Damn!! @randomradioRed Herring, dude are you not tired of embarrassing yourself?
This is to inform you that as on June 30, 2018, Shri Nikhil Gandhi, Shri Bhavesh Gandhi, SKIL Infrastructure Limited, SKIL Shipyard Holdings Private Limited and Grevek Investments and Finance Private Limited, ("Erstwhile Promoters} have ceased to hold any equity shareholding in the Company.
Further, as informed earlier, Shri Nikhil Gandhi and Shri Bhavesh Gandhi have already ceased to be Directors of the Company. Accordingly, the Erstwhile Promoters now do not have any representation on the Companys board.
Reliance Naval And Engineering Ltd - Equity Ownership Of Erstwhile Promoters In Reliance Naval And Engineering Limited
How much more BS do you want to peddle?
there is no Gandhis to kick out or to work with as you claimed earlier. There is no 25% stake of Gandhis as you claimed earlier, and Relaince doesn't own 36% of RNEL as you claimed either. Fact checking is easier than BS'ing, so might I suggest to cut it out,
Learn a bit and then post, what you are proposing is not how SEBI disclosures work. If your shares are pledged, doesn't mean you disappear from shareholding disclosures. As I said, you do not have a clue about what you are speaking of.
Now for "the Gandhis are still the owners of their shares.", read the highlighted part above, and read it a couple of times more so it sinks in.
You're Windows 10 to PKS's Windows 7.A fact I've just noticed.
When will you cease imposing your wishlist on reality ? And then in order to accommodate your views in this reality, you obfuscate, brush under the carpet , deflect , indulge in subtefuge, etc.
The world doesn't function in the way we want it to, especially out here. RNaval is here to stay, much as I loathe that group. I'd have to learn living with this fact. You'd have to learn to live with the fact that for all the tall talk Anilbhai is giving, even if he's able to accomplish 25% of it in the next 2 decades, he'd have achieved a lot, considering his track record.
I'm betting Mukeshbhai would bail him out in the near to not so near future, though. After all blood's thicker than water.