Ukraine - Russia Conflict


Looks like he hasn't heard the news about his "sanitary zone":

We'll see for whom the wait will worsen the war conditions... Actually, we're already seeing it now:

If little crybaby pooty-poot needs to shake his nuclear rattle once again, it's certainly not because russia is winning. It seems like some people in the Kremlin are thinking they're about to face catastrophic defeat in Ukraine and need to find a way to avert that. Too bad that the nuclear bluff will keep being just a bluff -- if they dared to actually do it, the retaliation would be the end of russia.

And for all their bluster about bombing The West, we know they won't do it:
They literally sent their children as hostages to the West, because they know very well life in the West is much better so that's what they want for their own. They just don't want russia to become as livable as the west because it'd mean they'd have to stop stealing so much from their people.

So many questions need to be axed and Mordor fanboys need to answer.....

These were GBU strikes meaning outdated Soviet era Ukraine mig29s or flankers managed to strike targets 2-4 kilometers from the Russian border and here are the questions... Where is the mighty Russian VKS fighters? I get the s400 battery deployed in Belgorod was taken out, but they still have a huge air force with fighters armed with mighty r37m hypersonic air to air missile. It's almost as if Russian CAP doesn't exist... and it pretty much doesn't when you have drones penetrating hundreds of miles deep inside Russia.

Once US/Ukraine takes out all s300/400 batteries in Crimea, likely 1-2 batteries is all that's left, Ukraine F-16's will be able to JDAM strike Crimea almost at will.
Don't you get it, the Su-57 is so stealthy that it's like it doesn't even exist!
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The russian invaders are getting hammered in robotyne:

Also they are getting HAMMERed in Vovchansk.

Russian momentum is pretty much over, they've still managed to claim one more treeline in the Avdiivka sector but everywhere else, they're losing ground:

The use of HAMMER bombs in Vovchansk shows that Ukrainian bombers can get pretty close to Bilhorod without fearing russian air defense. When the F-16 arrive, they'll be able to safely shoot down the russian bombers.

The russians have officially blamed a Ukrainian colonel for the friendly-fire incident where russian air defense shot down an A-50. I suppose he had sneaked into the russian air defense headquarters during a daring commando operation? Or perhaps the explanation is more simply that the russian "friendly fire accident" was bullshit and it was indeed shot down by Ukraine. Pretty funny how the russians claim that, because this airplane did not carry weapons, it was not a legitimate target. LOL. 99% of russian missiles are fired at civilian targets, and of the 1% that are fired at military target, half of them are accidental, they actually meant to fire it at a civilian instead.

Which is why the military losses are so lopsided:

The war crime-loving russia has ten times more missiles and shells than Ukraine, but russian forces are very hostile to the idea of not committing war crimes, so they prefer to use their weapons on civilian targets.

In summary, russia sucks and is an awful place.

A russian thug opened a thesaurus, looked for a synonym of "nationalist", found "patriotic", and proudly declared that russia was a patriotic-socialist country. Or "pazi" for short.
Every russian accusation is a confession.

Whenever russia says "the west/ukraine/whatever is committing a crime", the translation is "we, russia, are gladly and gleefully committing this crime and are planning on keeping committing it forever because we are a criminal terrorist nation of zombified fascists".

Also, russia is doubling down on nepotism, because that has always worked out so well:

A russian blogger talks about the murder of an officer at his own home, and wonders whether he was killed by Ukrainians or by the fsb. He appears to be on the road leading to the discovery that his only enemy is his own state. That's gonna get him killed.

What happened to the sanitary zone all along the border and besieging Kharkiv? Now apparently, the "maximal task" is just to not get kicked out of the towns where they managed to establish a bridgehead.

When will North Korea stop its proxy war against Ukraine???
As people who read this forum probably know, air-to-air missiles are equipped with proximity fuses. These devices allow the missile to blow up not when it directly hits the targeted aircraft, just when it's close enough that the shrapnel will result in the target's destruction anyway. This gives the missile a virtually bigger target; the missile doesn't need to be precise enough to directly hit its target, a near-miss becomes a hit anyway.

Cope cages on bikes and golf carts is giving the drones a free proximity fuse. If the vehicle doesn't have armor that is shrapnel resistant, the cope cage will not help anyone survive; it'll just give the drone operator a bigger target, one that's easier to hit. Best case scenario is that everyone on board dies, but the vehicle itself can be repaired to get another crew killed in the same way on the next day.
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The Azovprodukt fuel depot is still burning.

Time is clearly not on russia's side:

Sorry, we shouldn't be calling it russia, its real name is Transtumenia:

Surprisingly, russia becoming more and more like North Korea and the russian army getting its *censored* kicked every day with a 90% casualty rate on assault missions that fail 99% of the time is not helping the morale of the russian soldiers. The minority of them who have an IQ above room temperature tend to desert.
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Congress is laying the groundwork to restore nuclear weapon capabilities on roughly 30 B-52H Stratofortress bombers that had been converted to drop only conventional munitions as part of the New START arms control treaty with Russia.