Ukraine - Russia Conflict

If you can't see genocidal expansionism as being inherently wrong, then it is India that has no principles.
🤣 yeah artificial cntries like US, canada, australia are principled cntries built on mass genocide of native ppl are highly principled and they are qualified to judge others.
🤣 yeah artificial cntries like US, canada, australia are principled cntries built on mass genocide of native ppl are highly principled and they are qualified to judge others.
An ongoing genocide occurring right now is all fine and dandy because other genocides have occurred in the past. Got it.
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It's not silly 'cause the West based their foreign policy on such assumptions. It's silly in hindsight, but this was all real back then. India was seen as the enemy.

Russia is not in the right, nobody is in the right. Russia's actions are merely justified from an outside perspective, relatively speaking. For example, the Iraq war and the attack on Libya are far more wrong than the Ukraine war.

If you make a list of all 21st century wars and rank them based on how wrong they are, then Iraq and Libya would top the list, and the last would be Ukraine. Only the war in Afghanistan was fully justified.

So, since we live in a hypocritical world, we don't see the West as the arbiters of what's right and wrong.

As our FM Jaishankar said when he was questioned about it, he basically said the West has no principles.

It's common sense to us. A vast amount of Indian land is in the control of Pakistan and China. The West absolutely does not care at all. So why should we care about the West?
Whereas India complains about imperialism for 75 years and then supports it. Not hypocritical at all. It's the same with many SE Asian and African people, they're happy about colonialism except when it affects them. The real irony is that the reason there's anti-western sentiment and pro-Russian sentiment in parts of Africa and Asia is because the West exited its colonies and gave them back independence whereas Russia just kept most of their colonies throughout Eastern Europe, central and NE Asia and steps on the head of anyone with a negative opinion of them there. In Russia and China you get the false history of Stalin and Mao as nice guys. Gorbachev likely destroyed the USSR because Stalin arrested and tortured his grandparents, go fact check that and tell me I'm wrong.

Your foreign minister is a grade A Type-R c*nt. Since when is defending a free country with a fairly elected government not principled. He has no principles.

🤣 yeah artificial cntries like US, canada, australia are principled cntries built on mass genocide of native ppl are highly principled and they are qualified to judge others.
Most historical western genocides pale in comparison to the average Indian riot. Russia invaded North America at the same time as the US was founded, having already genocided their way from Eastern Europe to Eastern Asia. Go fact check that. They did everything western colonialism did during that time and worse, except they continued doing it after WWII AND are still doing it today.

You can talk about Iraq and Libya but neither of those two countries were annexed and no attempt was made to do so. A mass murdering dictator was removed in both cases and an attempt a forming a democracy was made in both cases. Russia, on the otherhand props up Assad and other dictators in Africa (Mali, Burkino Fasa, Niger etc.) and South America (Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela).

Like I said, your FM is a grade A c*nt for attempting to spin it any other way.
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S-200 shot down over Kursk but happened to land on substation.



Russia trying to stop people leaving into liberated Russian territory.


Nope, sorry. As wrong as Iraq and Libya may have been, the motive and justification for them was not a desire for genocidal expansionism.

It doesn't matter what the motive was, the West still went into another country, destabilized and killed the people there and handed over the country to others.

What if hypothetically France is invaded by the US and they then hand over France to Germany or Poland? I bet the US is absolved of all guilt then?

If you can't see genocidal expansionism as being inherently wrong, then it is India that has no principles.

All of you are wrong. Iraq was also a genocidal expansion. The US simply ended up handing the country over to Iran instead of staying there.

I don't see any difference in all these wars. From not just India's but pretty much the entire Global South's perspective, it's just powerful countries dealing with weaker countries using violence. To us, there's no difference between Iraq and Libya and Ukraine. Just another day at the school.

Why are you worried? 'Cause after a very long time, one of "your" countries is in the crosshairs.
there are no friends or enemies only interests , wests foreign policy and then they cry abt principles when it suits them.

That's pretty much how it goes. "If you are in trouble, we don't care. But if we are even slightly inconvenienced, you should care."
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Whereas India complains about imperialism for 75 years and then supports it. Not hypocritical at all. It's the same with many SE Asian and African people, they're happy about colonialism except when it affects them. The real irony is that the reason there's anti-western sentiment and pro-Russian sentiment in parts of Africa and Asia is because the West exited its colonies and gave them back independence whereas Russia just kept most of their colonies throughout Eastern Europe, central and NE Asia and steps on the head of anyone with a negative opinion of them there. In Russia and China you get the false history of Stalin and Mao as nice guys. Gorbachev likely destroyed the USSR because Stalin arrested and tortured his grandparents, go fact check that and tell me I'm wrong.

Your foreign minister is a grade A Type-R c*nt. Since when is defending a free country with a fairly elected government not principled. He has no principles.

Your arguments need to be more coherent. You are the one living in history.
Footage of an inspection inside an American-made Ukrainian M1A1SA Abrams tank. The tank had previously been hit or hit a mine in the Avdeevsky direction, this is the outskirts of Berdychi, after which the crew abandoned it. These tanks were received by the 47th separate mechanized brigade "Magura". The M1A1SA Abrams tank is a modification of the eighties, improved to meet the requirements for tanks of the late nineties. In terms of equipment and capabilities, the M1A1SA tank is similar to tanks of the next modification M1A2 of the early series.

It doesn't matter what the motive was, the West still went into another country, destabilized and killed the people there and handed over the country to others.
The motive absolutely matter because it dictates the means used to occupy as well as what happens on occupied territory.
All of you are wrong. Iraq was also a genocidal expansion. The US simply ended up handing the country over to Iran instead of staying there.
This is the silliest take you could have on it. Handing Iraq to Iran was never the intent. It was just an unforeseen consequence of America's bungling.

Unforeseen by America, that is. Other countries in The West™ did warn them going into Iraq was a stupid idea and refused to join in, something that you seem to forget due to your love of treating The West™ as a monolithic entity.

Regardless, there was no genocidal campaign in Iraq. People were not arrested, tortured, and executed because of their ethnicity or language. This is exactly what is happening right now in the areas of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces.
Russia is now bombing the Russian liberation forces it alledged to have already removed.

The motive absolutely matter because it dictates the means used to occupy as well as what happens on occupied territory.

Incorrect. The motive was faked. All these wars came with fake public motives. All these wars are all pretty much the same.

This is the silliest take you could have on it. Handing Iraq to Iran was never the intent. It was just an unforeseen consequence of America's bungling.

Unforeseen by America, that is. Other countries in The West™ did warn them going into Iraq was a stupid idea and refused to join in, something that you seem to forget

The US entered the war without thinking they will bungle it. Why are you relying on hindsight? The motives, as you are interested in, is the exact same as what Russia wants out of Ukraine. If Iraq had white Christians, the US would have stayed.

due to your love of treating The West™ as a monolithic entity.


The Western world, also known as the West, primarily refers to various nations and states in the regions of Australasia,[a] Western Europe,Western world - Wikipedia and Northern America

Since the fall of the iron curtain the following countries are generally accepted as the Western world:[200] the United States, Canada; the countries of the European Union plus the UK, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland; Australia and New Zealand.

Your people created this term in your arrogance, not me.


So English-speaking and/or part of the EU. Politically, we can extend this courtesy to staunch allies of "the West," like Japan, SoKo etc.

Regardless, there was no genocidal campaign in Iraq. People were not arrested, tortured, and executed because of their ethnicity or language. This is exactly what is happening right now in the areas of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces.

Er... All that happened in Iraq. And it's currently happening in Libya. There are two ways to do this, you either do this yourself or create the conditions necessary for others to do it for you, while under your protection.

You are living under a rock.

You were arguing about Russia decimating everything in their path in Ukraine. The same is happening in Gaza. So war is pretty much the same everywhere, no matter how advanced the weapons used.

I'd actually argue the war in Ukraine is a whole lot cleaner than what happened in Iraq or Libya. Or even Syria. These wars were far more devastating than Ukraine.
An ongoing genocide occurring right now is all fine and dandy because other genocides have occurred in the past. Got it.
Nobody cares abt wests virtue signaling, they have been biggest perpetrators of crime against humanity. There is no genocide happening in ukraine only western propaganda, sore losers talk abt genocide when they start losing. On the contrary nazi -west was now where seen when ukraine was committing genocide when it was shelling russian speaking areas.
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Your people created this term in your arrogance, not me.
they create 5 eyes, exclusive clubs, military expeditions to areas they have no connection, arbitrary sanction clubs. Every where they form a cabal representing european and their descendants around the world, then the boys claim they are unfairly framed.
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