Initially, I took it. However, when I went to vaidya, he stopped everything and gave me suvarna bhasma, jawhar mohra pishti and other Ayurvedic medicines. He allowed only one meal with barley roti and moong and nothing else. I was instructed to take cow milk with same quantity of water boiled to half with sunth whenever I am hungry for next three months. After 3 months, he allowed some khichdi and dal which I take right now. My weight has reduced 10 kg. I am feeling absolutely normal. Now I can see that my muscles are getting stronger. I think vaidya gave me medicines to strengthen my muscles, clean arteries, improve digestion , reduce weight etc together. He asked me to get same report done after 1 month and carry that report with me when I go to take medicine after one month. I get my echo cardiogram done. There was an improvement of 10 to 15 pc in one month from 20 to 25 pc to 35 pc in one month. I will get it checked it again after lock down. Vaidya told me that it is above 40 pc when I see him last time before 3 months. He just checks the nadi and tells how many percentage heart works. When I see him first time, he checked the nadi and told that it is 25 pc only without seeing my report.