RudraM Series Air-launched Missiles : Updates & Discussions

The issue with weapons that do not rely on speed is the SAM site can disappear in a matter of minutes. The issue with weapons that use speed is they are cumbersome and expensive to use and are much more easily detected.
That's why, you would need a combo of loitering AR drones like the Harop/Harpy and air-launched weapons. Thanks to space-based ELINT (EMISAT, Kautilya), we are capable of piecing together the enemy electronic ORBAT from miles away. The tools we use would depend on the effects we want to achieve.

For low-slow attacks, LMs get the job done and ARMs are reserved for HVT/time-sensitive targets. If the risk of attrition is high, we could even modify the R1/2/3 for ground launch like the Israeli's did with their Shrike rounds during the Yom Kippur war.

SEAD only keeps the SAM site busy or switched off. The latter makes it more dangerous, as the A-50 crews found out for themselves in Ukraine. So, if you find a SAM site, the best case is always to destroy it.
It also depends on whether the SAM is protecting a HVT worth risking a few dozen jets. If no, a couple of SEAD-config jets with ARM may be all you need to go in, do the job and get out.
DEAD is like 'scorched earth' where you burn down everything in sight. It involves sending in wave after wave of aircraft, accompanied by specialist jamming platforms. I'd say SEAD knocks down the door for DEAD to follow. Both have their place.
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That's why, you would need a combo of loitering AR drones like the Harop/Harpy and air-launched weapons. Thanks to space-based ELINT (EMISAT, Kautilya), we are capable of piecing together the enemy electronic ORBAT from miles away. The tools we use would depend on the effects we want to achieve.

For low-slow attacks, LMs get the job done and ARMs are reserved for HVT/time-sensitive targets. If the risk of attrition is high, we could even modify the R1/2/3 for ground launch like the Israeli's did with their Shrike rounds during the Yom Kippur war.

Even drones like Harop have the same limitations as missiles/gliders. Anything that uses "passive only" as first point of detection will see significantly less chances of success.

It also depends on whether the SAM is protecting a HVT worth risking a few dozen jets. If no, a couple of SEAD-config jets with ARM may be all you need to go in, do the job and get out.

That's where enemy competence comes into the picture. Imagine a scenario where all your ARMs are shot down. What next?

DEAD is like 'scorched earth' where you burn down everything in sight. It involves sending in wave after wave of aircraft, accompanied by specialist jamming platforms. I'd say SEAD knocks down the door for DEAD to follow. Both have their place.

Yes, there's the need for both. The only difference is SEAD requires a lot of speculation, but DEAD is definite. That's why Rafale and F-35 focus much more on the latter, while old gen jets rely more on the former.

Before the F-35, most American SEAD missions were entirely dependent on the enemy being one or two generations behind themselves. Old SAM sites neither had the ability to detect attacks from missiles like the Tomahawk nor stop them. They lacked the EW capability to spoof NATO systems either. But the minute these systems were used against Russia, they failed. And Ukrainian forces had to rely entirely on DEAD to defeat Russian SAM sites.

SEAD is difficult even against fixed targets, never mind mobile ones, or there wouldn't be any fixed sites around.
Satellites with GMTI capability shall revolutionize SEAD/DEAD as time goes. With proper and accurate coordinates, passive/active ARMs like RudraM-1 will bring the pain to the enemy.

SEAD/DEAD success or failure also depends upon the strategic depth of the enemy. In our case, Pakistan is severely hampered by it. China definitely has it, but achieving DEAD against China is way beyond the scope of F-35 or Rafale. May B-21 can do it, who knows🤔
That's Sci-fi talk, as of now.
Which Country has this capability??
Sci-fi, really? USA is looking for AMTI capability from its future satellites. GMTI is not that difficult, in-comparison. How do you think they are looking to employ AIM-174B against PLAAF AWACS/HVTs, cause it far outranges F/A-18E's radar and USAF AWACS won't be able to get in too close without getting blown by PL-17?
R2 pdc is till end of 2026 , I guess its as per IMTAR-21 wher they planned to have production setup ready for the first set of air launched weapons. R-3 was also included but not sure that would be ready by then.

  • DRDO successfully flight-tested RudraM-II air-to-surface missile from Su-30 MK-I platform of IAF off the coast of Odisha on May 29, 2024. RudraM-II is an indigenously-developed solid-propelled air-launched missile system meant for Air-to-Surface role to neutralise many types of enemy assets. A number of state-of-the-art indigenous technologies developed by various DRDO laboratories have been incorporated in the missile system.
Naval Mig-29K with Rudram-2

5 units loadout on su30 ? assuming 1.6 ton weight plus ~ 200kg launcher weight that would be over su30 max payload 8.5 ton ? I thought those stations are certified for R-3 carriage in the poster is what they meant.
I think you are right.

Sorry, didn't see your comment before posting the above.
Judging from the number of control surfaces, this is likely a two-stage weapon and packs a bigger punch than even the Brahmos-A's 200-300kg warhead. The windows just behind the nose-cone are probably for laser altimeter-based mid-course navigation. So, theoretically, it will be deadly accurate even in the face of GPS jamming. Terminal guidance can be any combination of ARH/IIR/Passive like the other R family variants.
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