Ukraine - Russia Conflict


Ukraine struck Russian oil refineries in a second day of heavy drone attacks on Wednesday, causing a fire at Rosneft's biggest refinery in what President Vladimir Putin said was an attempt to disrupt his country's presidential election this week.
Guy says I got hit again at the end while saying suuuuuukaaaaa.

Footage of the destruction of two Ukrainian Mi-17V-5 helicopters; previously the US planned to transfer helicopters to Afghanistan. The helicopters were destroyed in the Novopavlovka area in the Dnepropetrovsk region at a temporary site. First, the helicopters were hit, presumably from a 300-mm MLRS, with 3B30 cluster munitions and 9M55K5 missiles. After the helicopters were immobilized, the attack was carried out by two missiles from a Su-34 aircraft, this was reported later. As a result of the attack, 2 Mi-17 helicopters were destroyed, the third flew away. 2 pilots were killed, according to Ukrainian media.

Russia taking a hammering:



THE AIRPORT IS ON FIRE IN SOCHI: smoke from the fire could be seen far from the city​