Ukraine - Russia Conflict

In the course of offensive actions to liberate the city of Mariupol, at the request of Turkish President R. Erdogan, on April 16, a special operation was carried out by Russian forces in the Primorsky district to free the hostages held by the Ukrainian Nazis in a Turkish mosque - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

As a result of the selfless actions of the Russian special forces group, the mosque was released, 29 militants were killed, including foreign mercenaries.

The hostages, citizens of one of the CIS countries, were released and taken to a safe place.
Foreign mercenaries stats

- In total, according to the Ukrainian servicemen who surrendered, up to 400 foreign mercenaries are now surrounded on the territory of the Azovstal enterprise as part of the Ukrainian group;

- Most of them are citizens of European countries, as well as Canada;

- In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the Kyiv nationalist regime has attracted 6,824 foreign mercenaries from 63 states to Ukraine;

- The most numerous group arrived from Poland - 1717 people. About one and a half thousand mercenaries arrived from the USA, Canada, and also Romania. From the UK and Georgia, each - up to 300 people;

- The vast majority of mercenaries are now distributed as part of Ukrainian groups in the cities of Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and Mariupol;

- As a result of hostilities, the number of mercenaries is steadily declining and today is 4877 people;

- 1035 foreign mercenaries were destroyed in the fighting by the Russian armed forces. Another 912 mercenaries refused to participate in hostilities and fled the country.
Strong fire in the Industrial district of Kharkiv:

There really won't be. This is just garbage paranoia. If NATO wanted to attack Russia and risk WWIII, it'd be far safer to attack Russian forces in Ukraine right now, and they have the perfect to excuse to. This is just the fantasy excuse of a corrupt autocrat seeking to distract his population from his own corruption and economic underperformance.

I mean seriously, you think NATO is going to attack the Russian mainland and risk having 2,000 nuclear warheads hurled at us? And even if they didn't go nuclear (which they definitely would), based on Russian experience in Ukraine, or NATO experience in Afghanistan, can you imagine NATO trying to occupy and hold on to an area the size of Russia?

It's all just ridiculous BS. The only thing Putin fears is a strong advert for democracy sitting on his border nearish Moscow. Putin isn't scared of NATO taking over Russia, he's scared of Russians taking over Russia.
The last line, exact same was going through my mind as well earlier today.
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Missile strike at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the Kramatorsk clay quarry:

Footage of the combat use of the Mi-28N "Night Hunter" attack helicopter of the RF Armed Forces:

NSFW Link:

Su-24M of the 7th brigade of the TA named after Peter Frank of the Air Force of Ukraine (Starokonstantinov), shot down near Izyum. The pilot tried to eject, unsuccessfully. A body wrapped in a parachute was found near the crash site.

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Based on the outcome of the war, based on what is negotiated, the war could end with this one, or the Russians will simply bomb Ukraine to smithereens and then invade again after a few years.

Then nothing ever needs be done, never.

Then NATO wouldn't have needed to exist. But the West kept it alive for a reason, it's the West that's afraid of Russia. They don't give a shiz about Putin. His successor will be a lot more frightening to the West. Russia's being nipped in the bud.
You are assuming that Russia has an unlimited pile of funds, they don't. Russia will be bankrupt before Christmas at this rate. And with the EU withdrawing from Russian oil and gas and sanctions remaining whilst Putin is in power, this war is fairly much all Putin has left.

Basically yes, this war serves no defensive purpose whatsoever. It's only intent is to prevent a beacon of democracy and prosperity blossoming in proximity to Moscow. That is Putin's worst fear as a dictator, the rest is garbage.

We kept it alive in case some complete plonker ended up as the Russian President and voila. If the West is afraid of Russia then why have you spent the last 200+ pages babbling out crap about this being a defensive act by Russia. Your reasons and positions just keep changing, a sure sign they're all completely wrong.
That means they can't refuel at any EU port and Turkey has shut down access to the Black Sea.
Russia had sent an ultimatum to the Office of the President of Ukraine that if the surrender of Azovstal was not agreed, the plant would be razed to the ground with vacuum bombs. Everyone will be buried alive, and the choice of what to do is up to Zelensky.
Nope, the choice is still in the hands of the person with the gun. That's how the law works.
Strong fire in the Industrial district of Kharkiv:
Are you sure it isn't a powerful one?
More Russian saboteurs found in Ukraine. They been in Ukraine causing unrest since 2014, that's why it turned into such a sh1t show.
SBU detained saboteurs in Odessa

You are assuming that Russia has an unlimited pile of funds, they don't. Russia will be bankrupt before Christmas at this rate. And with the EU withdrawing from Russian oil and gas and sanctions remaining whilst Putin is in power, this war is fairly much all Putin has left.

They do not need unlimited funds to rearm and move in again.

Basically yes, this war serves no defensive purpose whatsoever. It's only intent is to prevent a beacon of democracy and prosperity blossoming in proximity to Moscow. That is Putin's worst fear as a dictator, the rest is garbage.

Beacon of democracy... :ROFLMAO:

We kept it alive in case some complete plonker ended up as the Russian President and voila. If the West is afraid of Russia then why have you spent the last 200+ pages babbling out crap about this being a defensive act by Russia. Your reasons and positions just keep changing, a sure sign they're all completely wrong.

Afraid is a subjective term. You have a habit of projecting human emotions onto countries. Too much Disney? "Afraid" is why their act is defensive in nature. The RA has largely been a defensive forces since the 90s. The roles have been reversed.

So, to them the coup in Ukraine, followed by limiting Ukrainian Russian influence within Ukraine, was pretty much a red line.

Always respect red lines. It doesn't matter what the reasons are. Red lines are power plays and there are no emotions and morals involved in this. And if you cross it, always be ready to deal with the consequences.
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The haunting of Mariupol continues. Russia appears to be fighting ghosts everywhere, the views of the ghosts on Nazism remain unclear at this stage.

They do not need unlimited funds to rearm and move in again.

Beacon of democracy... :ROFLMAO:

Afraid is a subjective term. You have a habit of projecting human emotions onto countries. Too much Disney? "Afraid" is why their act is defensive in nature. The RA has largely been a defensive forces since the 90s. The roles have been reversed.

So, to them the coup in Ukraine, followed by limiting Ukrainian Russian influence within Ukraine, was pretty much a red line.

Always respect red lines. It doesn't matter what the reasons are. Red lines are power plays and there are no emotions and morals involved in this. And if you cross it, always be ready to deal with the consequences.
You will see what I'm talking about before too long. War is very costly, especially long deployments, even if fighting is minimal, which is not the case here. Russia is not equipped economically to continue fighting on this scale for a long period. When this is over, Russia will need to get rid of Putin before even beginning to try and undo the self-harm it has done itself economically. Sanctions will remain until Putin is gone, in fact they'll probably have to hand him over to the Hague to end the sanctions. A reparations bill also seems inevitable. I really don't know what the hell Putin was thinking, there are much easy methods of suicide. The only other alternative is that he persuades China to bail him out, which will essentially turn Russia into Greece and China into the EU.

Laugh all you like but we know who Russia's friends are from the UNHCR vote, all 24 of them, how many democracies you see there? Ukraine is well ahead of anyone listed below with a red box.


Oh really? Moldova? Georgia? Ukraine? Propping up their puppet in Syria? Yemen via Iran?

Getting rid of their puppet regime in Ukraine was the red line. Russia could not accept that so it occupied Crimea and began a civil war in the East in order to create a context for a full scale invasion of Ukraine later on.

If everyone respected 'red lines' there'd be no such thing as democracy. It's not like Europe started out as a group of democratic countries, or India for that matter. Ukraine's transition to democracy, like so many others before it, will be written in the blood of its oppressors.
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You will see what I'm talking about before too long. War is very costly, especially long deployments, even if fighting is minimal, which is not the case here. Russia is not equipped economically to continue fighting on this scale for a long period. When this is over, Russia will need to get rid of Putin before even beginning to try and undo the self-harm it has done itself economically. Sanctions will remain until Putin is gone, in fact they'll probably have to hand him over to the Hague to end the sanctions. A reparations bill also seems inevitable. I really don't know what the hell Putin was thinking, there are much easy methods of suicide. The only other alternative is that he persuades China to bail him out, which will essentially turn Russia into Greece and China into the EU.

For Russia, the material cost of war is cheap.

Russia doesn't need bail-outs. Other than having moved over to the gold standard, they will also go back to holding their original forex of $600B by the end of this year.

What sort of damage is ultimately done to Russia after about 10 months or so, we have to see, because most countries without a dog in the race will want access to cheap oil and gas.

Laugh all you like but we know who Russia's friends are from the UNHCR vote, all 24 of them, how many democracies you see there? Ukraine is well ahead of anyone listed below with a red box.

View attachment 23472

Oh really? Moldova? Georgia? Ukraine? Propping up their puppet in Syria? Yemen via Iran?

It's a concept called interests. Countries are more interested in continuing to trade and get investments and immigrate to the West than Russia. Hence the support.

Getting rid of their puppet regime in Ukraine was the red line. Russia could not accept that so it occupied Crimea and began a civil war in the East in order to create a context for a full scale invasion of Ukraine later on.

If everyone respected 'red lines' there'd be no such thing as democracy. It's not like Europe started out as a group of democratic countries, or India for that matter. Ukraine's transition to democracy, like so many others before it, will be written in the blood of its oppressors.

Good luck if you believe that. But that's not how the world works.