a deterrent.
Few things...India might go for the GBU- 43B from usa ?
A order of 100 odd of these .
It's of 11 kton yield tnt as compared to the Hiroshima bomb of 15 kton.
It's a intelligent way of not crossing the nuclear threshold while getting similar explosive power.
Probably use them against the major Chinese cities as a deterrent.
Exactly my point, hot and cold. Chinese are masters at hiding their insidious intent. Mixed messaging to keep the opposition guessing.