LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

Some hint about our action too across IB with multiple footballs taken back. Also 2 SSG arrested, don't know how much of it is true, any comment on that?
We have been spanking them, they chose a time when GOI is busy handling the CAB agitation..... Have heard of the 2 rumours, but nothing substantial....Infact the inputs are negative.......
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All I can say is that the Die is cast. FM Sam Manekshaw was from 1st IMA course. Now we have three Chiefs from 56th NDA which totals 11. Two times 1.
All I can say is that the Die is cast. FM Sam Manekshaw was from 1st IMA course. Now we have three Chiefs from 56th NDA which totals 11. Two times 1.

US is distracted with the Impeachment Drama. France and Russia can support in the Security Council. LoC is already on the brink. There is a window of opportunity. Rest is in the hands of the almighty
US is distracted with the Impeachment Drama. France and Russia can support in the Security Council. LoC is already on the brink. There is a window of opportunity. Rest is in the hands of the almighty
Modi is in his second term. Year 2020 is two times 2. The course number of three chiefs is 56=11=1+1=2. It will be second time we will dismember them. Taurus is second rashi in our zodiac system which is the Lagna of India. Mesha is the first Rashi of Pakistann and has number 1.
baki sab ek hee kaam, Ek hee naara, ek hee naam, Jai Shree Raam, Jai Shree Raam. It is counter to those who say ek hee Allah ek hee kaum.
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No.. SSG would be emotional now after SSG Musharraf death sentence. The wise Ahmedi(alleged) is getting them into his corner by playing on their emotions..and signaling the rival Pak Army camp, who gamed the verdict... I dont know whether there will be armed struggle within Pak Army... but, looks like tensions are running high...
Modi is in his second term. Year 2020 is two times 2. The course number of three chiefs is 56=11=1+1=2. It will be second time we will dismember them. Taurus is second rashi in our zodiac system which is the Lagna of India. Mesha is the first Rashi of Pakistann and has number 1.
baki sab ek hee kaam, Ek hee naara, ek hee naam, Jai Shree Raam, Jai Shree Raam. It is counter to those who say ek hee Allah ek hee kaum.
Come to think of it, even Modi's chest inch (56 = 11 = 1+1 = 2) gives 2!! I'm feeling bullish!!
Now since Trump has been impeached, there are chances that Pakistan will try something mischievous. There are events building up. Follow LC related news. CFV might increase.
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Now since Trump has been impeached, there are chances that Pakistan will try something mischievous. There are events building up. Follow LC related news. CFV might increase.

Trump's impeachment is a joke because
Senate will Overturn it

Republican Party is solidly behind him
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Trump's impeachment is a joke because
Senate will Overturn it

Republican Party is solidly behind him

Indeed, no doubt on that. But increased momentum at LC will be witnessed along with unrest in India. Right now every country is busy with itself fixing their home except Pakistanis. I smell escalation along LC very soon.