Small Arms & Tactical Equipment

NSG team who took part in the recent All India Police Standalone Sniper Competition and emerged victorious with their SSS Defence SABER .338 Lapua Magnum Sniper Rifle.
SSS Defense's 7.62 DMR:
Screenshot (1070).png

Screenshot (1068).png

2 stage drop-in trigger for the DMR:
Screenshot (1069).png


New DMR is ready:

Also notice the suppressed SMG. @Parthu.
Just have some doubts about the rifles used by the army
-How many kalashnikov pattern leaving the ak 203 rifles does the army operate I know 1 lakh were ordered in the 90s but after idk much some sources say we have around 4 lakh, so I just wanna know the clear my doubt
-When was the production of insas rifle discontinued?