Sukhoi Su-30MKI

How far along are we on indigenous HMDs? Those Sura-Ks on the MKIs are probably not compatible with the ASRAAM being integrated fleet-wide. I don't think the DASH helmet is going on the MKIs. It probably needs a custom solution. Happy to be corrected.
Sura-K is also from Ukraine, so a change is definitely in-order! And there were some rumours about Thales Topsight 1 on MKI sometime back. Remember that MKI is a strategic asset so there are plenty of things about the plane which are not in open source.

And desi HMDS is indeed proposed by HAL as you can see here:


ASRAAM and MICA both are already integrated with MKI as we speak(as per open source rumours), so.......;)
Fifteen years to upgrade 84 airframes is not okay. Currently, they overhaul 30 airframes per year. They have the capability, entire fleet should have been upgraded in that timelines.

Also, it will take 7 years just for development. I believe that after the development phase, they will fund the remaining airframes.

I don't think it's correct though. 15 years should be for the entire fleet, not 84.
15 years for the whole phase ie entire IAF inventory of su30, out of which first phase of 84 to be cleared soon, then next phase & so on. I think there was a miscommunication there.

Exactly. DDM.
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My God, do you think I don't know the history of the Tejas? His flight control was written by Lockheed Martin.
Besides, you have to change the flight control, you have to understand the aerodynamics of the whole plane, you have to re-blow the wind tunnel, re-go the test flight process. Don't be naive

Lockheed did not do anything to help India in terms of flight controls. They only offered thier facility for development and testing. Indian scientists did all the work.
A question
after seeing how russia is struggling in ukraine to get complete air superiority and with ukraine increasing its capabilities while receiving f16s. So how can india counter or defeat pakistans air force if needed especially with our su 30 MKIs
A question
after seeing how russia is struggling in ukraine to get complete air superiority and with ukraine increasing its capabilities while receiving f16s. So how can india counter or defeat pakistans air force if needed especially with our su 30 MKIs
VKS' problem isn't F-16 or any other Ukrainian fighter jet but IADS like S-300 and Patriot. F-16s if they dare to go toe-to-toe with Su-30SM2/Su-35S/Mig-31BM equipped with R-37M, would soon turn into dust.
We need the DRDO's stand off jammer to fructify asap. This is one area where the Pakistanis have long held an advantage over the IAF and are now looking to enhance it by acquiring a new Turkish SOJ. Cyber is another key area for SEAD without risking pilots and ac.
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Another question, did the order for 12 extra upgraded SU 30 MKI given?
Only DAC clearance granted, actual order still not given.
We need the DRDO's stand off jammer to fructify asap. This is one area where the Pakistanis have long held an advantage over the IAF and are now looking to enhance it by acquiring a new Turkish SOJ. Cyber is another key area for SEAD without risking pilots and ac.
In due course we should also develop SAP-14's indigenous replacement. It's an escort jammer to choke early detection/low-band radars.
What is the best su 30 variant and how does our current MKI version compare with other su 30 version ( SM , SM2 , MKM , MKK.... etc)
The best Su-30 variant was/is/ever will be our MKI. MKM/MKA, SU-30SM/SM2 etc. are just its various derivatives.

MKK was just a fighter bomber. MKI is a multi-role Air Dominance fighter. Chalk and cheese, bro.