Which explains, with the mildness of the climate this year, that we spend the winter without problems.
It's not only the result of efforts made by the french.... Some industry also decided to halt production, and it's not an economic good sound.The government has asked the French to reduce their consumption, and France has voluntarily achieved a 9% reduction.
It's Putin's MO. Some poisons mimic heart attacks.Recently 2 Russian died in odisha . One fell from balcony . Other out of heart attack . Now Another Russian dies in Odisha because of heart attack .
Russian Deaths In Odisha: Russian found dead onboard cargo ship in Odisha, 3rd death of Russian in fortnight | Bhubaneswar News - Times of India
Close on the heels of the mysterious death of Vladimir Putin-critic Pavel Antov and his friend Vladimir Bydanov at a Rayagada hotel in Odisha a fortnitimesofindia.indiatimes.com
Looks like Putin or CIA hell bent to destroy infant tourism sector of Odisha . Or confusing it with Odessa of Ukraine .
14degC today. Nice sub-tropical air blowing in.Which explains, with the mildness of the climate this year, that we spend the winter without problems.