Turkish lawmakers switch parties in challenge to Erdogan

And how does that apply to people with straight As at A-level who are refused a position on a medicine degree course? It's not like they can get any higher than straight As.

These are people who have just turned 18, looking to get a degree in medicine, it's not like they're going to have found a cure for cancer at that age. Generally research comes after the degree.

This isn't about after university, it's about actually getting on the course and they can't because there are too many one-handed black transvestites taking up places.
And how does that apply to people with straight As at A-level who are refused a position on a medicine degree course? It's not like they can get any higher than straight As.

These are people who have just turned 18, looking to get a degree in medicine, it's not like they're going to have found a cure for cancer at that age. Generally research comes after the degree.

This isn't about after university, it's about actually getting on the course and they can't because there are too many one-handed black transvestites taking up places.
Ask your University as to why they rejected him. They do mention a cause and the selected candidate might be better than the one who was rejected, maybe the selected candidate could afford to pay the fees for the whole course, while your friend who got rejected was looking for Scholarships or funding from external sources. When the college already filled its quota of Scholarships and funding for that year,they wont be giving any free admissions just because you happen to be born in that island , they have a college to run and it takes money to run it.

Your problem earlier was 'Foreign students pay more' when i asked you to pay more yourself to get in. Now you say there are "too many one-handed black transvestites taking up places".
Make up your mind first is it foreign students paying more or the other? When a application is rejected,they mention the cause and it can also be a case of early birds take the roster.
Ask your friend what they wrote on the rejected application. You know your case stands on thin ice if you take up to a court, that you got rejected due many one-handed black transvestites taking up places. The court will give you a rap on the knuckles.

Let me explain your NHS policy, after they amended the HSMP visa rules and program(HSMP=Highly skill Migrant Professional)
It was amended in 2006-2007 during labor rule. The rule says,
1}first preference would be given to British citizen first in a college or posting, when that criteria is not filled the post would then be filled by EU Citizen,when even after that if the post remains vacant then it would be open to foreigners.
If you get rejected Despite all this favouritism, then you are a looser or college fail not A-grade student.
Tier 1 Skilled Migration - HSMP Visa: UK Visa Bureau
I've already told you why. To offer places to foreign students who pay full fees and ethnically diverse students.
I've already told you why. To offer places to foreign students who pay full fees and ethnically diverse students.
How is that our problem if your Universities and Colleges are greedy for money. There is no such rule it favors ethnically diverse students, it is all about who can pay more. If the foreign students can afford to pay more, why are you angry about it, first make yourself rich so that you could afford to pay that fees and not depend on funding from third parties.
Nope, it's two-fold, they are greedy for both money and PR.

Education should be based on academic merit, not financial incentive. And we certainly shouldn't lower grading standards just so that foreign students don't feel short-changed.