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You know it's interesting because I've watched The Americans on Prime and the Communists did always like to try and infiltrate black rights organisations. I often wonder if the CCP are behind these BLM douches.
It's definitely George Soros. Though I wouldn't be surprised if George Soros is also connected to the Kissinger-CCP cabal..
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And I'm saying your birth could have been postponed until after the end of time.

Well, women here have been bestowed the option to choose legally since independence as opposed to some ethnicities & nations which just legalised choice. In dummy terms I was always an option yet was chosen to be give birth to . You were imposed on your folks.
You wanna resort to Family Guy, you sure?

🤣🤣 Some parts of it were truly hilarious. Particularly, the one where Vishnu goes No No No... & dispatched a number of celestial weapons whereas JC was passive which had More than a ring of truth to it . I mean some of it was plain wrong while the others dealt in plain stereotypes which is what the show is about.

Which brings me to the thrust of the show - it's creators. OTOH it shows tapeworms being snake charmed it's way out of people's bottoms ( the concept was hilarious what with the snake charmer blowing his been - a wind instrument) immediately contrasted with the craze for Indian cuisine in the West particularly Anglophone countries. What a gaffe!!

I suspect given the fascination for turd & everything associated with it along with the tendency for gaffes & the shallow but sometimes hilarious stereotypes of all ethnic groups particularly the Irish of which they get everything right as opposed to other ethnicities & races leads me to suspect the creators must be Irish.

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Well, women here have been bestowed the option to choose legally since independence as opposed to some ethnicities & nations which just legalised choice. In dummy terms I was always an option yet was chosen to be give birth to . You were imposed on your folks.
You came out the wrong end.

🤣🤣 Some parts of it were truly hilarious. Particularly, the one where Vishnu goes No No No... & dispatched a number of celestial weapons whereas JC was passive which had More than a ring of truth to it . I mean some of it was plain wrong while the others dealt in plain stereotypes which is what the show is about.

Which brings me to the thrust of the show - it's creators. OTOH it shows tapeworms being snake charmed it's way out of people's bottoms ( the concept was hilarious what with the snake charmer blowing his been - a wind instrument) immediately contrasted with the craze for Indian cuisine in the West particularly Anglophone countries. What a gaffe!!

I suspect given the fascination for turd & everything associated with it along with the tendency for gaffes & the shallow but sometimes hilarious stereotypes of all ethnic groups particularly the Irish of which they get everything right as opposed to other ethnicities & races leads me to suspect the creators must be Irish.

Manatees decide the jokes on Family Guy, did you not watch that episode of South Park?

You came out the wrong end.

No, you're an exception Paddy. Now, you know when you're mom says you're special, what did she mean exactly.

Manatees decide the jokes on Family Guy, did you not watch that episode of South Park?

That's right. When the joke's overturned on you, do what you best - deflect. Not interested in toilet humor. That's right up your alley. No wonder such shows are a hit in the West.

They cater to the LCD. No,it's not what you think - liquid crystal display. It's lowest common denominator. I had to spell it out lest this went the way of that infamous "antenna / monitor" conversation you had with picdelamirand-oil.

The US press lamenting a Britain under one of their ex colleagues. You would think that journalists would be kind to one of their own. In fact journalism as a profession is more vile than politics today. Yet that doesn't takeaway from the sad fact that not only has the UK declined but that the decline is irreversible.Yet none of the smug insular intellectual lightweights seem to have realised that.

I'm wondering if the UK would actually stay United in 2047.Why 2047? Coz it would be a century since India - the crown jewel of the BE gained independence precipitating the rapid demise of the BE. If it doesn't, it'd only confirm that whatever it's native genius UK achieved it's pretty eminent position in the world not so much to it like Germany or Japan but to it's ability to leech off resources from it's colonies. @BMD
No, you're an exception Paddy. Now, you know when you're mom says you're special, what did she mean exactly.

That's right. When the joke's overturned on you, do what you best - deflect. Not interested in toilet humor. That's right up your alley. No wonder such shows are a hit in the West.

They cater to the LCD. No,it's not what you think - liquid crystal display. It's lowest common denominator. I had to spell it out lest this went the way of that infamous "antenna / monitor" conversation you had with picdelamirand-oil.

The US press lamenting a Britain under one of their ex colleagues. You would think that journalists would be kind to one of their own. In fact journalism as a profession is more vile than politics today. Yet that doesn't takeaway from the sad fact that not only has the UK declined but that the decline is irreversible.Yet none of the smug insular intellectual lightweights seem to have realised that.

I'm wondering if the UK would actually stay United in 2047.Why 2047? Coz it would be a century since India - the crown jewel of the BE gained independence precipitating the rapid demise of the BE. If it doesn't, it'd only confirm that whatever it's native genius UK achieved it's pretty eminent position in the world not so much to it like Germany or Japan but to it's ability to leech off resources from it's colonies. @BMD
You mean like the Cholas did?

The only real question is whether India will stop blaming the UK for its poverty by 2047.
Further proof why the English considered & treated the Irish no better than cattle.
You mean like the Cholas did?
The Cholas were Tamils Paddy. The collective population of Tamils in India doesn't exceed 60-70 million out of a veritable 1.35 billion people. Do the math.
The only real question is whether India will stop blaming the UK for its poverty by 2047.
We would do so immediately on refund of the nearly 6 trillion USD at present rates that you stole. What's particularly galling is you've practically nothing to show for it.Sometimes I wonder where did all that loot disappear. What did you guys do with it?
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Further proof why the English considered & treated the Irish no better than cattle.
The Indians worship cattle, so what does that make you?

The Cholas were Tamils Paddy. The collective population of Tamils in India doesn't exceed 60-70 million out of a veritable 1.35 billion people. Do the math.
Excuses, excuses. Mauryas and Guptas too.

We would do so immediately on refund of the nearly 6 trillion USD at present rates that you stole. What's particularly galling is you've practically nothing to show for it.Sometimes I wonder where did all that loot disappear. What did you guys do with it?
Mmmm. We gave it to Pakistan, go get it. Kekekeke.
Further proof why the English considered & treated the Irish no better than cattle.

The Cholas were Tamils Paddy. The collective population of Tamils in India doesn't exceed 60-70 million out of a veritable 1.35 billion people. Do the math.

We would do so immediately on refund of the nearly 6 trillion USD at present rates that you stole. What's particularly galling is you've practically nothing to show for it.Sometimes I wonder where did all that loot disappear. What did you guys do with it?
42 Trillion dollars not 6.
The Indians worship cattle, so what does that make you?
Some Indians revere the cow as opposed to cattle. Trust you to tell the difference.
Excuses, excuses. Mauryas and Guptas too.
Mauryas & Guptas exercised sovereignty over what's known as Greater India i.e - India + Bangladesh + Pakistan + Nepal + parts of Afghanistan. So there
Mmmm. We gave it to Pakistan, go get it. Kekekeke.
And they're repaying you with gratis + interest courtesy all those grooming gangs & terrorist attacks. Sounds like a fair deal.

BTW - Paddy, the upshot of all this is your knowledge of the sub continent has grown incrementally. You can thank me for that.
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Some Indians revere the cow as opposed to cattle. Trust you to tell the difference.

Mauryas & Guptas exercised sovereignty over what's known as Greater India i.e - India + Bangladesh + Pakistan + Nepal + parts of Afghanistan. So there

And they're repaying you with gratis + interest courtesy all those grooming gangs & terrorist attacks. Sounds like a fair deal.

BTW - Paddy, the upshot of all this is your knowledge of the sub continent has grown incrementally. You can thank me for that.
And one Indian in particular shags cows. he's from Mumbai.

Yeah, like the UK exercised sovereignty over Greater Britain, i.e. the world.

We didn't really give it to them, I just thought it would be funny if you attacked them over it.

Your knowledge of history has grown excrementally.

At first glance, it seems like 2 unrelated bits of news but look closely & you'd see the writing on the wall except if you're a Brexitard who believes that life is going to be hunky dory now that UK is out of EU.

I'm betting in your lifetime you'd see both these developments - that you'd require a passport & visa to visit NI & Scotland & the mass conversion of UK to Islam.

Congratulations are in order Paddy. St Patrick's Day would soon be observed as Paigambar Day. @BMD
And what exactly can you do about a pandemic? Would you rather Corbyn managing this crisis? Labour would probably create a vaccine that was actually an even worse virus and inject everybody.
Why do you think I posed the question in the first place? Would have loved to see Corbyn & his party in labor subject Brits to labor pains.
Any moron would know how to spell 'moron'.
And while you choose to focus on such major issues as spelling mistakes, minor issues like a significant section of your populace wishing to secede slip into the background.

The slide of Britain into the backwaters of Europe is soon to be accomplished.
What charts?
Refute the article , if you must with evidence to the contrary if you can, you fool.
Refute the article , if you must with evidence to the contrary if you can, you fool.
They made the assertion, so let's see the evidence. I have made no assertion, I merely asked for evidence on their assertion. Until I see evidence I will treat it as wrong. It doesn't match what trading economics is says.

Union under pressure as polls suggest most people want votes on Scottish independence and united Ireland

By Michael Settle UK Political Editor

THE Union of the United Kingdom is today facing mounting pressure on two fronts as opinion polls suggest that a majority of people in Scotland and Northern Ireland now want referendums on their membership of it within the next five years.

The snapshots, commissioned by The Sunday Times, come as the SNP has set itself on a constitutional collision course with the UK Government, announcing that if, as expected, it gets a majority in May’s Scottish parliamentary elections, then, once the pandemic is over, it will stage its own “legal referendum” and dare Boris Johnson to challenge it in court.

Michael Russell, the Scottish Government’s Constitution Secretary, will present the 11-point “roadmap to a referendum” to the party’s virtual National Assembly later today, which will look at "alternative routes" to independence.

It states a “legal referendum” will be held after the pandemic if there is a pro-independence majority following the Holyrood poll and that any attempt by the UK Government to challenge the legality of it in the courts would be “vigorously opposed”.

What some will dub a Catalan-style referendum will lead to a battle in the courts, possibly leading all the way to a ruling by the UK Supreme Court. The Prime Minister has made repeatedly clear that he will not facilitate another referendum and even suggested the timescale for Indyref2 would be around 2055.

Yesterday, when asked about whether the SNP had a Plan B should Mr Johnson simply keep saying no, Ian Blackford, the Nationalist leader at Westminster, made clear that he preferred the “gold standard” option, that is, Westminster empowering Holyrood to stage Indyref2 as was the case in 2014.

One of the new polls suggests 50% of people in Scotland want another vote on the nation’s future within the next five years ie within the term of the next Holyrood Parliament following the elections in May; 43% said no there should not be one within the next five years.

Some 49% of Scottish voters said they thought it likely Scotland would be independent within 10 years while 30% said it was unlikely. Indeed, across the whole of the UK the survey suggested all nations believed this would be the case with the split between those thinking Scottish independence before 2031 would be likely or unlikely being 60% to 28% in Northern Ireland, 49% to 19% in England and 49% to 23% in Wales.

The snapshot put support for Scottish independence at 49% with those opposed at 44% and the don’t knows on 7%. This is now the 20th consecutive poll to put the Yes campaign ahead.

A state of the parties forecast suggests in May the SNP would win 70 seats, up seven since the last election in 2016, with the Conservatives on 25, down six, Labour on 19, down four, the Greens on 10, up four, and the Liberal Democrats unchanged on five.

Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland 51% of voters said they wanted a border poll within the next five years while 44% did not; 5% did not know.

Ulster unionists have only a small lead over those who support a united Ireland, 47% to 42%. However, another 11% remain undecided.

Other snapshots in England and Wales showed majorities against these nations becoming independent.

Last week, Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office Minister, who often leads for the UK Government on Union matters in media interviews, chaired a Whitehall meeting with other senior ministers, who included the Secretaries of State for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, to discuss a campaign to promote the Union ahead of the Holyrood poll.

The Herald has reported how the UK Government is planning a “big push” to promote the Union as, post-Brexit and post-Covid, the constitution is moving towards the top of the political agenda.

Battling the coronavirus has dominated business in London and Edinburgh but George Osborne, the former Chancellor, noted last week how “Brexit has made the future of the UK the central political issue of the coming decade”.

Mr Johnson, who also styles himself the Minister for the Union, is said to be intent on beefing up Downing St’s Union Unit and is believed to be planning a major speech on the constitution ahead of Easter.

The UK Government’s Union Policy Implementation Committee has drawn up a programme that will include mounting a big fight in the Holyrood poll led by Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative leader, alongside a campaign to promote the benefits of the Union. The Dunlop Review on strengthening the Union, which has been sitting on Mr Johnson’s desk since December 2019 and has constantly pushed back because of the focus on tackling coronavirus, looks set to see the light of day in the next few weeks before purdah sets in and bans any Government announcements.

Mr Gove has already been in contact with Gordon Brown, the former Labour premier, and other senior politicians on how to draw up a strategy to save the Union.

There has even been talk in Whitehall of including Scotland’s role in the Union as part of the Conservatives’ promised constitution commission, which should have started work last year but, again, was delayed because of the Covid crisis.

Such a move would be seen by some Tories as a means of buying time in the constitutional battle ahead but would be dismissed by Yes campaigners as a naked attempt to try to kick the issue of independence into the political long grass.

One minister, talking of the plight of the Union, noted: “I don’t think there is any member of the Cabinet, who doesn’t realise how important this is.”

Oliver Lewis, a leading light in the Vote Leave campaign and who served as Lord Frost’s deputy in the Brexit negotiations, is expected to take charge of the backroom strategy to save the Union.

Liz Truss, the International Trade Secretary, and Kwasi Kwarteng, the new Business Secretary, also attended last week’s Union Committee as one of Mr Johnson’s early priorities in his talks with Joe Biden, the new American President, whom he spoke to on Saturday, is to get the US tariffs on whisky lifted. If this could happen in the run-up to the Holyrood poll, this would be promoted as a major coup for the Unionist cause. The tariffs have led to a 30% drop in Scotch whisky sales in America, representing around $250 million of lost business.

Today’s survey suggests a mixture of Brexit, the responses to the pandemic by Mr Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon, and many Scots’ aversion to the PM had helped the rise in support for independence and staging another vote north of the border. Indeed, this paper has been told some Scottish Tories believe Mr Johnson is a “liability” and will be urged by candidates standing for the party at the Scottish parliamentary election to stay away.

Responding to the Scottish poll, Keith Brown, the Nationalists’ deputy leader, said: “With 20 consecutive polls putting support for independence above 50%, it’s clear that people in Scotland believe they have the right to decide their own future rather than being subjected to Westminster governments that they don’t vote for, led by the likes of Boris Johnson.

“By imposing a devastating hard Brexit in the middle of a global pandemic, causing chaos for our fishing industry, grabbing powers from the Scottish Parliament and denying democracy in a Trump-like fashion, the Tories have shown they cannot be trusted to act in the interests of the people of Scotland.

These polls are encouraging, but the SNP will not take anything for granted. The only way to deliver an independence referendum and put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands, not those of Boris Johnson, is with both votes going to the SNP.”

He added: “Scotland has the right to escape the Brexit mess caused by the Tories, and choose a better future as an equal, independent nation in Europe.”

The First Minister is set to give her response to the latest polls when she appears on BBC-1’s Andrew Marr Show this morning.

In his interview yesterday with The Herald Mr Blackford, while stressing independence was the best solution for Scotland, did not trash the idea of having a devo-max option on any Indyref2 ballot paper.

Full federalism is Labour and the Liberal Democrats’ preferred option. While Sir Keir Starmer has been adamantly opposed to staging another Scottish referendum in the run-up to the May elections, his views thereafter are unclear.

Some at Westminster believe that, given the mountain Labour has to climb to get a Commons majority at the 2024 General Election – it would need a swing larger than the one Tony Blair secured in the party’s landslide in1997 – that Sir Keir, if Labour became the biggest party, might consider a confidence and supply arrangement with the SNP whose price would be Indyref2.

Last night, a UK Government spokesman said: “People in all corners of the country want to see politicians across the UK working in partnership to focus on defeating the coronavirus.

“That remains the top priority of the UK government, which has supported jobs and businesses across all four nations throughout the pandemic. The government is supporting the devolved administrations in their vaccination programmes, with the British armed forces helping to establish 80 new Covid-19 vaccine centres in Scotland.

“The question of Scottish independence was settled decisively in 2014, when Scotland voted to remain part of the UK.

“Now, more than ever, we should be pulling together to strengthen our United Kingdom, instead of trying to separate it.”

Panelbase polled 1,206 adults resident in Scotland between January 19 and 22. YouGov polled 1,416 English adults between January 19 and 20, and 1,059 people in Wales aged 16 and over between January 18 and 21. Lucidtalk polled 2,392 people in Northern Ireland aged 16 and over between January 15 and 18.
They made the assertion, so let's see the evidence. I have made no assertion, I merely asked for evidence on their assertion. Until I see evidence I will treat it as wrong. It doesn't match what trading economics is says.
Man, are you thick? All the charts & evidence you seek is in the article. Have you even read it ?