Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Lol, the US had a poor reputation at the time, especially after the use of nukes. And the fact that there were a lot of fans for socialism within the Third World because people were not fans of the early years of capitalism in the US which led to the Great Depression. Plus the world considered the USSR as the main champions against the Nazis in Europe, whereas the US ended up 'colonising' Japan and even fought a war in Korea, thereby 'colonising' SoKo. Then came the Vietnam War. So the US was seen as a new imperial power after Britain. The SU, with their socialism and sacrifice, had a very high moral standing at the time.
Stalin had an even worse reputation, killed dozens of times more civilians during peacetime than both nukes combined.

Way to rewrite history. North Korea, made by Stalin started the Korean War aided by the USSR (Soviet pilots were even in the war). Japan became democratic. This kind of falsification is exactly the reason you are where you are relative to China. You deserve to have a worse economy due to lies like this.

Yeah sure, after Holodomor, gulags, and persecution of millions of religious people they had a really high standard.


Also, until the 70s, it was considered that the Soviet model was better for all countries, until the SU fell under the trappings of the Dutch disease.

It was the Third Industrial Revolution that changed the world's perspective on the US because by then there was no need to conquer and colonise countries, trade became more important. That's also when globalisation kicked off, after which India also became friendly with the US, though the US still continued its tradition of conquering and subjugating other lands.
India only became friendly with the US when China started doing better than it. What territories did the US annex, go on, list them?

Dear God, who would want liars like you as allies??
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why would we ally with a racist colonialist & imperialist mob when we ourselves fought for independence against them? isnt that plain common sense?
Because the alternative was a mass murdering imperialist dictatorship, that persecuted all minorities and religions, killing millions even in peacetime. At the end of the day, the UK gave you independence, you never had to win a war for it. The oppressed of the USSR were not so lucky.
being parasitical scavengers as usual. why does not eu just buy from their ally US ? oh sorry they cant cheat or steal from US.
No, simple geography and economics.
It's a good thing you don't work in a bank.
It's a fact, you raise taxes off GDP, and their GDP is shrinking. Less taxes means less budget for military and other government spending.
You fight with what you have , not what you want to have , if let's say tomorrow India went to war with NATO & Indian soldiers start crying that they have F 35 & we have tejas...would your opinion be same ?

Russian soldiers didn't run away but retreated , this video doesn't tell the whole was a coordinated attack from multiple side....there was a large Caliber fire on Russian position from south & even if Ukrainian troops despite having a disadvantage in numbers manage to storm heavily defended RU position without any suppression only goes on to show how unprofessional Ukrainian forces are as they are solely relying on luck to succeed.
Luck favours the prepared.

After the downing of the Russian Su 30SM fighter, the pilot ejected, but his parachute did not open (Pictures 18+).

Looks like his head was thrust-vectored right up his ar5e.

Really? That seems like an insane move. How would they get resupplied there?
They are likely special forces and probably no Russians were there knowing they would be in range of Ukraine arty.

There's a vid going around of Ukraine SF crossing Derp River with rubber boats.
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India only became friendly with the US when China started doing better than it.

Nope. In fact we were preparing to face off with the US too, in the 90s, hence all those big deals with Russia. Until Clinton made peace, followed by Bush's 123 Agreement.

What territories did the US annex, go on, list them?

Japan, SoKo, Eastern Europe, Philippines, some of the Middle East.

Dear God, who would want liars like you as allies??

It's a fact, you raise taxes off GDP, and their GDP is shrinking. Less taxes means less budget for military and other government spending.

Russia doesn't get their "taxes" from "GDP", but from oil and gas sales to other countries.

While the average Russian survives off of the income he generates, the Russian govt stays rich due to oil and gas sales. Russia is an oligarchy.
Russian soldiers didn't run away but retreated , this video doesn't tell the whole was a coordinated attack from multiple side....there was a large Caliber fire on Russian position from south & even if Ukrainian troops despite having a disadvantage in numbers manage to storm heavily defended RU position without any suppression only goes on to show how unprofessional Ukrainian forces are as they are solely relying on luck to succeed.

The problem for Ukraine is they have not won even once on the battlefield.
(Ukraine is a place where NATO and Russian are fighting)

Ukraine is fighting. NATO is providing Ukraine with materiel and intelligence, but is not fighting. If NATO was fighting Russia directly, there's two possible scenarios:
  1. Conventional fighting only. All Russian forces in Ukraine are destroyed, along with all Russian bases close enough to the border to be a potntial threat. Belarus is liberated from Lukachenko and the rest of the pro-Russian stooges, with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as the head of a provisional government while the country goes through Constitutional reform. Kaliningrad is occupied and used as a bargaining token to force Russian capitulation.
  2. Nuclear escalation. All Russian forces are still destroyed, and not just in Ukraine this time, but unfortunately so are a lot of other things. This is not a desirable scenario, neither for NATO nor for Russia, and that's why NATO is not fighting directly.
So is British, and American, also French. Because you won against Germans
France is not under the Third Republic, so no.
No, Russia would have mobilised and taken over most of the left bank before Ukraine could resist or NATO could interfere. UAF at the time was totally incapable of defeating Russia.
Mogilization is not an instant thing nor a stealthy thing. Before February, most of NATO expected Russia would just try to invade the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, instead of attempting to take over the entire country. But that was partly due to the lack of serious preparation. And this partial loss of territory would, back then, have been accepted as no big deal.

If Russia had started to mogilize its troops, then while they're doing that, the other side can prepare as well. So I doubt things would have gone as smoothly for Russia as you think. Besides, one constant of Russian thinking is that they lie to everyone including themselves. They thought they had enough force to take over the entire country, they didn't. If they had mogilized, they would have thought they had enough forces to take over the entire Ukraine + Baltics or whatever. They'd still have come up short because with bigger means come bigger appetite.
Even now, if they bring in enough troops, they can make a beeline towards all the major cities and this would end the war very quickly, 'cause about 500,000-700,000 troops would get surrounded.
That's a good idea, they should send 500,000-700,000 Russian troops on very long and very thin invasion columns beelining towards Kyiv, like they did in Spring. The war would indeed get over very quickly; I fully approve of this plan.
Russians want to inflict heavy cost of war on NATO countries and reduce their industrial out put because that's the backbone of NATO and take revenge of what NATO did to USSR by caping oil prices. The Russian target is not Ukraine but NATO.
Complete delusions. Russia attacks Ukraine and tries to annex it, they're not attacking NATO because they know -- the last remnant of factualcy they haven't entirely covered up with their own stupid narrative yet -- that it would mean the end of Russia. The trade war between the West and Russia is at the West's initiative, not Russia. If we had not reacted to their aggression of Ukraine, they'd still be happy to sell us gas and oil, and buy machines and electronics from us.
If you have heard what Kremlin said earlier it was clear that Russia will expand the theater not just militarily but also economically. It is all planned.
Yeah, we've all been Very Impressed™ these last several months by the quality of Russian Planning™.
Russian soldiers didn't run away but retreated
That's the same thing.
Nope. In fact we were preparing to face off with the US too, in the 90s, hence all those big deals with Russia. Until Clinton made peace, followed by Bush's 123 Agreement.
Yeah, because China was doing better than you and you realised that the Soviet/Russian system was sh!t as the USSR collapsed.
Japan, SoKo, Eastern Europe, Philippines, some of the Middle East.
You don't understand what annexation means clearly. All those countries have their own currencies and their own elected governments, and have a much higher democracy rating than India.
Series, you deliberately distort every truth. Just take the above quote. really, all those areas are annexed? Only in your head. You need to switch off RT and stop eating tide pods.
Nope. In fact we were preparing to face off with the US too, in the 90s, hence all those big deals with Russia. Until Clinton made peace, followed by Bush's 123 Agreement.
This is bonkers. How the hell 90's india would be preparing to face off US? Our economy was even more minisculein 90's.
Pls, drop this westophobia😛.

Japan, SoKo, Eastern Europe, Philippines, some of the Middle East.
Really!! Please explain to me how these countries are annexed by US?
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Russia doesn't get their "taxes" from "GDP", but from oil and gas sales to other countries.
Nope, they have income tax and corporation tax. Taxes are raised on GDP ultimately, goods and services are provided and the income/profit of employees/corporations are taxed, and this pays for public services and the military. And you say I shouldn't work at a bank. You shouldn't work anywhere.
The problem for Ukraine is they have not won even once on the battlefield.
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lyman, Izium, Kherson. That's 5 individual and significant victories, and all in the space of 10 weeks. Think about the length of time it took Russia to occupy those areas vs the amount of time it took to remove them.