Niger Coup

That isn't the case though, they get paid for the oil and there are associated jobs. What they do with the money is their prerogative. If they have internal corruption, then they need to deal with that. A dictatorship is not the answer because they can be as corrupt as they like since they don't need votes to stay in power.

Let's let the facts speak for themselves though. Niger became democratic in 2011 with the transition in 2010-2011.

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The important thing is not dictatorship, the important thing is that you can drive out Western forces, control your own economy and resources, and suppress the big landowners and bureaucratic capitalism, and develop your own industry and agriculture, if elected governments can do this better, and unfortunately most of the elected governments in Africa that have done this have been overthrown by Western coups
France economical interests in West Africa are very low. In fact the relationship with those countries cost more to France than it gives. I don't understand as a French why we spend so much money to keep relationship with those countries. Ok we need uranium. We sign a contract and buy some and that's it if Niger is Ok to sell uranium to us. In fact recently Niger asked us to by some. It was at a quite high price, it was not worth for France but we did it though, I don't know why. I think it was to please Niger and keep good relationship, but it was a bad contract for us.
People are saying : "we want France to go !" but France is already gone since quite a long time now. Japan, Germany, China have the real market. Look at the pictures from Niger: Have you seen any Peugeot or Renault or Citroën ? Very few. Mainly there are Toyota and so on.
You thought that when the so-called colonial era ended, exploitation ended, but in fact, exploitation turned into the era of economic globalization, France controlled the African economy, France seized the pricing power of Niger's uranium ore, and multinational companies controlled by French companies monopolized uranium mining in Niger. As a result, the economic growth you mentioned only represented the deepening of French exploitation in Niger. Because the increase in Niger's GDP is only an increase in the scale of uranium mining by the French, and the profits from mining go back to the French, and the so-called increase in the income of the population represents only an increase in the income of the bureaucrats who cooperate with the French
an update on uranium mining in Niger:
there are French, Chinese, Spanish, Korean companies...

and an update on french uranium imports (fr):
Over the sixteen-year period from 2005 to 2020, almost three-quarters of the 138,230 tonnes of natural uranium imported into France came from four countries:
Kazakhstan: 27,748 tonnes (20.1%) ;
Australia: 25,804 tonnes (18.7%);
Niger: 24,787 (17.9%);
Uzbekistan: 22,197 (16.1%).

(other countries: Namibia, Canada, etc.)
Better economies and more stability means less illegal immigration and less aid required, also has a knock-on affect on the global economy. And we're not big on Africa suffering anyway.
ah butter fly effect, karma just died a thousand times. :giggle:
ah butter fly effect, karma just died a thousand times. :giggle:
It's nothing to do with the butterfly effect. A stable and prosperous Africa is a benefit to the EU in many way as I mentioned.
The important thing is not dictatorship, the important thing is that you can drive out Western forces, control your own economy and resources, and suppress the big landowners and bureaucratic capitalism, and develop your own industry and agriculture, if elected governments can do this better, and unfortunately most of the elected governments in Africa that have done this have been overthrown by Western coups
Niger was doing fine economically as a democracy, as I showed you in my previous post, far better than before, and the coup is a Russian one using Wagner PMC.
In that case, it makes sense that Nigeriens chose to overthrow a pro-French government and not do business with the French,So why are the French threatening a military strike against Niger?In fact, democracy really came to Niger in 1990, when the Conche regime stepped down, and Niger's economy fell off a cliff, and during this period, the French re-entered Niger and plundered their resources, as you can see if you move this graph forward.
Look at the graph I posted and tell me how it makes sense. You delete the data and then pretend it was never posted. The regime in the 1990s was neither democratic, nor did it deliver economically. Your version of France plundering resources seems to make the country richer. Completely inexplicable.

You thought that when the so-called colonial era ended, exploitation ended, but in fact, exploitation turned into the era of economic globalization, France controlled the African economy, France seized the pricing power of Niger's uranium ore, and multinational companies controlled by French companies monopolized uranium mining in Niger. As a result, the economic growth you mentioned only represented the deepening of French exploitation in Niger. Because the increase in Niger's GDP is only an increase in the scale of uranium mining by the French, and the profits from mining go back to the French, and the so-called increase in the income of the population represents only an increase in the income of the bureaucrats who cooperate with the French
How would controlling Niger's uranium allow the French to seize pricing power? The amount of uranium ore in Niger is trivial. Australia alone has 5x more, Canada has 2x more. In fact Australia and Canada have more than every other country combined more or less. That's the great thing about uranium as a fuel, it comes from stable, friendly nations.

You have shown no evidence of any of the accusations, just rambling and China pays people for oil with loans FFS.

So Chinese help pushes countries to the brink of collapse, whereas French 'exploitation' gives them stable growth.
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Several major African countries, such as Nigeria, Angola and Ghana, have reached or surpassed India's GDP per head

Not in terms of per capita PPP or HDI. The quality of life in India is decades better.

As an importer, India's currency always faces downward pressure and weakens consistently.

During the military dictatorship, Niger's economy did well enough to feed itself and develop some industry, but after the so-called democratization, Niger has been carved up by Western agents and local bureaucrats

The problem for the West is if they develop Africa, it won't benefit them, it will only benefit China and India. China captures the low-end consumer market like electronics and electrical appliances, India captures the mid-end consumer market like two-wheelers and cheap cars, so there's nothing left for the West to do for at least 30 years.

But if the West delays Africa's development by another half a decade, then China will also become more expensive, and India will be able to capture the entire low/mid-end African market and develop it for the next 30 years alongisde the Indian market.

The West would naturally prefer India gaining more leverage in Africa than Russia or China.
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In my opinion, Hinduism and Islam are no different , the fundamental reason for a strong country is to develop a strong manufacturing industry and solve the land problem so that farmers have land

Lol. Goes to show you know nothing about Hinduism. Hindu philosophy is in fact the opposite of Islam and Christianity.

A lot of Chinese and East Asian customs are also derived from Hinduism. The Chinese have forgotten those customs because of communism.
France economical interests in West Africa are very low. In fact the relationship with those countries cost more to France than it gives. I don't understand as a French why we spend so much money to keep relationship with those countries. Ok we need uranium. We sign a contract and buy some and that's it if Niger is Ok to sell uranium to us. In fact recently Niger asked us to by some. It was at a quite high price, it was not worth for France but we did it though, I don't know why. I think it was to please Niger and keep good relationship, but it was a bad contract for us.
People are saying : "we want France to go !" but France is already gone since quite a long time now. Japan, Germany, China have the real market. Look at the pictures from Niger: Have you seen any Peugeot or Renault or Citroën ? Very few. Mainly there are Toyota and so on.

France is fine, it's just anti-West narrative.
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Lol. Goes to show you know nothing about Hinduism. Hindu philosophy is in fact the opposite of Islam and Christianity.

A lot of Chinese and East Asian customs are also derived from Hinduism. The Chinese have forgotten those customs because of communism
I find that most Indian nationalists always equate Buddhism with Hinduism, in fact, this is completely wrong, even if it is Buddhism, in ancient China, a large number of Buddhist temples occupied the land of ordinary people, made them into tenants, and they were armed, and did not have to pay taxes to the state, and that was a cancer in Chinese society, and this problem was not only in China, but also in Japan.
Lol. Goes to show you know nothing about Hinduism. Hindu philosophy is in fact the opposite of Islam and Christianity.
Yesterday, I saw a news that a Hindu, because he opposed his sister's free love, cut off his own sister's head with a knife. I think Hinduism is more terrible than Islam, at least in the teachings of Islam, all Muslims are equal, while Hindus are just the opposite
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The problem for the West is if they develop Africa, it won't benefit them, it will only benefit China and India. China captures the low-end consumer market like electronics and electrical appliances, India captures the mid-end consumer market like two-wheelers and cheap cars, so there's nothing left for the West to do for at least 30 years.

But if the West delays Africa's development by another half a decade, then China will also become more expensive, and India will be able to capture the entire low/mid-end African market and develop it for the next 30 years alongisde the Indian market.

The West would naturally prefer India gaining more leverage in Africa than Russia or China
Most of the cars I see in Africa are Japanese and Korean used cars from the Middle East or Europe, I don't see Indian cars,Perhaps for racial reasons, some Indians will buy some Tata cars,
I find that most Indian nationalists always equate Buddhism with Hinduism, in fact, this is completely wrong, even if it is Buddhism, in ancient China, a large number of Buddhist temples occupied the land of ordinary people, made them into tenants, and they were armed, and did not have to pay taxes to the state, and that was a cancer in Chinese society, and this problem was not only in China, but also in Japan.

Yesterday, I saw a news that a Hindu, because he opposed his sister's free love, cut off his own sister's head with a knife. I think Hinduism is more terrible than Islam, at least in the teachings of Islam, all Muslims are equal, while Hindus are just the opposite
You really have no idea about Hinduism, lol. Here is what your Chinese Historian Fa-Hien wrote about India and Hinduism. Read it and enhance your knowledge:

Regarding equality among Christians and Muslims? Well, what equality? Look at World Wars and other European wars. Most of the Christians love to kill and extort each other. Heard about Catholic/Protestant divide? Look at European invaders who followed Christianity and killed Native Americans blatantly and took their lands.

About equality among Muslims? There are several cults like Shia/Sunni etc. who continuously hate and kill each other. Even in India, Shieks, Syeds and Pathans don't marry with Ansaries as they consider themselves more higher-caste.

Stop your Chinese propaganda or STFU from here.
ou really have no idea about Hinduism, lol. Here is what your Chinese Historian Fa-Hien wrote about India and Hinduism. Read it and enhance your knowledge:
First of all, FaHian is a monk. You can think of him as a religious man, but you can't think of him as a historian. He didn't write any valuable history books,Second, he was a monk during the Tang Dynasty, 2,000 years ago,I will read about him in Chinese, but I will not read the stupid Indian media
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Regarding equality among Christians and Muslims? Well, what equality? Look at World Wars and other European wars. Most of the Christians love to kill and extort each other. Heard about Catholic/Protestant divide? Look at European invaders who followed Christianity and killed Native Americans blatantly and took their lands.

About equality among Muslims? There are several cults like Shia/Sunni etc. who continuously hate and kill each other. Even in India, Shieks, Syeds and Pathans don't marry with Ansaries as they consider themselves more higher-caste.

Stop your Chinese propaganda or STFU from here.
Like the honor killings I mentioned earlier, Hinduism remains essentially a feudal society and even a slave society,Islam teaches that all believers are equal, although it is difficult to achieve this in practice, but Hinduism artificially divides all people into strict hierarchies.
I find that most Indian nationalists always equate Buddhism with Hinduism, in fact, this is completely wrong, even if it is Buddhism, in ancient China, a large number of Buddhist temples occupied the land of ordinary people, made them into tenants, and they were armed, and did not have to pay taxes to the state, and that was a cancer in Chinese society, and this problem was not only in China, but also in Japan.

Yawn, take rituals and God out of Hinduism and you get Buddhism. They just made is a bit strict and dogmatic.

Yesterday, I saw a news that a Hindu, because he opposed his sister's free love, cut off his own sister's head with a knife. I think Hinduism is more terrible than Islam, at least in the teachings of Islam, all Muslims are equal, while Hindus are just the opposite

The incident you are referring to involved a Muslim family though. His name is Mohammed Riyaz. This has less to do with religion and more to do with society's views on women. The more feudal a society, the more women are held to higher standards. And in such societies, when a woman's standards in a family falls, typically even the family is ostracised. This has been the case in all societies, even in China, Japan etc.

All Muslims being equal is a myth. They have a caste system. And even they discriminate between other Muslim groups, which is way worse. They even kill each other on a regular basis due to a small difference of opinion. It's one of the basis for Sunni vs Shia fights.

What differentiates Hinduism from other religions is the opposite views in philosophy. Christians have to follow certain rules to go to heaven, one of them being following Jesus Christ and serving God. But in Hinduism, if you want to go to "heaven", you have to basically become Jesus himself. It's the only ideology that does not place a limit on ambition. And nobody kills each other for a difference of opinion. What's also really important is Hindus do not fear the afterlife, unlike in Abrahamic religions.
Like the honor killings I mentioned earlier, Hinduism remains essentially a feudal society and even a slave society,Islam teaches that all believers are equal, although it is difficult to achieve this in practice, but Hinduism artificially divides all people into strict hierarchies.
Just answer me this: If Islam is good and awesome as per you, then why the fvck your Chinese government is hell-bent on destroying it in Xinjiang??

Quite obviously, Chinese people like you are of double standards. China should leave East Turkistan and Tibet and go back to its Han mainland. Sooner rather than later, your imperial empire is gonna fall too. And India will be the biggest reason for that.
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@Rajput Lion @randomradio @LX1111
Please don't derail this thread by posting about religion, etc.
let's Talk about the coup and it's implications.

Patriotic zeal will eventually give way to incompetence and then another fall from grace. The usual.

The West will just complain, a lot. And then slowly work their way towards toppling the regime, whether or not they attempt to win them over.

Democracy is good. But incompetence gives rise to anti-incumbency.

Only a minority of Africa is free unfortunately.