The meeting is usually held precisely on the LAC with the Indian general seated on a chair in the Indian corner of the LAC & the Chinese general in the Chinese corner of the LAC with the actual LAC running in between the 2.I am wondering what difference it makes if the meeting is on the Chinese side?
Still old news. India is not keen on chest thumping. They want to quietly hold strategic positions and sit there.
Such articles are leaked deliberately before negotiations to pressurize CCP through humiliation although this is old news. Clearly GoI is interested in status quo ante and nothing more. CCP can't be seen as bargaining with India because we win without losing and CCP loses without winning.
In the current scenario, settling for SQA would be foolish. We have to put an end to the Chinese problems.
Putting pressure on China is fine, but at the same time we have to back it up with action. We all know what these talks are worth and how China uses them. India is playing the same game now. I personally, don't think, India should settle for SQA. It has to be complete and utter humiliation of PLA and CCP. Setting for SQA provides that partially, but we beating the shit out of them in Ladakh does that fully.
Politicians and mighty babus don't think like that. The only way Chinese are going to be humiliated further are by their own actions. The phrase "Not a blade of grass grows in Aksai Chin" is still applicable.
Why do you think we captured ridges or did reverse "incursions"? It's because we were reluctant to throw PLA out of the buffer zone and finding an upper hand without an outright conflict.
GoI feels it has extracted its pound of flesh in current Chinese misadventure. Now PM and even DM is busy in Agriculture bills.
They are getting better and better.ANI is doing a great job.