Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

You really don't know him.
And you may be a little bit noob in this forum to act like this.
I don't need to personally know anybody in an unofficial forum. With strangers, rules of formal communication apply.
And bcoz i'm non-DoD person so i'm a noob from aeronautical engineering PoV.
Now if we can discuss on topic then it would be more constructive & productive, thanks.
The Russians are yet to "demonstrate", but they don't do such things. For the US, the F-35 is an export-grade program. For the Russians, the Su-57, at least their version, is not. And even data about their export grade stuff is not easily available. We will have to wait years for it. Post which there will be questions of authenticity.
You might be on to something. I don't export my homemade soap. Cinthol is exported to here and other places. It's export-grade. Obviously that means my soap is better.
You're all over the place. Impressive as all those pictures and images are, they have been posted and posted again multiple times.
Yeah so? You expect members to capture 1st hand images like journalist/photographer? I had a good collection of DoD pics, documentaries & clips since late 1990s when internet parlors came, unfortunately my old HDD at that time crashed.

I'll just stick to the topic you wanted to discuss, you seem to be way too emotional about this to discuss anything else. On the internet, you will be called out quite easily.
Yes pls just stick to topic. We should not discuss anything else. Internet is the only place to be "called out" easily bcoz nobody can catch u.

In any case, Saab's MAWS didn't meet IAF requirements because it was UV-based, the Israeli one did, which was IR. For whatever reasons, technological of course, even Saab is using Israeli IR MAWS on Gripen E. And Su-35's MAWS cannot be installed on the MKI, the same hasn't been done on Russia's Su-30SM either. Plus neither the Russians nor the Indians want to make holes in the Su-30's airframe in exchange for airframe integrity, which meant even the application of the bigger Israeli DC-MAWS wasn't possible. Maybe the Russians will add MAWS to Su-30SM2 and Su-34M, with airframe modifications, maybe. The Malaysians have no such qualms with regards to airframe integrity because they don't plan on using the jet for as long and with as much gusto as the IAF wants to, plus they were fine with UV MAWS.
Last time i checked - UV MAWS has better background/ground clutter removal capability reducing false alarms, compared to IR MAWS which are better at higher altitudes or clean background.
If the above logic is true then the Russian & European jets fly in higher lattitudes or colder areas, may be that's why they are comfortable with IR MAWS. And tropical area jets would better suit the UV MAWS perhaps that's why Malaysians chose it.
If MiG-29 can be turned into MiG-35, Su-30 into Su-35, if HAL has plans to modify the entire cockpit as per Super-Sukhoi upgrade & they have recently attached jammer pods at wing tips then SOAR & SOLO sensors can be installed on MKI with slight modifications. There is no reason to compare Su-30SM & MKI as there is no dependency, just like we don't compare MKI with MKK or MKA.
All the legacy jets are getting modified to install MAWS & LWR. Even Pakistani JF-17 also now has MAWS so this excuse of airframe integrity doesn't hold at all. And still if a face sized hole or slit is undesirable then a small external attachment can be made like the MAW-300 on MKM.

We also don't want to use Russian electronics because they generally "steal" some components that go into electronics and it becomes a diplomatic problem for us. Countries generally bypass IPR for national security reasons, which India doesn't. Plus even the Russian one would likely have failed to beat the Israeli MAWS for the MKI. Now we are going for pod-based solutions for MAWS and EA. Chalk it up to bad luck if you want.
So earlier u were aggresively defending Russian tech, now u changed focus to Israeli 🚨🤣 No issues, just don't pounce on me.
If we wanna go for Israeli MAWS it can be fitted as external attachment like we are seeing on many legacy jets.
The pod solution is the worst solution wasting a precious hardpoint + the upper hemisphere is not covered, the airframe itself acts as huge blindspot.
pod based MAWS by DRDO --2.jpg

pod based MAWS by DRDO --3.jpg

DRDO has put up pylon based solution too which even western countries have implemented. What's the problem in that? Like i shared earlier, there are even different models with combo of MAWS, RWR, LWR, CMDS, jammers, etc.

pylon mounted MAWS & CMDS -2.jpg

The Russians have invested most of their R&D money into the Su-57, so that's where their best tech is. While the IRST uses QWIP with an unknown but high resolution, the MAWS is UV-based, which is not suitable for the IAF. Plus a lot of what they make for themselves is not for export, also why the FGFA and MKI, along with many other platforms we buy from them have Indo-Western electronics. We also avoid having to deal with their bureaucracy for the servicing of the electronics.
Avoiding their bureaucracy & dependency is a valid point.
We are successfully integrating Indo-Western avionics & flying the MKI, if Russia has problem with this then only it is a dead end.
UV MAWS is ok for RMAF MKM but not IAF MKI, this needs more clarification.

The Su-57 also has an EOTS below the canopy along with the nose-mounted OLS.
No, the chin doesn't have EOTS but DIRCM & MAWS. It needs external pod for laser designation & single target track.

Su-57 sensors -2.jpg


PS: I'm not a "fan" of Russian, French or American aircraft, I simply analyse information as it comes. And on forums, I generally take a contrarian view so there's actual exchange of ideas, regardless of whether I support the same idea or not. As it stands today, there isn't a more advanced jet than the Su-57M around, at least in 2025. NGAD, Tempest, J-XX, FCAS etc may exceed it in 10-20 years, but right now the F-22 and F-35 aren't suitable enough to compete with it.
I'm also not fan of any country, especially USA but i'm F-22 fan since 1990s with no regrets but that doesn't mean i blindly favor it in every aspect.
I also analyse things unofficially in best of my technical qualification & comprehension.
Exchange of ideas doesn't need "contrarian" combative behavior, u just saw what it leads to, in F2F discussions people will show you the door.
Lastly, i already said that i respect your belief that Su-57 is best, no issues. Similarly i'll maintain my view that F-22 will have upper-hand in BVR & Su-57 in close combat, that's all. And i don't like F-35 overall, i like some of its sub-systems like HMDS, DAS, EOTS, sensor fused avionics.
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Really? Retired from DRDO? long long time ago? How to verify that record? This is very dangerous situation then 🚨 . Military or Ex-military guys don't waste time on unofficial fansites at 3/4am, they have their own professional friend circle & family life too.
If he is elder & DRDO techie too then must be
- able to introduce himself
- expert in formal communication & avoiding huge paragraphs of psychological comments
- able to use lots of technical illustrations, diagrams, high level knowledge like seen in engineering colleges
- ideally should not exist on unofficial forums, grabbing attention, leaking something accidentally

Like i mentioned, i had a college senior who worked on LCA in mid-2000s, told us some good generic stuff nothing secret. So i can easily make out who is genuine techie & who is just grabbing attention.
Everyone is a fighter pilot on the internet. No one's a cleaner, cleaning toilets.
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🙏 🚨


F-22 with mysterious stealthy RF or optical pylon sensor -3.jpg

F-22 with mysterious stealthy RF or optical pylon sensor.jpg
🙏 🚨


View attachment 23063
View attachment 23062
electronic warfare systems ? for lower band ?
The nose may adapt a EO system that lacks to the F22 in air air engagement.
Last time i checked - UV MAWS has better background/ground clutter removal capability reducing false alarms, compared to IR MAWS which are better at higher altitudes or clean background.
If the above logic is true then the Russian & European jets fly in higher lattitudes or colder areas, may be that's why they are comfortable with IR MAWS. And tropical area jets would better suit the UV MAWS perhaps that's why Malaysians chose it.

Yes, it has more to do with geography and weather. The most dangerous environments for Russia and India have different humidity conditions, Siberia is extremely humid and the Himalayas are extremely dry. Malaysia's humidity is also very high. Plus in Russia, the most dangerous military periods are the spring and summer 'cause the Arctic is accessible and the ground is more invasion friendly, so it's when the sun stays up for longer durations and makes IR less effective.

Second is the ability of the jet itself. The Su-57 can get up close and personal with enemy SAMs, so they need a more robust detection system, which UV provides. Rudra uses UV MAWS due to the need to operate in close proximity to the ground, alongside fog and smoke. Due to the jet's speed, the frontal IRST capability is more than enough for everything else. Furthermore, the near 360 deg radar capability can also serve as RF-MAWS. It's unclear if Su-57M will follow the exact same MAWS configuration as the Su-57 though.

The end result is still unclear. Like more sensors on the definitive version:

If MiG-29 can be turned into MiG-35, Su-30 into Su-35, if HAL has plans to modify the entire cockpit as per Super-Sukhoi upgrade & they have recently attached jammer pods at wing tips then SOAR & SOLO sensors can be installed on MKI with slight modifications. There is no reason to compare Su-30SM & MKI as there is no dependency, just like we don't compare MKI with MKK or MKA.

All the legacy jets are getting modified to install MAWS & LWR. Even Pakistani JF-17 also now has MAWS so this excuse of airframe integrity doesn't hold at all. And still if a face sized hole or slit is undesirable then a small external attachment can be made like the MAW-300 on MKM.

The IAF has decided to not go that route. Many years ago, after DCMAWS failed, I had pointed out that we can simply go for external pods instead. It's a better option.

Mig-29 to Mig-35 and Su-27 to Su-35 conversions are not the same as MLU. These modifications are from paper based designs. We don't have that luxury since our jets already exist.

So earlier u were aggresively defending Russian tech, now u changed focus to Israeli 🚨🤣 No issues, just don't pounce on me.

Yes. Because each system is different and has a different use. No different from how Saab is also using an Israeli system.

We planned to replace all the FGFA stuff with Indo-Israeli systems as well, particularly the EW suite. Basically everything electronics except radar.

The pod solution is the worst solution wasting a precious hardpoint + the upper hemisphere is not covered, the airframe itself acts as huge blindspot.

It's fine. Pods cover most of the attack vectors that are realistic. A mix of pods and external attachments can also be done, like on the fins or the spine.

DRDO has put up pylon based solution too which even western countries have implemented. What's the problem in that? Like i shared earlier, there are even different models with combo of MAWS, RWR, LWR, CMDS, jammers, etc.

That's the model we are chasing after for the MKI. You are basically arguing the point I'm making.

No, the chin doesn't have EOTS but DIRCM & MAWS. It needs external pod for laser designation & single target track.

A lot of "official" unofficial stuff too.

Could even be a LIDAR.
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The IAF has decided to not go that route. Many years ago, after DCMAWS failed, I had pointed out that we can simply go for external pods instead. It's a better option.
In any govt. or private domain, Engineers, managers, any type of employee can make bad/wrong decisions. There is a big list of global industrial blunders. So in any country it is not so that armed forces cannot do mistakes or inefficient/sub-optimal solutions.
Instead of wasting precious hardpoint, an external attachment always work. Almost every 4th gen jet has that kind of modifications in progressive blocks. CFT is a fine example of a big external add-on, then MAWS, RWR, etc are hardly any big challenge.

Mig-29 to Mig-35 and Su-27 to Su-35 conversions are not the same as MLU. These modifications are from paper based designs. We don't have that luxury since our jets already exist.
No u got wrong way. MiG-29 to MiG-35, Su-30 to Su-35 are huge modifications under the skin, hence MLU is a small thing in front of it. Small sensor addition is not a big deal which most legacy MLUs are already doing.
And trust me from an engineering PoV it is not luxury, it depends on business terms & our engineers' aptitude & the sarkaari-babus' attitude.
If Russians in frozen popsicle land & Israelis in scortched desert land can do it,so can we. But some of us are habituated to wait for world to complete things 1st. My college senior told me that many DoD engineers are frustrated from their bosses &/or politicians. Govt. job or private job, same frustration everywhere.

It's fine. Pods cover most of the attack vectors that are realistic. A mix of pods and external attachments can also be done, like on the fins or the spine.
Now we can't ignore any sector coverage in RF or optical bands. At least some of the BVR missiles for example climb high for max range & then come down, if a jet is flying low then it may be problem. MKM implemented MAW-300 on spine & chin, LWR on sides. And DRDO also has pylon option. So these are much better.

A lot of "official" unofficial stuff too.

Could even be a LIDAR.
Very low-resolution pic. Very small aperture to be EOTS or LiDAR which require moving gimbal, that too square. Could be other antenna like altimeter, TACAN, ILS, IFF, etc.
Below another pic shows it but with the EO/LD pod so EOTS/LiDAR is ruled out.


The following diagram confirms it as 101-KS-N (Nazyemnaya) or Ground navigation & targeting system (not the pod by same designation), meaning down looking L or X-band antenna which can be used for terrain mapping & targetting.

Su-57 diagram 2.jpg
In any govt. or private domain, Engineers, managers, any type of employee can make bad/wrong decisions. There is a big list of global industrial blunders. So in any country it is not so that armed forces cannot do mistakes or inefficient/sub-optimal solutions.
Instead of wasting precious hardpoint, an external attachment always work. Almost every 4th gen jet has that kind of modifications in progressive blocks. CFT is a fine example of a big external add-on, then MAWS, RWR, etc are hardly any big challenge.

A design is all about trade-offs. The IAF probably thinks maintaining the integrity of the airframe is more important. Or else we would have seen the option exercised in these MLUs. Many people expected the EA capability to go indoors, but they decided to pod that up as well.

No u got wrong way. MiG-29 to MiG-35, Su-30 to Su-35 are huge modifications under the skin, hence MLU is a small thing in front of it. Small sensor addition is not a big deal which most legacy MLUs are already doing.

That's the point I'm making. Modernisation requires work from scratch, so a lot of new design options are available. MLU does not. It's like how you cannot add canards to LCA Mk1 just 'cause the Mk2 is coming with one. There's also the question of need. If the trade-off is immense, then even a good idea becomes bad. The IAF wanted both EA and MAWS to be internal, but that failed with the integrity issue.

And trust me from an engineering PoV it is not luxury, it depends on business terms & our engineers' aptitude & the sarkaari-babus' attitude.

It's for none of those reasons. Or even the Russians would have done it on SM2, if that was the case.

It's not due to bureaucracy either, it's purely technical. The IAF has actually spent a lot of money for such studies.

Now we can't ignore any sector coverage in RF or optical bands. At least some of the BVR missiles for example climb high for max range & then come down, if a jet is flying low then it may be problem. MKM implemented MAW-300 on spine & chin, LWR on sides. And DRDO also has pylon option. So these are much better.

One area where a MAWS can be installed is the spine, top and bottom. This would look up and cover the tail sector too. This is a question that needs answering, will probably take 4-5 years, but I'm not expecting much. The IAF's main source of new technology is expected to be through MRFA for now and AMCA later. Initially it was the FGFA, with a planned phase out of the MKI after 2030, when it was judged to have a life of 4000 hours. Raising it to 6000 hours was pretty crucial for the demise of the FGFA.

The MKI pilot's gonna have to wing it when the time comes. An extra pair of eyes should help.

Very low-resolution pic. Very small aperture to be EOTS or LiDAR which require moving gimbal, that too square. Could be other antenna like altimeter, TACAN, ILS, IFF, etc.
Below another pic shows it but with the EO/LD pod so EOTS/LiDAR is ruled out.

View attachment 23073

The following diagram confirms it as 101-KS-N (Nazyemnaya) or Ground navigation & targeting system (not the pod by same designation), meaning down looking L or X-band antenna which can be used for terrain mapping & targetting.

View attachment 23074

Yep, it's an N-derivative meant for targeting.

The pod version is more likely to be for recce roles, perhaps even includes a SAR. So the F-35 also uses a similar pod for the same role.


They can modify it for sensors, jammers and gun. It's especially useful for sensors in particular, since upgrades can take away some of the obsolescence issues.

Yeah, so the Su-57 has both OLS on the nose and an OLS in the chin. It will be able to perform two roles simultaneously, which is where the capability difference comes in.
A design is all about trade-offs. The IAF probably thinks maintaining the integrity of the airframe is more important. Or else we would have seen the option exercised in these MLUs. Many people expected the EA capability to go indoors, but they decided to pod that up as well.

That's the point I'm making. Modernisation requires work from scratch, so a lot of new design options are available. MLU does not. It's like how you cannot add canards to LCA Mk1 just 'cause the Mk2 is coming with one. There's also the question of need. If the trade-off is immense, then even a good idea becomes bad. The IAF wanted both EA and MAWS to be internal, but that failed with the integrity issue.

It's for none of those reasons. Or even the Russians would have done it on SM2, if that was the case.
It's not due to bureaucracy either, it's purely technical. The IAF has actually spent a lot of money for such studies.
We common citizens cannot investigate exactly who is making mistake or delays - politician, liason, director, desighners, etc; is it a problem with funding, knowledge, procrastination, R&D, etc?
Nobody is infallible & we have global history of small & big mistakes, delays, etc in both civil & military sectors.
Every public entity - individual, think-tank, journalists, media, etc will only see the timeline, tax spent, result.
Currently HAL assembly lines need improvement, they may not have certain fabricating tools & techniques, etc, so again question comes why not, why the delay, etc.
So structural integrity point doesn't hold which most legacy jets have proved wrong. It cannot be compared to LCA MK1 having canards. A small jet like Grippen has shown so many modifications & we are still giving justifications for delays in MAWS for world's biggest jet fighter, when we have implemented the wing-tip jammers 🤣 🙏 1 intake belly will hold the MAWS pod & other will hold the EO/LD pod 🚨 A similar implementation was LANTIRN in F-15 consuming 2 hardpoints & now MKI guys are going to unlearn that like going back in time, i hope not 🤣🚨🙏
And we don't have extensive experience of being OEM & exporter like Russia nor a geopolitical situation, funding allocation priorities like them. Which platform they will upgrade, how much upgrade, whom they will offer, why they will offer, etc are not at all comparable to our history, experience, situation.
One area where a MAWS can be installed is the spine, top and bottom. This would look up and cover the tail sector too. This is a question that needs answering, will probably take 4-5 years, but I'm not expecting much. The IAF's main source of new technology is expected to be through MRFA for now and AMCA later. Initially it was the FGFA, with a planned phase out of the MKI after 2030, when it was judged to have a life of 4000 hours. Raising it to 6000 hours was pretty crucial for the demise of the FGFA.

The MKI pilot's gonna have to wing it when the time comes. An extra pair of eyes should help.
There are so many places as shown by recent blocks of F-15, F-16, F-18, Grippen, Rafale, JF-17, J-10, J-20.
They all show that the sensor & its electronics doesn't have to be on same place in form of a pod.
Recall the RWR positioned in early Su-27 on outer wall of intakes. Now imagine if someone suggested RWR pod (not jammer pod) 😂

Yeah, so the Su-57 has both OLS on the nose and an OLS in the chin. It will be able to perform two roles simultaneously, which is where the capability difference comes in.
It is 101KS-O DIRCM, not OLS on chin.
And there is no point in making a common gimbal for laser designator/ranger, DIRCM, IRST, optical tracker bcoz it will be big, cumbersome, with multiple active/passive apertures, almost like the sensor domes of attack helos, SAMs, etc.
Recall the ATIMS, TIGER R&D pods. In stealth jet we can't afford to have such pods, the sensors have to be distributed, aerodynamic, stealthy.
EO pods like ATIMS, TIGER, etc.jpg
Currently HAL assembly lines need improvement, they may not have certain fabricating tools & techniques, etc, so again question comes why not, why the delay, etc.
So structural integrity point doesn't hold which most legacy jets have proved wrong. It cannot be compared to LCA MK1 having canards. A small jet like Grippen has shown so many modifications & we are still giving justifications for delays in MAWS for world's biggest jet fighter, when we have implemented the wing-tip jammers 🤣 🙏 1 intake belly will hold the MAWS pod & other will hold the EO/LD pod 🚨 A similar implementation was LANTIRN in F-15 consuming 2 hardpoints & now MKI guys are going to unlearn that like going back in time, i hope not 🤣🚨🙏
And we don't have extensive experience of being OEM & exporter like Russia nor a geopolitical situation, funding allocation priorities like them. Which platform they will upgrade, how much upgrade, whom they will offer, why they will offer, etc are not at all comparable to our history, experience, situation.

There are so many places as shown by recent blocks of F-15, F-16, F-18, Grippen, Rafale, JF-17, J-10, J-20.
They all show that the sensor & its electronics doesn't have to be on same place in form of a pod.
Recall the RWR positioned in early Su-27 on outer wall of intakes. Now imagine if someone suggested RWR pod (not jammer pod) 😂

View attachment 23083

Funnily enough, while the Typhoon and Gripen have internal MAWS, their RF EW/EA capability is largely external.


The wingtip pod can also accept a missile.

Interestingly, Gripen comes with MAWS-300, UV. And the IR PAWS-2 is the definitive version, but can be replaced based on customer requirements.

The Typhoon's full RF EW suite is on the wingtips.

So, you can see that even these guys have found it difficult to find internal solutions even for ESM. It ain't a simple problem.

External modifications typically come at the cost of additional drag, airframe integrity and internal estate complexity. But with wingtips, it helps reduce trim drag on delta canards, external attachments or holes do not compromise the airframe and the internal estate is simpler, probably only requires wiring for data and power. Even internal modifications, which include cutting holes, come at the cost of flight performance.

The IAF performed a 3-year study with CEMILAC before deciding the first DCMAWS solution wasn't suitable for the airframe. The second DCMAWS solution was more workable, with 2 underwing pylons and 2 up and down sensors. But Sukhoi rejected it 'cause they were pushing for MILDS-A in pretty much the same configuration.


The 12 new MKIs should give us the final answer.
So are you DoD guy who is claiming to know the facts? What are your sources, credibility, qualification?
He never likes to give any sources, he at his convenience believes random Chinese on internet and sometimes random articles. Lastly, he ignores possibility of deception in reporting.