Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally


This is why I don't buy into the ridiculous standpoint adopted by some on the Left that this was all 'staged' by Trump.

A bullet that was close enough to hit the ear could have very easily hit the skull due to the wind or any number of factors that cannot be controlled, especially from over a hundred meters away.

This was a legitimate assassination attempt.

That's one epic frame.

If Trump wins in November, I'd say today was the day that sealed it.
Shooter was a Republican voter.
Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican

Where's the original dated video of this though? ;)
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Shooter was a Republican voter.

Where's the original dated video of this though? ;)
Man , old Irish Joe almost pulled it off. Got to hand it to him Paddy. He's been on a roll since Afghanistan. I mean I recall people out here ridiculing Irish Joe , the US & it's 51st state & then bang - Feb 24 th 2022 happened - a day which will go down in Paddy history as Redemption Day.

There was my hero Irish Joe knocking off 3 or 4 birds in 1 stone - Russia , the EU , Le Francais & ze Germans . All this without firing a single shot !! Every time he played the fool in public attracting everybody's mirth & ridicule you could bet he'd come out with a huge surprise / con in the weeks to come .

I can think of a dozen such incidents Paddy . Like he pretended to locate Germany on a map depicting Asia & a week later Nord Steam was at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Next was Irish Joe mumbling something resembling French & a week later Macron on a visit to the US found he'd been had when Irish Joe announced huge subsidies for industries shifting mfg to the US.

It gets better . He got TSMC to commit billions of USD in investment & move into Arizona promising them huge subsidies & 2 years on , TSMC is on the verge of commissioning their super fab plant & my hero Irish Joe hasn't disbursed a single cent of them subsidies.

2 weeks ago Carrot Top got the better of him in a nationally televised debate & the world went LMFAO ing at Irish Joe . Uh Oh ! Wrong move ....2 weeks later Carrot Top almost had his brains on the audience behind.

It was a perfect plan . You had a gunman on the roof just 200 mtrs from Carrot Top with the secret service looking one way & the local police snipers looking the other way & what does Thomas Matthew Crooks - The Republican do ? He misses. At 200 mtrs with a telescopic sight on . I'm beginning to think Thomas Matthew Crooks has Paddy ancestry. Only a Paddy could miss at 200 mtrs with a telescopic sight & crosshair.

Now tell me , who in his right mind would suspect Irish Joe of such a cowardly act ? The man's genius is unrecognised which I think is a monumental tragedy. The most devilishly intelligent Paddy in 3 millenia & look how unappreciated his political genius is ?! Man this guy makes Machiavelli look like an amateur.

You haven't heard the last of my hero Irish Joe ! Come January 16th 2025 & he'd be sworn in as the President of the US in spite of forgetting the oath reading it as he does on the tele prompter. That's my hero for you - the one & only Irish Joe !!
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Shooter was a Republican voter.

Where's the original dated video of this though? ;)
He was not a Rep voter registration means nothing folks do it to vote for primaries. This is what the media will focus now and will try to shove it down peoples throat and totally ignore the shooter donated to act blue and other left wing organizations. It's not going to work it never does.
He was not a Rep voter registration means nothing folks do it to vote for primaries. This is what the media will focus now and will try to shove it down peoples throat and totally ignore the shooter donated to act blue and other left wing organizations. It's not going to work it never does.
He donated to Act Blue when he was 17, which was several years ago. This would have been the first presidential election he was old enough to vote in but he voted republican in the 2022 mid-terms.

Incongruous actions that Crooks took late in his time as a student at Bethel Park high school offered virtually no hint at his political leanings. He was a junior at the school, and it was the first day of Joe Biden’s presidency, when Crooks donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a political action committee aligned with the president’s Democratic party.
Yet eight months later, early in his senior year, Crooks registered to vote as a Republican. And he had left his affiliation unchanged when he voted in the November 2022 midterm elections, which took place months after he graduated from Bethel Park high, where he was among a group of students to receive a $500 National Math and Science Initiative “star award”.

From an outside observer's POV this is honestly the worst US election ever. One guy who can't remember his lines and a lying, pro-Russian sack of shit. I'd take any of the Rep or Dem candidates from the last 40 years of elections over either of them at this point. No point draining the swamp if you fill it with shit afterwards.
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He donated to Act Blue when he was 17, which was several years ago. This would have been the first presidential election he was old enough to vote in but he voted republican in the 2022 mid-terms.

From an outside observer's POV this is honestly the worst US election ever. One guy who can't remember his lines and a lying, pro-Russian sack of shit. I'd take any of the Rep or Dem candidates from the last 40 years of elections over either of them at this point. No point draining the swamp if you fill it with shit afterwards.
Just stop parroting lefty media and do some research yourself

The question is, what was Trump doing at a Kamala Harris rally? Sorry, I get my news from Grok, the genius AI of Elon Musk's X. :ROFLMAO:

Also what wounded Trump was a shard from a teleprompter, not a bullet directly.

As for the shooter's motives and allegiance, that'll remain a mystery. Predictably, the MAGA crowd is jumping on that ActBlue donation in 2021; while the Dems are jumping on him registering in the Republican Party in 2022.

Now let's go for a little bit of realtalk here. If the Dems wanted Trump killed, they wouldn't use a random lunatic for that. President Biden could order SEAL Team 6 to shoot Trump down. The Supreme Court said he can; Presidents are above the law and can do whatever the hell they want.
Its always a lone gunman isnt it ? all the shootings of US president always ends & begins with a lone gunman. A lot many questions go unanswered why now just before the elections , it could have been any time before. Is it that the court cases are faltering & have no chances of stopping him contesting ?

All this is simply going to strengthen the conspiracies about deep state running the show especially wrt ukraine.

Ironically its Joe Biden who has royally screwed right from economy to foreign affairs, inflation to failed military adventures, illegals crossing the border committing crimes...etc while all along they screamed saying Trump is going to destroy America. Whoever wins US loses, with two party democracy it makes pretty harder to fill the gap. Its going to be a long way down.

Compared to Putin & Xi who are in their 71's giving them another 5 to 6 years , US would have better chance if it can elect a younger president who can outlive & ensure policy continuity. Instead its a last man standing between two geriatrics who are looking for their last glory.
Its always a lone gunman isnt it ?
More than one, and they have to coordinate their plans, which makes it more likely they'll be found out before they can enact their plan. Also more likely that one of them will rat the others out.
A lot many questions go unanswered why now just before the elections , it could have been any time before.
What a surprise that a politician is more vulnerable when campaigning than when staying at home. How comes it's easier to infiltrate a crowd of thousands in an open, public area than it is to sneak into a penthouse at the top of a skyscraper? Must be a deep state conspiracy.

Also, elections are still months away.
the shooter was 20 years old. Not even old enough to buy liquor. Never even voted. You think he had well formed political opinions? I think it was more likely a deranged youth, who probably wasn't doing too well in life, thought he'd make a name for himself by assassinating the man who mainstream media termed enemy #1.

Investigations will come. How did he get so close? Why was such a critical line of sight overlooked? He was taken down quick after he fired so there was probably a shooter trained on him already. Why wait? I've also heard that people in the audience pointed him out to stadium authorities, if true, this a damning mark on the secret service.

For the record, I doubt this was an inside job. I wouldn't trust the best shot in the world to try and graze my head with 556 from 150 yards away. Trump was a few mm off being a 21st century JFK moment on live TV. This was definitely a legit attempt. Need to find out how it was so close.
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