Again, for russia, mass murder is the solution to all problems. Here they announce they will completely destroy every town and city taken by Ukraine in Kursk. Because death and destruction is the only thing they can do.
On the Durov/Telegram issue:
I wonder how easily people take a stance on what's happening with Pavel Durov. Whatever it is, it cannot be a simple story.
1) Durov founded VKontakte, the billion-dollar worth social media network. In Russia, it had an edge over Facebook and others because it was very slow to respect intellectual property rights. Put simply, for years it was a major channel for free downloads of movies, games, and other products.
2) VKontakte was taken from Durov by a classic pincer movement in Putin's Russia. A couple of Putin oligarchs offered to buy VKontakte and used the security services to threaten Durov with arrest, thus lowering the acquisition price. He sold his share and left Russia.
3) An eccentric billionaire and outside of Russia, Durov launched Telegram, a messaging service. It had an edge over competing services because, again, it has been slow to protect intellectual property rights and enforce regulations. (This is what Durov is currently accused of.)
4) In Russia, Telegram has become popular as
- a messaging service for those who do not want the government to read its correspondence. Because of draconian censorship, it has become the only way to publish Op-Eds, columns, etc. for many. That's why so many opposition figures and opinion leaders are buffled with the Durov's arrest.
- a platform for Putin's propagandists. Over the years, the regime has been spending an enormous amount of money boosting all kind of propaganda channels. You can see the frustration of the recipients these day.
- military who used Telegram channels to communicate during the war against Ukraine. As the Russian government failed to create other communication networks for military, this has been the main one. You can see how unhappy they are today.
5) No question that Putin’s secret services and intelligence wanted Durov to give them control over Telegram the same way they got it over VKontakte. Less clear how much he actually yielded. During protests in Bashkorstan a few years, it seemed that FSB was able to use the data. During the Russia-Ukraine war, a popular Ukrainian channel helping Russian soldiers to desert was censored, etc. Given how actively Russian officials work to get to Durov these days, there might be a lot at stake.
What amazes me is how easily commentators take sides in the unfolding story. Every episode described above involved many complicated trade-offs to be resolved.
Pavel Durov got arrested
Here's what this means for the US
, EU
, Ukraine
, and Russia
, from the perspective of a Ukrainian-US tech entrepreneur who's been covering Telegram's Kremlin connections and security holes for the last 15 months. Thread: 1/X
Aug 25, 2024 · 2:33 AM UTC
"The detention and search warrant was issued because Durov did not cooperate with French security forces and did not properly moderate Telegram, which makes him an accomplice in crimes such as drug trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, child abuse, etc" -
TF1 2/X
I was following Durov's story for the last ~17 years more or less, since the early days of VK. First as a VK user in Ukraine in 2007, then as a tech entrepreneur in the US and Ukraine 2012-2022, finally as a volunteer investigator since in 2023 3/X
What we're seeing now is a sharply negative reaction from the "rightwing X users", starting with @elonmusk and @TuckerCarlson, who are joined by @KimDotcom, @Cobratate, and others, demanding to free Pavel and stop censoring "The Free Speech" 4/X
However, they all fail to mention that allegations against Pavel are serious, he never complied with the content moderation rules, allowing arms trafficking, illegal drugs, human trafficking, and worse to flourish on the platform, using UAE jurisdiction as a safe heaven 5/X
TF1 reports "French authorities are checking Durov's possible connections with the Kremlin"
also this: "Pavel Durov is a French citizen and is not subject to exchange or extradition"
And on this topic, we have a collection of selected investigative pieces on, a non-profit studying Telegram’s security and its potential ties to the Kremlin. And there's more behind the hood. Follow @Kremlingram and @tokar_ua for more 7/X
While there's no smoking gun proving Durov does what Putin says – there are plenty (50+?) of indirect pieces of evidence pointing towards numerous connections, despite Telegram's and Durov's public denial of such. 8/X
This tweet is unavailable
We have also shown that Telegram has people in Russia doing work for them (whether they call them employees or not), most of TG's revenues come from Russia, they have Russian bondholders, among which - money of Russia's top oligarchs and Putin's pals 10/X
Media often cite a story of Durov's own telling that he was "exiled from russia" for allegedly "refusing to provide data on Ukrainian users to the Russian government in 2013". We have reasons to believe this might be no more than a cover-up story 11/X
The same goes for the alleged blocking attempt of Telegram in Russia in 2018 which supposedly failed, whereas governments less tech-savvy than Russia were able to block it. 2018 might've been the best marketing campaign for a messenger ever 12/X
So I'd ask reporters to use "allegedly" or similar wording whenever they tell those stories, 13/X
If you are only going to read one piece about Telegram+Kremlin - let it be this piece by @tokar_ua for @Textyorgua_Eng, a highly reputable Ukrainian media doing a lot of investigative work and data journalism… 14/X
Again, for more reporting on Telegram's connections to the Kremlin– check out and follow @Kremlingram - more good stuff there 18/X
Now back to the latest news.
Here's one of russia's top pro-war telegram channels followed by some 800k people unironically posts this: "De-facto, they detained the head of communications for the Russian Army (VS RF)"
This should not come as a surprise. Telegram, indeed, is the main comms channel for the Russian army - not just a news source, but a key messenger, used to coordinate action on different levels, store videos and large files, etc. 20/X
While a lot of Ukrainian civilian population relies on Telegram for the news, military doesn't use it, preferring WhatsApp and Signal instead. It is formally forbidden to use TG in comms in Ukrainian military. 21/X
Meanwhile, in Russia, they blocked Signal, widely considered as one of the most secure messaging apps with two-way encryption. As well as Facebook and Instagram (not Whatsapp yet, which is a top messenger in russia), but are for some reason not concerned about Telegram 22/X
Oh, and by the way, Durov was returning from Azerbaijan as he got detained in France. Do you think he comes there often? Not really. It has just so coincided, Pavel was at
a few days ago at the same moment when Putin made a visit there. 23/X
There was a public rumor that Pavel wanted to meet Putin to prevent Telegram from being blocked in russia, but Putin didn't want to see him. However, I would not take it at a face value and would not be so sure the meeting didn't take place or what the real topic were 24/X
In other news, Yekaterina Mizulina, a nutritious russian public figure, has a fresh take: "Durov's arrest is targeting TON cryptocurrency, which is used as a wallet by many large russian businesspeople". Thanks for letting us know how they hide the bloody money, Yekaterina! 25/X
What is obvious now, is that Russia
(both the Kremlin and most of the so-called opposition groups) will be yelling about double standards and free speech violation. This is a regime with zero free press, where journalists and politicians are being killed. Just ignore this 26/X
The Republican part of the media sphere in US
may go in the same direction. If this is you, please think about how Telegram's community aligns with your values, the values of Christianity and human dignity. 27/X
How do we handle an app with 1 billion users which is completely outside of the US
legal framework yet has millions of users in the US and can influence events, like Jan 6th, when Telegram was the key app? 28/X
For some reason, I feel more confident about the EU
. This will be more of a "wait and see" approach, and let the French
legal system do its work. 29/X
Finally, in Ukraine
I hope this will be yet another signal for people to decrease their reliance on a platform, which is likely compromised and used by our mortal enemy. My current replacement choice is Signal/Whatsapp for messages and X for the news. 30/X
That's it for now.
Let me know what you think and how the whole situation is perceived from your point of view.
I will keep adding updates and selected replies to this thread over the next few days as the story unveils.