Can anyone fathom what this govt is thinking?
I do not object to the MH60 or govt-govt route (seems this is the only way deals can progress these days as the babudom is stronger than ever) but it seems to me the larger picture is either being ignored or dismissed and the govt is chasing the headlines- I hope I am wrong.
If this was like the SPIKE deal where the larger deal was called off so drdo’s MPATGM was given time to mature I would cheer but there doesn’t seem to be any indication that this move is to buy time for the IMRH to be ready and the NMRH RFP hasn’t even been issued.
24 helos changes nothing. Maybe- MAYBE- 8 frontline warships can be catered for by these 24 helos (with 4 ashore for training and a further 4 under maintenance). By 2025 (a year after these are all likely to be delivered) the IN would’ve added 10 more frigates/destroyers with 2 hangers each, not to mention another aircraft carrier, not to mention the induction of some LHDs (could be signed around 2020).
Either buy up enough to justify local production and requirements met or don’t buy any st all. This is ANOTHER case of too little too late by this govt. they don’t solve any problem really and just create bigger ones down the road (having such a tiny fleet of helos will only cause logistical and training issues in the long term). This deal will meet only about 20% of the IN’s ever growing NMRH requirements.
It’s a repeat of the 36 Rafale deal- just kicking the problem down the road by a few months.
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