Turkish lawmakers switch parties in challenge to Erdogan

So all deaths under age of five are due to malnutrition ? Lol

You're just another white supremacist scumbag who is trying desperately to whitewash colonial crimes.

India indeed has its fair share of poverty and has serious issues.
India is also improving in most sectors and without being bogged down with the stats - are certainly improving in these key areas you have mentioned.

What i suggest is shameful and a level of ignorance that one ought to be ashamed of is to attempt smirk at the poverty levels and deaths of children as a device to suggest "mines better than yours". Do you see a brown child suffering or hungry different from a white? Do you not cringe at the thought tonight some children tonight will be starving tonight?
Scoring a point on the internet and using hunger of a child is a pathetic stance. You sir have joined this band.
Now go on your PS4 and have a good day.
India indeed has its fair share of poverty and has serious issues.
India is also improving in most sectors and without being bogged down with the stats - are certainly improving in these key areas you have mentioned.

What i suggest is shameful and a level of ignorance that one ought to be ashamed of is to attempt smirk at the poverty levels and deaths of children as a device to suggest "mines better than yours". Do you see a brown child suffering or hungry different from a white? Do you not cringe at the thought tonight some children tonight will be starving tonight?
Scoring a point on the internet and using hunger of a child is a pathetic stance. You sir have joined this band.
Now go on your PS4 and have a good day.
I agree, but across several threads there have been 3 members of this forum who insist on describing Irish people as stupid and inferior, all whilst living in the country where the above is happening. They had to be set straight. And I use PC.
I agree, but across several threads there have been 3 members of this forum who insist on describing Irish people as stupid and inferior, all whilst living in the country where the above is happening. They had to be set straight. And I use PC.

My latest experience with Irish people.

Have a plumbing issue in London - after hunting high and low for a friggin plumber - my Irish tenant tells me through his Irish connections in London will find me one. 2 hours later - problem fixed!

Accept your point mate but lets leave hunger and kids out of it. Cheers - good weekend.
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My latest experience with Irish people.

Have a plumbing issue in London - after hunting high and low for a friggin plumber - my Irish tenant tells me through his Irish connections in London will find me one. 2 hours later - problem fixed!

Accept your point mate but lets leave hunger and kids out of it. Cheers - good weekend.
I'd love to leave the kids out of it, but sadly they haven't been banned yet despite umpteen reports.
Says the guy who spent half a year insulting Irish people. What goes around comes around. Why don't you join your neighbours and go poo in the street rather than posting it on the internet.
So , you don't deny you're a white supremacist , liar & consequently a fairy too.
You're so candid !!! Admirable.

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India indeed has its fair share of poverty and has serious issues.
India is also improving in most sectors and without being bogged down with the stats - are certainly improving in these key areas you have mentioned.

What i suggest is shameful and a level of ignorance that one ought to be ashamed of is to attempt smirk at the poverty levels and deaths of children as a device to suggest "mines better than yours". Do you see a brown child suffering or hungry different from a white? Do you not cringe at the thought tonight some children tonight will be starving tonight?
Scoring a point on the internet and using hunger of a child is a pathetic stance. You sir have joined this band.
Now go on your PS4 and have a good day.
You're getting all serious with him and attempting an explanation with a person you consider rational, humane , intelligent and some one with a moral compass .He's neither . He's not rational . He's as intelligent as his genes permit.As humane as his intelligence allows him and has a moral compass pointing South .Always.

He's gone on record on Older Forum to state that since Indians were dying of famine or other reasons , we had little justification in highlighting the Bengal Famine which was a man made one where food was diverted to Britain for their own consumption due to the war , resulting in millions of deaths in what's now West Bengal & Bangladesh. In his esteemed opinion , the Brits needed it more than us , as the war was more important and they were rendering a huge service to humanity by engaging the Nazis and if that resulted in casualties among Indians , it wasnt a big deal as people dropped dead in multitudes out here for one reason or another .
If you don't believe me , you can go through his posts and please highlight apart from info generation or sharing a single post which highlights his analytical skills. It just doesn't happen .

All this is known to Members of Older Forum.

Why else do you think we engage this clown ?
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So , you don't deny you're a white supremacist , liar & consequently a fairy too.
You're so candid !!! Admirable.

Says the brown supremacist who insults other countries that are doing far better than his own, whilst continually blaming the current incompetence on history.
Says the brown supremacist who insults other countries that are doing far better than his own, whilst continually blaming the current incompetence on history.
Forget me. @Superkaif unintentionally brought up a valid point. If you need menials in London , Look no further than the Irish.
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Whereas your friend Aravind only plumbs butts for a living.
He's a surgeon , Padraig . And a surgeon in India is much more skilled.Not because of his genes as compared to the Irish ( but naturally ) or Scots or even the Welsh or English , but because , my child , he operates in Indian conditions & delivers results .

Part of the reason why the NHS is flooded with Indians not Irish . Hope I've explained the situation in dummy terms. Leaving no grounds for you to contest the reasoning .Now run along to PS -2 or retarded pop songs . There is always a Guinness to console you , otherwise .
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A surgeon who plumbs butts by his own confession. You seem to have a nice cliche going though. You can post any garbage you like and he will still like it.
A surgeon who plumbs butts by his own confession. You seem to have a nice cliche going though. You can post any garbage you like and he will still like it.
It's clique , Murphy , clique. Not cliche. Then you go bitterly complaining that we are condescending & patronising to the Irish.
He's a surgeon , Padraig . And a surgeon in India is much more skilled.Not because of his genes as compared to the Irish ( but naturally ) or Scots or even the Welsh or English , but because , my child , he operates in Indian conditions & delivers results .

Part of the reason why the NHS is flooded with Indians not Irish . Hope I've explained the situation in dummy terms. Leaving no grounds for you to contest the reasoning .Now run along to PS -2 or retarded pop songs . There is always a Guinness to console you , otherwise .
This same guy complained earlier that NHS was not inducting any British into the system and were discriminating, Truth be said, people who don't qualify or those whose CV is not so great when compared to others won't be inducted.
He want's the freebie victorian era to continue,where jobs were given just because you were born in that island,not as per your capability.
Times have changed, Small Island has no more colonies to dole out freebies.That is why you see them ranting.
This same guy complained earlier that NHS was not inducting any British into the system and were discriminating, Truth be said, people who don't qualify or those whose CV is not so great when compared to others won't be inducted.
He want's the freebie victorian era to continue,where jobs were given just because you were born in that island,not as per your capability.
Times have changed, Small Island has no more colonies to dole out freebies.That is why you see them ranting.
That's nothing like what I said. There are people with straight As at A-Level who are being refused entrance to medical degrees simply because foreign students pay more. Capability has nothing to do with it. In fact university entrance seldom favours capability over 'diversity' these days.
That's nothing like what I said. There are people with straight As at A-Level who are being refused entrance to medical degrees simply because foreign students pay more. Capability has nothing to do with it. In fact university entrance seldom favours capability over 'diversity' these days.
Truth needs to be told,Most of British born become lazy bums, they rely on state welfare and get into Arts,Humanities streams instead of STEM fields. They are addicted to Reality Tv.
STEM fields mostly have Asian population nowadays.This is the reality of most Americans and British , very well explained by a Scientist.

When a person with a A+ Level along with Research work and publications comes up, Even your A-level guy will be rejected as Research work,Publications trump A-level.
That is how Doctors are valued as per their profession.
A Doctor with 10-20 years of experience gets the job first over a fresh passout from a Medical college, even though that lad got A- level.

Is that your rant 'Foreign students pay more'? They why don't you pay more than them and get in?
Your Colleges want more money, those who can afford to pay are taken in. How is that our problem, if you can't pay what your colleges charge you.
You are addicted to freebies for a long time, you know what happened to Greece after it was addicted to freebies.
You got no colonies now, nor can your colleges afford free scholarships just because you were born in that small Island.
It is your problem to deal with it, not ours.
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