Ukraine - Russia Conflict

No racism in urkraine , oh but wait look at the guidance given by ukranian gov...... .............

Possible Considerations for African American or Black Volunteers​

For modern parts of Ukraine, African-Americans are part of the community and day-to-day life. However, there are many Ukrainians who have never seen a Black person before. Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes. You will generate lots of interest and curious stares.

So, these stares can make you uncomfortable and annoyed. Ukrainians' initial perception of you may be that you are from Africa; it may not. It does help if they understand that you are an American, and the training in PST will help you consider ways that you will engage with these assumptions."

"It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called 'a monkey' or may see children’s games with Blackface. Being aware of the history of dehumanization for people of African descent may help inform where this comes from; it does not justify it. It will be at your discretion to determine the intent. No matter the intent, staff recognizes the impact that hearing that word may invoke hurt and anger. If you view it as unlearned [something the person has never been exposed to], it may be an opportunity for you to educate that person. We are here to support your successful service, and these comments and images can be a huge distraction and obstacle to you. Know that Peace Corps staff is here to support and encourage you. Do not hesitate to remove yourself from such situations. You are not expected to be subjected to such treatment. You can also find support and understand from other African-American Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Ukraine."
Ukraine joining EU would have resulted in them joining NATO sooner or later. The Russians invaded to pre-empt it. Although that train is gone . Once the ceasefire is signed the Ukrainians are going to join NATO anyway. Russians need to take Odessa and kherson/kharkiv atleast. The sooner Ukraine negotiates with the Russians the better. Otherwise we will see a huge winter offensive in my opinion
The only reason EU countries join NATO is to avoid WWIII. Russia should know that attacking an EU country will inevitably result in a war with NATO whether they're members of not, that's why Finland and Sweden are joining to make it clear. The whole Russian fear of NATO is garbage. If they were genuinely worried about NATO, they would have focussed on the NE of the country, since that's closest to Moscow. Basing missiles in Ukraine was never going to happen anyway, just as basing them in the Baltics hasn't. This whole war is based on one thing - Sevastopol. They could have negotiated to carry on using that from the start but they didn't.

The winter offensive will be cut down and shed loads of Russians will die, same as last winter. It's not like Russian troops are particularly well equipped for the winter either, it will probably kill many of them minus any bullets. Only 6 weeks have passed since partial mobilisation, in Vietnam US recruits had 18 weeks of training and it proved wholly inadequate. 6 months is the absolute minimum unless you're in the meat processing industry. The war will drag on for decades and millions will die unless Russia stops because Ukraine will not stop, because they are defending their own country.
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No racism in urkraine , oh but wait look at the guidance given by ukranian gov...... .............

Possible Considerations for African American or Black Volunteers​

For modern parts of Ukraine, African-Americans are part of the community and day-to-day life. However, there are many Ukrainians who have never seen a Black person before. Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes. You will generate lots of interest and curious stares.

So, these stares can make you uncomfortable and annoyed. Ukrainians' initial perception of you may be that you are from Africa; it may not. It does help if they understand that you are an American, and the training in PST will help you consider ways that you will engage with these assumptions."

"It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called 'a monkey' or may see children’s games with Blackface. Being aware of the history of dehumanization for people of African descent may help inform where this comes from; it does not justify it. It will be at your discretion to determine the intent. No matter the intent, staff recognizes the impact that hearing that word may invoke hurt and anger. If you view it as unlearned [something the person has never been exposed to], it may be an opportunity for you to educate that person. We are here to support your successful service, and these comments and images can be a huge distraction and obstacle to you. Know that Peace Corps staff is here to support and encourage you. Do not hesitate to remove yourself from such situations. You are not expected to be subjected to such treatment. You can also find support and understand from other African-American Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Ukraine."
Welcome to Eastern Europe, the further east you go the worse it gets. Go to Russia or China and it's even worse still wrt black people.
If France is doing something with India to counter China, it must remain secret, there is no point in proclaiming it loudly, on the contrary, it would allow China to make arrangements. Moreover, this would deteriorate the commercial relations between France and China, and even between Europe and China (Airbus for example) which would complicate our relations with Germany.

You can work behind the scenes politically, no problem, even help other countries facing China technically, like India and Indonesia.

But you haven't made known your red lines when dealing with China, which means you don't intend to deal with China, that's the problem. Not saying what you're doing is wrong, just that your expectations from others must reflect based on the decisions you make. No different from how India is being attacked for not taking a stand on Ukraine.
So you were wrong basically.

No, genius. You need to learn way more about boy-girl relationships.
Biden lost temper with Zelenskyy during phone call over Ukraine aid
"Biden had barely finished telling Zelenskyy he’d just greenlighted another $1 billion in U.S. military assistance for Ukraine when Zelenskyy started listing all the additional help he needed and wasn’t getting. Biden lost his temper, the people familiar with the call said. The American people were being quite generous, and his administration and the U.S. military were working hard to help Ukraine, he said, raising his voice, and Zelenskyy could show a little more gratitude."
IMO Biden is right, I mean if US & UK doesn't provide support then it's over for Ukraine.
Mr. Zelensky had unrealistic expectation from US/West.

Zelensky is in the right, but who's gonna tell Biden he's wrong? Zelensky is learning the hard way that beggars can't be choosers.

After the failure of the Ukr offensive, Zelensky was promptly told to start negotiations with Russia. ;)
NO, It's Not.
Annexation== Done by force.
Using IMF, UN, WB as leverage to coerce isn't Annexation.
Morally Annexation is just much much worse than Coercing countries through Institutions like IMF, WB, UN.


NATO destroys utilities in cities. So that displaces people, which results in massive amounts of crimes and deaths. Troops do not bother protecting anyone in occupied areas either.

Imagine what would happen in your own life if power and water supply are cut off, and there's no more police.
It comes before 6th December 😝😝😝

@randomradio if this true, then it is showing the unimaginable supremacy of US weapons over Russian one.

Not really. The numbers are too small, and they outrange current Russian artillery.

Plus a lot of people die elsewhere absorbing Russian CB fire while trying to protect those small number of HIMARS. The Ukr fire a lot of non-HIMARS rockets alongside a few precision HIMARS. It's not enough to win wars.
ATACMS have a 500lb warhead and those craters were too big for it to be a 500lb warhead. To this day who the hell knows what happened to that Russian base also if it were ATACMS Russians would be showing off the missile debris just like the HARM which is how we learned US gave Ukraine HARMS.

Crimea base attack? It was Ukr partisans/SF. They have done the same in other places.
No different from how India is being attacked for not taking a stand on Ukraine.
Only reddit and forum diplomats are attacking India.
Not the real one.
NO, It's Not.
Annexation== Done by force.
Using IMF, UN, WB as leverage to coerce isn't Annexation.
Morally Annexation is just much much worse than Coercing countries through Institutions like IMF, WB, UN.
@randomradio But Do you agree with this or not?