Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Did anyone ever claim that S-400 was invincible?
The strike was carried out using 5 ATACMS ballistic missiles.Losses:
• 2 S-300/400 air defense missile launchers were destroyed;
• 1 S-300/400 air defense missile launcher was damaged;
• Radar “96L6E” was destroyed;
• The control center of the S-300/400 air defense system was destroyed;
Only 5 ATACMS were used, there were at least 3 launchers there (i.e. 12 missiles), they fired 7 SAMs but several ATACMS still got through. It was an S-400 system using the newer -TsP Cheese Board radar from the S-500 system. The S-400 is supposed to be the world's premier battlefield mobile ABM system according to some but it can't even stop a very limited number of missiles doing less than half the speed of a Kinzhal/Zircon, yet early gen PAC-3 CRI has stopped attacks containing dozens of Iskander and Kinzhal and some Zircons despite them supposedly being well beyond its max intercept speed.

If this is the dog turd Almaz-Antey has furnished Russian forces with, just imagine the quality of the faecal matter they've provided India with.
First of all you have no idea what a ceasefire deal would look like. If Ukraine/NATO entertained such request by Pooty NATO would likely pour into Ukraine since there would be no more war and Ukraine is a sovereign nation that can invite NATO forces to help "rebuild" allowing a sht load of high-tech military equipment to enter Ukraine. Pooty is in a no win situation right now... continue fighting and it will only get worse for Russia as US is going to allow Ukraine to use its weapons inside Russia not to mention the 40+ F-16's by the end of summer or fall.

Stop fighting and NATO forces enter Ukraine allowing Ukraine to put all their forces with shiny new weapon systems near the front.

A ceasefire is not the end of hostilities, you just freeze combat. You are confusing it with a truce. And NATO can enter anytime anyway. But even France has backed out.

The F-16s are really, really late already. If there is a ceasefire, it will be meant for a few days, perhaps a week, probably a month.

As for what could happen on the Russian side, unless there's a massive offensive planned, they don't need a ceasefire, they only need to keep doing what they are already doing. If the ceasefire lasts 2 weeks, then that's 2 weeks of ammo saved, which they can collectively drop in 2 days once the frontline units are reogranized. Furthermore the lull in fighting will expose weaknesses in UAF defenses that they can exploit. It's kinda like strategizing during half-time in any sport.

Another big headache is Russia's mobility. Russian ground units are pretty much the fastest in the world, so Ukraine needs numbers to counter their mobility. But if Russia gets to withdraw their offensive units, they can disappear from UAF eyes and reappear somewhere unexpected, like what happened in Kharkiv recently.

So it's gonna be pretty dumb for the UAF to accept a ceasefire. The only option is if the ceasefire is meant to initiate talks with a resolution in mind.

Anyway, Zelensky has dismissed the call for a ceasefire.
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Which is why he will get no ceasefire. Ukraine will instead capitalise on the shortage and incompetence of Russian air defences to rack up the bill for China to pay.

Attacks on such isolated defenses is just theatrics. Hunting for trophies.

Anyway it's not a system problem, 'cause the SAM reacted to the attack. The personnel didn't know how to deal with the attack, it's a training, deployment and employment problem.

A lot of Russian SAM units in Ukraine are not veterans either. The S-400 units in particular are newly raised, hence new crews too. Otoh, older S-300 units have not been taken out this way.
Attacks on such isolated defenses is just theatrics. Hunting for trophies.
Nope, it increases costs for Russia and leave the frontline more susceptible to JDAM-ER and SDB (now also air-launched variety), plus ATACMS to hit ammunition storage and counter-battery radar, EW Complexes, rocket projectors etc.
Anyway it's not a system problem, 'cause the SAM reacted to the attack. The personnel didn't know how to deal with the attack, it's a training, deployment and employment problem.
The SAMs did not stop the missiles, end of.
A lot of Russian SAM units in Ukraine are not veterans either. The S-400 units in particular are newly raised, hence new crews too. Otoh, older S-300 units have not been taken out this way.
Yes they have, lots.

Also with the excuses from the Russian stronk crowd. 🤡 They're so bad that they're now using them to spam residential areas as make-shift MLRS systems.
Only 5 ATACMS were used, there were at least 3 launchers there (i.e. 12 missiles), they fired 7 SAMs but several ATACMS still got through. It was an S-400 system using the newer -TsP Cheese Board radar from the S-500 system. The S-400 is supposed to be the world's premier battlefield mobile ABM system according to some but it can't even stop a very limited number of missiles doing less than half the speed of a Kinzhal/Zircon, yet early gen PAC-3 CRI has stopped attacks containing dozens of Iskander and Kinzhal and some Zircons despite them supposedly being well beyond its max intercept speed.

If this is the dog turd Almaz-Antey has furnished Russian forces with, just imagine the quality of the faecal matter they've provided India with.
Our IADS is not S-400 only. It comprises of multi-layer AD systems like AAA guns, MANPADS, SRSAM, MRSAM, S-400 & BMD. All the aforementioned are well-integrated into IACCS and AF-NET.

We are not worried about what is happening in Ukraine. We know why we procured S-400 and shall utilize it in proper manner when need arises.
Our IADS is not S-400 only. It comprises of multi-layer AD systems like AAA guns, MANPADS, SRSAM, MRSAM, S-400 & BMD. All the aforementioned are well-integrated into IACCS and AF-NET.
MRSAM is for aircraft not BMs, so you best hope your Prithvi stuff is better than Russia's S-400 or you're in trouble.
We are not worried about what is happening in Ukraine. We know why we procured S-400 and shall utilize it in proper manner when need arises.
You know what you saw in a limited and sanitised demo, which may not be representative of reality or the actual missiles and radar you got. Ukraine is real life, your demo was not.




FSB Launches Sweeping Purge of Military Elites With Kremlin’s Approval

The purge of top officers is the result of infighting between the FSB and the military over the failure to capture Kyiv and competition for defense funds.

The recent arrests of five top Russian military officers are likely just the first of dozens of military figures who will be jailed in a sweeping purge by the security services, Russian government officials and sources close to the Kremlin and the Defense Ministry told The Moscow Times.

Ostensibly an effort to stamp out military corruption, the Federal Security Service (FSB) is going after high-ranking generals in hopes of pinning the blame for the botched 2022 invasion of Ukraine on the military’s top brass and taking control of the distribution of the army’s vast budget — all with the Kremlin’s tacit approval.

But the arrests risk throwing the army into disorder at a time when Moscow is seeking to capitalize on Kyiv’s weapons shortages and press further into Ukrainian territory.

All of The Moscow Times’ sources requested anonymity in order to discuss a sensitive matter involving both the military and the FSB.

“There is a fierce cleanup underway. The FSB is mopping up [former Defense Minister Sergei] Shoigu's team. It’s to be expected. This kind of operation can only be carried out with approval at the very top [of the country's leadership],” a source close to the Kremlin told The Moscow Times.
The purge appears to be the culmination of wartime infighting and competition for resources between the security services and the Defense Ministry — and marks a victory for the FSB, the successor to the Soviet KGB, in currying ex-KGB agent President Vladimir Putin’s favor.

“There is still a long way to go before the purges are finished. More arrests await us,” he added.

In the two weeks since longtime defense chief Shoigu’s surprise ouster, four high-ranking officers have been arrested on charges ranging from bribery to abuse of power, the latest of which came late Thursday evening.

As these arrests gain momentum, they could widen into the “largest purges” in modern Russian history, an acting Russian government official told The Moscow Times.

“I think by the end of the year, dozens, maybe hundreds of people of different ranks will be arrested in all Defense Ministry units,” the Russian government official said.

Security service officers handling corruption investigations had visited the Defense Ministry's headquarters on Frunzenskaya Embankment even before Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov’s arrest went public in late April, a source close to the ministry told The Moscow Times.

“There are more Chekists there [in the Defense Ministry building] now than military personnel, it seems to me,” the source said with sarcasm, using the Soviet-era term for security officials.

The Kremlin was quick to assert that the arrests were nothing more than the result of ongoing work to root out corruption at every level of the government.

“This is constant and consistent work to fight corruption, not a campaign,” Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday.
But even though independent media, the opposition and international observers have reported on the army’s rampant corruption for years — and pro-war bloggers have criticized military graft throughout the war in Ukraine — the arrests of generals only started once it became clear that Shoigu would lose his job.

Following Ivanov’s arrest, investigators said the probe into his affairs had been underway for over five years, underscoring the fact that the authorities knew about the military’s corruption long before the latest arrests.

“There has been loads of information about corruption schemes in the Defense Ministry, criminal cases have been piled up. But while Shoigu was a minister and had enormous influence, investigators were not allowed to pursue them,” a second government official told The Moscow Times.

The FSB’s Kremlin-authorized campaign shows that the security services are “triumphing” in the confrontation between the two leading wartime security agencies — the army and the FSB — a source close to the Kremlin told The Moscow Times.

“There must be one single party to blame for the failure of the invasion,” the source said.

“It is either the special services, which were engaged in intelligence and analytical preparations for the war and promised Putin a triumphant operation and a quick victory but failed,” he said, “or the 'second army of the world' under PR-czar Shoigu which was supposed to ensure Putin's victory — but turned out to be a paper tiger and failed miserably."

And although last week’s post-inauguration reshuffle saw the removal of both Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev, the coordinator of the security services, and Shoigu, the head of the military, the FSB has nonetheless won in this standoff.

In addition, FSB officials could receive promotions and awards for their “fight against corruption” in the halls of power.

“The FSB’s task, at most, is to install its own people and control the tastiest things: those areas where there are big budgets,” a second acting government official told The Moscow Times.

When asked whether the purges could hinder the war effort by throwing the military leadership into disarray at a time when Russia is seeking to take advantage of Kyiv’s munitions shortages, the source said: “Do you really think that any of them [the FSB] at this moment are worried about the success of the special operation?”
It appears Ukrainie is taking out Russia`s ballistic missile early warning system radars. Another "Voronezh-M" radar system was attacked by drones in Orsk city in Orenburg region. These drones would have travelled a record-breaking 1,800 km to the target
The Russians probably didn't see that one coming!
There are no thirty-six solutions here. They must have left from Russia itself or from Kazakh territory... which won't help relations between Moscow and Astana. Nor will Russian paranoia.

A key element of Russia's nuclear deterrent taken out of play by Ukraine. Such an action by a nuclear power would have risked a large-scale nuclear response from the Russians, but now they can do nothing. The Pentagon must be dancing hard. The Ukrainians have done a great deal of work on Russia's advanced detection capabilities, from the AA cruiser to the trans-horizon radar and the A-50s.
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Russian military personnel spoke about the use of the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft artillery mount in Ukraine to combat drones. The ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 3 km.

Footage of the impact of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet-51" on the Ukrainian 155-mm self-propelled gun "Bogdan" on the T815-7T3RC1 (8x8) chassis. In total, 4 self-propelled guns were destroyed by drones in a week; two more self-propelled guns will also be shown at the end of the video. The Bogdana self-propelled gun comes in four types, on the MAZ-6317, Tatra 815-7, Kraz chassis and with an armored cab from the Ukrainian Armored Vehicles company. Currently, 6 self-propelled guns are produced per month. The Bogdana self-propelled gun has a rate of fire of 5 rounds per minute, a firing range of up to 30 km, and an Excalibur active-missile projectile of up to 50 km. Carryable ammunition - 20 shells. The time to bring the self-propelled gun into combat position is 1.5 minutes. As a result of a strike by the Lancet-51 drone, in the area of the village of Borshchevaya, Kharkov region, a fire started in the Bogdan self-propelled gun that destroyed the installation.