Ukraine - Russia Conflict

It's called mythology that most historians reject. Are you implying that people existed only in one place on the entire continent and spread outwards from there?
I told you to wait till tomorrow. You will know the difference between mythology and truth. I will quote from Rig Veda which the western world belives was written in 1500BC based on the grammer of Panini. but our veds go back some thing over 20k BC as they were never written but carried forward thru memory.
Placing this guy on ignore. A conversation is one thing, but it requires coherence, this is just time consuming gibberish and incoherent garbage. This guy has gone from word processor to turd processor.
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So there are no rapes in India by Hindus?
NO Johar ever took place in the history of India till muslims came to India. Check it out as sanatan Dharma does not allow wars within the precints of the society and forbades killing of surrendered soldeirs and the population including full respect for the wives/mothers/daughters of the slain soldiers. This is what my Dharma is.
What is happening in Ukraine now. The Natzies are raping 7 year old girls and killing women after raping them. This is your culture as Europeans. You are not even worht licking the soil of our boots buddy.
Placing this guy on ignore. A conversation is one thing, but it requires coherence, this is just time consuming gibberish and incoherent garbage. This guy has gone from word processor to turd processor.
Please do as I had always had a very negative opinion about you and to be true and honest, I always took you to be a guy from some lunatic asylum with access to internet.
Ah, so genocide is only wrong if your army had to travel by boat.

And lol, citing the Crusades as the first civilizational war. Yeah, sure, there was no civilization-ending conflicts before 1096 CE. :rolleyes: People in Asia were eradicating entire civilizations long before the Europeans learned to write. But I suppose that was okay, they mostly didn't need to use boats.

Hey, do you know why the Crusades happened in the first place? Super quick history lesson: Early Christianity was spread between five patriarchs, in the sees of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome. The Muslims invaded and overran all but Constantinople and Rome. They practiced forced conversions (as you know they are wont to do) and slaughtered Christian pilgrims that wanted to go to Jerusalem (again, as they are wont to do). The first Crusade (1096-1099) was decided to free Jerusalem from the Muslims so that Christians would be free to go on safe pilgrimage. The execution was bungled, but make no mistake -- it was not an unilateral action of Europe going "hey, let's be evil", it was a reaction to relentless Muslim aggression.
These are all great points, but like me, you have found yourself replying to his degenerative drivel, that has nothing to do with the original debate, as well as being completely false in every conceivable way.
China vowed to maintain the integrity of Kazakhstan
China promised to maintain the integrity of Kazakhstan-1200x800

Chinese leader Xi Jinping during a meeting with Kazakh President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev promised to support the independence and integrity of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the head of the People's Republic of China promised to "categorically oppose the interference of any forces in the internal affairs" of Kazakhstan, "regardless of the international situation."

The statement comes against the background of the news that Kazakhstan is terminating its membership in the CSTO from 2023. Recall that in June, Kazakh President Tokayev urged not to overestimate Russia's assistance during the January unrest in the country . In addition, after Putin failed (or did not want to) pronounce the name of his Kazakh colleague correctly, he defiantly refused the Russian order and recognition of the "LDNR" , and also refused to support the Russian Federation in its aggression against Ukraine.

" We always give each other unwavering support on key issues relating to our mutual sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. We are friends who can trust each other and partners who can count on each other, and our peoples always stand side by side side by side ," the Chinese leader said .

To say these words, Xi Jinping flew to Kazakhstan on purpose. This is the first visit of the head of China abroad since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, Tokayev came to Jinping, the last time they met was during the Beijing Olympics.

The parties discussed the prospects for building up cooperation in the transport, logistics and agro-industrial sectors, and also considered the issue of using transboundary water resources. And following the results of the talks, the heads of state signed a joint statement "on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China."
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Combat work of Russian 240-mm self-propelled mortars 2S4 "Tulip" in Ukraine. Combat vehicle 2S4 "Tulip" is used in the most difficult sectors of the front.

Twenty Australian-made Bushmaster armored vehicles appeared in Ukraine. The Bushmaster armored car began to be produced in 1998, the car was originally intended to transport 10 soldiers and not to conduct combat operations. The armor of the vehicle protects the crew from 7.62 mm bullets and high explosives, it can be reinforced with modules. According to the developers, the armored vehicle is able to survive a landmine explosion up to 9.5 kg. The R400S-Mk2 combat module with an integrated 40-mm Mk.19 automatic grenade launcher is installed on the vehicle. Despite its appearance, the car is considered successful and has proven itself well. The approximate cost of an armored car, 1.5 million dollars.

Combat work of the Russian Osa-AKM air defense system in Ukraine. According to the servicemen, the air defense duty is on around the clock, only the crew of the air defense system changes.

Russian artillery attack on the Buk air defense system and Krab self-propelled guns of Ukraine. After the discovery of the Ukrainian air defense system, artillery attacked the area and destroyed the installation. A Polish-made Ukrainian self-propelled gun Krab was also found. The self-propelled guns Krab drove into the forest, the self-propelled guns were destroyed there by artillery strikes.

Prisoner exchange fund growing.

The CSTO is very quickly becoming just Russia.
Side Note: As regards the beginnings of Europe being Vedic (which is only about 3300 years old), please research Azilian, Sesklo, and Aegean and Chatelperronian cultures and many others. Honestly, the amount of garbage spouted by the ignored person is simply infinite, and infinitely wrong.

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If it was a widespreaded religion,then you should get hundreds,if not thousands of artifact or temple remains, not one .
Thruout central asia and also in Russia many such idols have been found. But the place where this Idol was found is specifically mentioned in Rig Ved.