Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Listen to the video and you'll find that neither did 'Russia'. :ROFLMAO: After the fall of Kievan 'Rus, the territory of Ukraine was in the Polish Lithuania Commonwealth before Russia got their hands on it. It fought for independence, and then Russia took it over, twice.
So you accept that Ukraine's existence was never there. Good. It was a borderland filled with Russians and Poles. Ukrainians are not real.
Shall we go into what Indians are doing to Christian women in Manipur this year?
Those Christian women are also Indians unless you agree that all non-hindus are non-indians and deserve to be kicked out of India.
Sure they did for a while, but not by Hitler's time, which was what you alleged.

Indian Cholas had plenty of slaves, India only started complaining about slavery until after Britain arrived and stopped it. :ROFLMAO:

Slavery never stopped in India until the British outlawed it. That's a fact. It was always accepted until then, much like other crappy practices like Sati.

India is still the biggest centre of slavery even today. Western hypocrisy again? :ROFLMAO:

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Doesn't the sati argument get old after a while? Weren't you literally burning women thinking they were witches. Sati was considered to be honourable and was a choice for the women and had an entire different concept which went through corruption. You guys on the other hand were literally grabbing women and burning them in the name of your God Jesus Christ.
Ignored your demonic Nation's role in the trans-atlantic slave trade now??
There's a difference in having "plenty" of slaves and Millions of slaves across multiple continents. Atleast have some shame🤣
Slavery never stopped in India until the British outlawed it.
You didn't outlaw shite. You were literally transferring indentured slaves to the Americas for sugar,cotton and indigo plantation. Apart from the huge taxation levied on the average indian peasant for growing opium which you used to bankrupt entirety of central India and hooking up the Chinese with it.
modifying laws doesn't change the reality you did. It's the same when the British shriek about them outlawing Sati when it was already a niche practice to the point the English priests would fake evidence of cases where it never happened.
India is still the biggest centre of slavery even today. Western hypocrisy again? :ROFLMAO:
These are human trafficking and child labour cases not organised slavery like the ones done by the whites in Americas and Africa's where you were doing literally livestock style breeding of humans. Atleast know what type of gutter shit acts your ancestors did before lecturing anyone.
So you accept that Ukraine's existence was never there. Good. It was a borderland filled with Russians and Poles. Ukrainians are not real.
They're both Varangians who got lost, i.e. invaders, historically. Neither existed from the get go.
Those Christian women are also Indians unless you agree that all non-hindus are non-indians and deserve to be kicked out of India.
Yeah, so you're killing and raping them on mass and yet you complain about ethnic Russians, who are Ukrainians, not having Russian as a state language in Ukraine.
Doesn't the sati argument get old after a while? Weren't you literally burning women thinking they were witches. Sati was considered to be honourable and was a choice for the women and had an entire different concept which went through corruption. You guys on the other hand were literally grabbing women and burning them in the name of your God Jesus Christ.
Ignored your demonic Nation's role in the trans-atlantic slave trade now??
Doesn't bringing up history to distract from India's present day sins get old after a while (i.e. several centuries) oh hypocritical one. :ROFLMAO:

Yes, because people often choose to ignite themselves without external pressure.:unsure: You should write for Russian media. :ROFLMAO:

Evidence of latter?

There's a difference in having "plenty" of slaves and Millions of slaves across multiple continents. Atleast have some shame🤣
The Cholas took slaves from all over South East Asia. Is your complaint that our boats were better, or that our empire was bigger?

The shame is what you still do today.
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They're both Varangians who got lost, i.e. invaders, historically. Neither existed from the get go.

Yeah, so you're killing and raping them on mass and yet you complain about ethnic Russians, who are Ukrainians, not having Russian as a state language in Ukraine.
Lmao a single rape by backward retards and you snivelling lying Anglo screams mass rape. Should we talk about the mass grooming and child molestation that is a regular cultural thing in the U.K. Also Ukraine is a fake entity. Ukraine is Russian land.
The Cholas took slaves from all over South East Asia. Is your complaint that our boats were better, or that our empire was bigger?
I'm comparing the ruthlessness and scale the whites did. You literally can't lecture anyone on slavery when your great shithole of an island literally pioneered modern slavery you delusional snivelling buffoon.
You didn't outlaw shite. You were literally transferring indentured slaves to the Americas for sugar,cotton and indigo plantation. Apart from the huge taxation levied on the average indian peasant for growing opium which you used to bankrupt entirety of central India and hooking up the Chinese with it.
modifying laws doesn't change the reality you did. It's the same when the British shriek about them outlawing Sati when it was already a niche practice to the point the English priests would fake evidence of cases where it never happened.

These are human trafficking and child labour cases not organised slavery like the ones done by the whites in Americas and Africa's where you were doing literally livestock style breeding of humans. Atleast know what type of gutter shit acts your ancestors did before lecturing anyone.
We abolished slavery (1833) and then abolished indentured labour (1917). No Indian empires had done this previously.

There's 18m cases in India. That's pretty organised. And like, you're not breeding humans? :ROFLMAO:
Lmao a single rape by backward retards and you snivelling lying Anglo screams mass rape. Should we talk about the mass grooming and child molestation that is a regular cultural thing in the U.K. Also Ukraine is a fake entity. Ukraine is Russian land.

The slavery you talk about was nowhere near the ruthlessness the whites did. You literally can't lecture anyone on slavery when you literally pioneered modern slavery you delusional snivelling buffoon.
And over 100 killed.

Of course it was. Slavery in medieval times was way worse. In medieval India, where they still have 18m slaves even today and mass murder ethnic or religious minorities even today, one can only imagine.
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We abolished slavery (1833) and then abolished indentured labour (1917). No Indian empires had done this previously.
Indian empires didn't have slavery in the first place you clown. Slavery got introduced only after the Islamic invasions where Turks and Arabs would take slaves. Your absolute lack of knowledge about indian history is hilarious. Using Cholas as a scapegoat is hilarious considering their oldest records of slavery are literally in the 15th century about the same time you guys started mass transporting Africans to the Americas. Also your abolishment of slavery was timed directly when you guys wanted to switch to indentured labour. Don't try to bullshit your way out of this.
There's 18m cases in India. That's pretty organised. And like, you're not breeding humans? :ROFLMAO:
Are they being put in human stables where they are being bred and transported over ships to plantations?? Is there skin being used as leather after they die and their hair being used as cotton for sofas. That's the kind of shit your kind did.
These are just extremely poor people being exploited completely different to what was being done by colonial powers.


Indian empires didn't have slavery in the first place you clown. Slavery got introduced only after the Islamic invasions where Turks and Arabs would take slaves. Your absolute lack of knowledge about indian history is hilarious. Using Cholas as a scapegoat is hilarious considering their oldest records of slavery are literally in the 15th century about the same time you guys started mass transporting Africans to the Americas. Also your abolishment of slavery was timed directly when you guys wanted to switch to indentured labour. Don't try to bullshit your way out of this.
Slavery in Indian empires traces back to 3 BCE. :ROFLMAO:

Are they being put in human stables where they are being bred and transported over ships to plantations?? Is there skin being used as leather after they die and their hair being used as cotton for sofas. That's the kind of shit your kind did.
Who knows. You certainly have a lot of slaves and do a lot of ethnic killing and raping. Probably less profit to it these days, you just seem to do it for fun anyway.
These are just extremely poor people being exploited completely different to what was being done by colonial powers.
Only in your deluded eyes. People were so poor when Britain arrived in India that many signed up to the British Army just for a regular wage.
Seems the US has quietly delivered advanced PAC-3MSE and PAC-2 GEM-C.

The only way the US is going to find out how good their interceptors are against Russian missiles.

Ukraine is very pleased with the 2 Patriot battery but the problem is there's only two even though launchers can be deployed 20km from the radar. Odesa doesn't have a Patriot battery or coverage if Ukraine had 4 batteries I think one would have been deployed in Odesa and been saved from Russian missiles and drones.

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