Results from the Ukrainian independence referendum of 1991. Universal absolute majority, even in the most Russophile areas, in favor of an independent Ukraine...What is this document about?
First, full support would have been actual intervention of NATO/EU troops in Ukraine, for example to establish a no-fly zone. Such a thing has absolutly not happened, so the western support to Ukraine is actually lesser than the USSR support to the Viet Minh during the Vietnam war, or to the North Koreans in the Korean War. Both instances in which the Russians sent troops as well as materiel to fight against the Americans, despite not being belligerent.One of the biggest mistakes, in hind sight seems to be that Russia decided to declare it as a special military operation. Thereby restricting its own forces and that allowed Nato+EU to provide full support to Ukraine. Had it been declared as a WAR on Ukraine, by now complete Ukraine would have been over run by Russia and any nation which provided anykind of support to Ukraine too would have automatically become an enemy and fit to be attacked and destroyed by Russian forces.
But I guess what's good for the Russian goose is not good for the American gander, or something...
Secondly, you keep overestimating the Russian forces. Isn't it blatant enough already? They don't want to fight. They are there because they're coerced to be there. They've got a hard enough time against the Ukrainians -- even before those got western supplies, just try to remember the utter failure of the Kyiv siege -- they'd piss their pants at the thought of going against real NATO forces supported by real NATO airpower.
Indeed! It was German. Köningsberg. So don't you think it should be given back to Germany?Buddy, Kalinningrad was never part of Ukraine
What's great with old maps is that you can make them say what you want. The history of Ukraine is much older than the USSR.What you see of Eastern Ukraine was actually a part of Russia even before WW1. Please get your facts correct first and study the history of this area first. What is now being called as Novo Rossiya is that actual territory which belonged to Tzars Russia and was made a part of Ukraine to carve out a new nation within USSR after WW2.

Look at the territories of the Cossacks as well as the Sloboda Ukraine region that, while part of the Russian Empire, was settled by Cossack immigrants.
The Crimean Khanate was a sparsely populated area -- when the Russian Empire conquered it, they resettled it pretty much like western European powers settled the New World. Hence the namee Novorossiya, which follows the exact same naming trend as New England or Nouvelle France. But these areas were not settled just by Russians. They were settled by anyone the Tzar could convince to come exploit these wild lands. And yes that included Ukrainians, but also Germans, Poles, Greeks, and whoever else could be convinced to come.
Like there's a New York in Ukraine, it was founded by German settlers whose leader had an American-born wife. We're not talking about land that had been Russian for millennia here, we're talking about largely depopulated land that was resettled by Russia in the 19th century. So it's about as Russian as America is British.