DAS absolutely has no place in this discussion. You just brought it up just to say scramjet will be very IR-heavy so it won't be developed.
The fact is anything with afterburner can be detected from far away. But the point of scramjet is to buy time via transit. An scramjet aircraft is neither going to fight at that speed, nor is it going to activate it before fighting begins. It will just fly from point a to point b or get to high altitude and then cruise.
If sword is not powerful enough to penetrate shield then it may not be worth.
Not just DAS/IRST but all kinds of detection has everything to do as shown in old diagram which i didn't make. Detection is the 1st step to counter something. If a jet has good RF stealth but poor IR stealth then it will obviously caution enemy who might setup an ambush or somehow nullify the attack. It can be used in Asymmetric situation where enemy doesn't have long range good IR sensors.
Such a jet has been rumored since 1990s like Aurora, SR-91, XR-7, etc, People called them "Black Triangles", so many people either already understand its basic theory, operation, mission & flight profile or try to understand
- when it will dash,
-when it will slow down,
-at what speed it can launch a conventional or nuke weapon,
-its turning radius in both slow & high speed, etc,
-how can it be detected & countered.
So such a sleek body jet can intercept, strike do BVR but it has to make L or U turn & bug out fast.
But before making anything, every country tries to explore all its aspects if it is feasible by
-geographically, etc.
Such a jet would be very costly due to
-special materials,
-special manufacturing,
-special training,
-special maintenance,
-even special fuel, etc.
USA might make some being tech leader & capitalist country, but to be used asymmetrically.
Russia will watch its citizens die rather than bending before West. That's why just like cold war days, it might make something.
China IDK.
India... 1st make Kaveri Turbofan & 5gen AMCA. IMO we don't require it
So you can't just mention something & expect others not to analyse & discuss all these aspects, especially when you have not even mentioned these aspects even after asking many times.
You are speculating too. Literally, about everything.
I speculate based on pics, diagrams, calculations which you don't. I could be wrong too. If IDK then i write "IDK". But you are not humble.
Nope. The Mig-31 is made for mach 3 but uses only 25% more fuel than Su-35. How would you like to explain that?
Or this new J-36 is expected to be a mach 2 fighter, but carries 20T fuel.
This is how you are bringing irrelevant equations into your speculation.
Actually this is irrellevat comparison of MiG-31 Vs Su-35 when one is Interceptor & other is dangerous Dogfighter.
Anyways, for some people 25% may a lot, for others not so much. it is like arguing over "the glass is half empty or half full". PERCENTAGE & Absolute Values have their separate importance mathematically. PER CENT or PER 100 units, we reduce large absolute values to order of 100 to understand easily, that's all.
SR-71 required repeated refuelling, so does MiG-31 & so will MiG-41 & so will HySo jet if made.
If F-22 can supercruise at Mach 1.8 & Rafale at M 1.5 then J-36 with 3 WS-15 engines might be able to SuCr @ M2. Nobody is expecting it to dogfight. It can strike & do BVR.
Agility means G performance and corner speeds, not turns.
Different vocabulary can be used. "Turn" is a generic word. Yes, agility does mean Gs & corner speeds, meaning tight turns, L turn, U turn, V turn, etc. Hence i said about turning radius. So that means Interceptor by design cannot be agile.
Dude, you are literally speculating the same thing I am.

We are not at all speculating the same thing. You's speculating undefined 7gen & HySo fighter in 15-20yrs for IAF, but not me, not even IAF chief.
You are just assuming your opinion is more important than mine, hence all the extra self-importance.
Well, this is a personal attack, but don't worry i won't report.

Since 25 years i'm downloading useful pics, vids, diagrams which i share but most people don't, my opinion is based on such verifiable data. Like i said above if IDK then i write "IDK". I even wanted to open my own website, but it becomes full time job. Also, I always mention myself to be low IQ guy which i'm actually. It's just that engineering degree gives some advantage at some places of already knowling something, i don't have to start from scratch. So i can't help jealous, stubborn, impulsive, people if they don't do homework & don't share resources even after asking.