Ukraine - Russia Conflict

A real smiling assassin. Observe the smile at 0:06 min when ze clueless German journalist asks the same question her predecessors in Europe & the US have repeated ad nauseum ad infinitum & gets her behind handed over gift wrapped at a joint PC with ze visiting German Foreign Minister.
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If I remember correctly, previously Putin didn't drink.
Have you ever heard of an Irish teetotaler , Paddy ? Even if you did the Irish would laugh him out of the community i.e he'd not be ex communicated as much as he'd disown his roots much like you but for different reasons.

Ditto for the Russians. There's no such word as teetotaler in Russian . It just doesn't exist. Remember what I wrote before on a whole host of similarities between the Irish & Russians running into dozens backing them up with videos as if they were brothers from another mother to quote millennials or people who shared common origins.

The Russians are pretty much like the Irish except they aren't as stupid . I think the Russo Ukraine war & the way Russia is fighting it should be a clue . It makes sense only to the Russians & Irish & to some extent to the Ukrainians.
Kerch bridge still limited to 1.5 tons, i.e. cars only. It's a train wreck waiting to happen... no pun.