Syria is just playing a political game.
1. Joining a terrorist organisation.
2. Aiding and abetting mass murder and genocide.
3. Aiding and abetting torture.
That we know of so far.
Syria's playing a political game & UK is a babe in the woods. I asked you before, do you think we think that your foreign Office is manned by your lot?
Her only crime is guilt by association. She married a member of the ISIS. She's neither guilty of mass murder or genocide or aiding & abetting torture. There are allegations on her role as an enforcer of women's dress code. That's about it. All these allegations are extremely difficult to prove in a court of law.That's the reason she wasn't convicted by Syria & that's the reason the UK knows it has no case. This is a case of pure unadulterated racism, I repeat. Had this been a white lass oe even an Irish one, she would be allowed entry back into the UK.
The British Empire is military history. What if I were to go into the French News, Discussions and Updates thread and start bleating about the Norman invasion. Funny how nobody started speaking French though, eh Kewal Dung?
Paddy, Paddy, you sick old fart. The British Empire falls under the category of General History which in the absence of a sub section can well be posted here since we're discussing the aftermath of colonisation not colonisation per se. You're confusing the military conquests of the British Empire for the British Empire. The former would fall under military history.
The Normans dud introduce their dialect of French into England during their conquests. Further French was the court language of England till well into the 13th century, IIRC.
Aren't you aware of your own history?
I can't tell what's more amazing. Your grasp over the English Language or your claims of being an engineer . Now, while I realize English is not quite your first language or your mother tongue it still doesn't quite explain why most Irish technicians reporting to me often repaired complex stuff reading technical manuals in English in half the time with twice as many components left outside. It's that universal.
Even Pakistani technicians with zero learning in English weren't as incompetent. Wonder if it's the language skills here which were deficient or genes.
I go there nearly every year and I'm yet to hear a single person speaking Gaelic, and I'm sure that if I as a tourist started trying to speak it, they would look at me strangely. It's like Welsh, it's just a terrible language.
Perhaps you need to update yourself on the attempts of the government of RoI with respect to it's attempts to promote & preserve the Irish language.
Furthermore, Paddy , as
@Picdelamirand-oil & many others here would testify, your grasp over the English language itself is so poor that anyone encountering you for the first time would look at you strangely hearing you speak English. Of course, were you to speak Gaelic, they'd drop their jaws. No surprises there.
Full marks to the President of RoI for getting everything he said in his speech on the deleterious effects of colonialism on ex colonials right, beginning with the language as amply demonstrated here by you who sees his own mother tongue as not only inferior but laughable.
Until they crash the country again. Basically the sort of people who vote labour don't understand economics, or even what national debt is and think that there are no consequences to limitless spending.
Well, as Brexit demonstrated, the UK is a country of whiners & wankers as also demonstrated by the visiting English team here who've been groaning about the state of pitches here. To think barely a century ago you were Lord & masters of a quarter of the earth's landmass, owners of an Empire over which the sun wasn't to set for a 1000 years & Brittania rules the waves. All of these seem laughable in today's context.
We sincerely hope the party in Labor keep returning to power & every time they screw up blame everyone from the Tories, to the economy to the monarchy, to the loss of colonies to Brexit for botching things up.