Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

To keep it simple. The Swiss are buying the F-35 from the approval of the last referendum and will be passed by the current gov. The stop the F-35 petition will not preced to stop the contract, as the contract will be approved and passed.
To keep it simple. The Swiss are buying the F-35 from the approval of the last referendum and will be passed by the current gov. The stop the F-35 petition will not preced to stop the contract, as the contract will be approved and passed.
Shhh... Let the dumb think it's winning. Her tears will be much more delicious and extra salty when it doesn't go her way. :)
It is complicated and there are lots of mistaken stories going around. The petition can't stop the contract passing gov approval

The people will not vote on the purchase of the American F-35s before the signing of the acquisition contracts. The Federal Council dashed the hopes of opponents of the purchase of the American plane on Wednesday. The initiators denounce "a cowardly maneuver of avoidance".
The Department of Defense will transmit its message on the "Stop F-35" initiative to Parliament by the winter session, the Federal Council said on Wednesday.
This announcement excludes the possibility of voting on the Group's initiative for a Switzerland without an army (GSsA) and of the left in March 2023, i.e. before the expiry of the validity of the American contractual offers. This is what the initiators had requested from the Federal Council by depositing the signatures of their initiative, asserting respect for democracy and popular rights.
The timetable requested by the initiators is not achievable, indicates the Federal Council in a press release. By requiring the vote to take place in March 2023, the Federal Council and Parliament would only have a little over a month to develop and process the message relating to the popular initiative.

Duty of care

Even by tightening the usual procedures of the federal administration, it is impossible to keep the schedule demanded by the initiators, according to Berne. The duty of care would not be respected and the Federal Council and Parliament could not treat the initiative with the necessary care.

This message cannot be fully drafted before the end of the parliamentary debates on the commitment credit for the acquisition of the new combat aircraft within the framework of the message on the army 2022. According to the decision of the Parliament, the consequences of the popular initiative will be different, also specifies the Federal Council in a press release. The message will therefore be transmitted to Parliament "as soon as possible", by the winter session.
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It is complicated and there are lots of mistaken stories going around.
You should've stopped here & not ventured any further. If the political executive & legislature believe they've the final word on policy matters which is true of most democracies, then what's the point of the referendum? It's not supposed to be an academic exercise, at least not in the Swiss system.

Let's just say we don't know enough & that the entire issue needs to be watched closely.
Shhh... Let the dumb think it's winning. Her tears will be much more delicious and extra salty when it doesn't go her way. :)
Sweetie, if you scroll above you'd notice, I just owned your .... Never mind. Given your orientation you may actually love it. I don't.

I remember writing you before - how does it matter to us whether the Rafale wins or the Lightnings? It's all the same to us.

What we are or rather I'm interested in is the open displays of affection between the Anglos & le francais & the various ways it manifests itself. Another chapter in the glorious 1000 yrs of Anglo le Francais relations.

Besides doesn't a referendum mean exactly that unless it's rigged, that if can go either way. Where in all my posts did I ever say it's a done deal for Rafale? Pls point it out. Are you retarded or just plain autistic?
Something is afoot.





It's a non story.
1st photo, old 2 tone paint scheme
2nd, Red Air paint scheme
3rd old 2 tone paint scheme
4th F-22 without a final coat.
5th same as 4th
The Su35 is amazing also, indeed. No sure Su57 is made to be in the same class.

You can always bet on the Russians to come out with aerobatic, highly maneuverable, agile aircrafts. That's what the Su-57 is at the cost of stealth thus disregarding the brief received from the RuAF who've responded with an order of only 75 nos as of now that too on successful FOC of the Mk-2 version which is due in the next couple of years.

Their approach is in complete contrast to the design philosophy of the Americans vis a vis stealth who sacrifice aerodynamics , agility & maneuverablility to achieve the former .
Then of course you have avionics & electronics where the Russians are way behind the US, Europe & even the Chinese. In fact avid Indian defense watchers are sure we've surpassed the Russians in this field.

Bathroom Tiles & Stealth Fighters.

Damn!! Dago isn't even concealing his contempt for the US anymore. He's literally taking a dump on you in every other video sweetie.

And what do you do? Instead of challenging him there you'd sit & pee on my post like a bee with an itch leaving your tell tale autistic icon. @Innominate

goodfellas-henry-hill (1).gif
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