It appears the Swiss made their choice based on procurement/upfront cost rather than LCC.
Had pointed out earlier that no jet will be able to compete with the F-35 when it comes to upfront costs.
F-35 carrier by Hyundai presented at MADEX 2021
As long as the jets make the cut, the cost decides the winner. If the Swiss are only looking at upfront costs, then LM can easily underquote today and then make it back later when sustainment costs come in. But if the Swiss are looking at lifecycle costs, then LM can't afford to sell the jets at a loss.
It's not over till it's over. I would just say that the reaction that some people are gonna have would be the opposite if their plane won. Lockheed may offer a performance based contract. The Finnish choice should be able to by and large conclude the debate to a significant extent. What...
Even if the upfront costs are higher, the LCC is gonna favour the Rafale.
$5.5B for 36 comes up to $152M. But LCC costs $477M, which is insane. The additional 350M easily makes up for the difference.
Rafale's LCC was around $300M in India, although that was nearly 10 years ago. But it shouldn't be any different today considering French inflation rate is very low. This cost apparently included ToT and Indian production.
36 F-35A-Kampfjets möchte der Bundesrat für die Schweiz beschaffen. Die Kosten belaufen sich auf rund 5 Milliarden.
The operating costs per flight hour are between 55,000 and 60,000 francs. "
That's a CPFH of $60000 to $65000. So the only way to make it more realistic is to reduce flying hours of each pilot by half and compensate that time on the simulator by an additional hour or more. Or pay the entire amount. This is unaffordable for major air forces.
But I suppose these costs are only specific to the Swiss and for major air forces it will be much lower than that.
"With the F-35A, the total CO2 emissions are reduced by around 25 percent compared to the operation of the current F / A-18C / D and F-5 fleet, due to the overall significantly lower number of flight hours."
And this quote confirms that the Swiss aren't planning to fly the jet a lot. Generally, the idea behind upgrading to a new jet is it can fly more. Also the costs are based on a simulator that is yet to complete development.