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Chinese company pushes back on Canada’s espionage concerns following court order​

The Liberal government has directed a state-owned Chinese telecommunications firm to divest its stake in a Canadian subsidiary over national security concerns, prompting a court challenge of the order.


China Mobile International Canada is asking the Federal Court to set aside the recent decision, saying the government has no grounds to believe the company would compromise security or engage in espionage on behalf of Beijing.

CMI Canada says the Trudeau government was motivated, at least in part, by “the current political socioeconomic climate and the general biases against Chinese state-owned companies.”

The case unfolds amid high tensions between Ottawa and Beijing over China’s prolonged detention of Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor for alleged spying.

China’s actions against Spavor and Kovrig are widely seen in the West as retaliation for the late 2018 arrest by Canadian authorities of Meng Wanzhou, an executive with Chinese firm Huawei Technologies, so she can be extradited to the U.S. to face fraud charges.

CMI Canada’s application filed this week in Federal Court reveals details of an investment screening case that has quietly unfolded outside the public eye over the last year.

The company, established in 2015, provides mobile communication services, including prepaid call plans, but does not itself own or operate any telecommunications network facilities. Instead, it has partnered with Telus Communications Inc. for provision of wireless services through the Telus network.

CMI Canada says it inadvertently neglected to inform the federal government of its presence as a new Canadian business until October of last year. A series of requests for information from federal officials soon followed.

The Investment Canada Act and the National Security Review of Investments Regulations allow the federal government to scrutinize an investment in Canada by a foreign enterprise.

In January, the government informed CMI Canada of a review on security grounds, saying the investment could result in the Canadian business being leveraged by the Chinese state “for non-commercial purposes, such as the compromise of critical infrastructure and foreign interference, to the detriment of Canada’s national security.”

Following additional information exchanges, the government issued an Aug. 9 order directing China Mobile to either divest itself entirely of or wind up the Canadian business within 90 days.

CMI Canada contends the conclusion was “tantamount to speculation about what the Canadian business may do,” such as using its supposed access to sensitive information for “military applications or espionage.”

Click to play video: 'Why CSIS believes Canada is ‘permissive target’ for China’s interference'
1:57Why CSIS believes Canada is ‘permissive target’ for China’s interference
Why CSIS believes Canada is ‘permissive target’ for China’s interference – Jun 24, 2020
The company argues Ottawa could not reasonably have concluded, based on the information available, that the investment would be harmful to Canada’s national security.

It says the company does not own nor operate any transmission facilities in Canada, lacks privileged or direct access to any critical infrastructure, and does not have access to any sensitive telecommunications data or personal information, other than basic contact details.

CMI Canada is asking the court to quash the federal decision or, in the alternative, to send the matter back to the government for reconsideration. It also wants the order put on hold pending outcome of the case and any appeals.

If the decision is not stayed, the company will be forced to leave “the Canadian landscape entirely. This would require the termination of its client base and operations,” the application says.

The federal government has not yet filed a response and no date has been set for a hearing.

America is a gift which keeps on giving. Apparently what would have been considered fringe 2 decades ago is now gradually being mainstreamed.

As someone I once heard said, the US keeps undergoing periodic madness once every 2 decades. 2 decades ago it was 9/11 & the WoT.

The only scary thing here is our liberal elites who send their offspring to these Ivy Leaft establishments to study the humanities , churning out SJWs are now contributing to spreading this virus there & here .

And this is what Putin now demonized by the US particularly this administration, the Democratic establishment & their cronies in the liberal media have to say.

This is what happens when you mix together the following ingredients:
  1. A hyper-individualist society in an advanced state of decadence
  2. A left-wing that has abandoned blue collar workers and the lower classes to chase after yuppies, bobos, and hipsters, so that they need to invent new minorities to defend so as to still feel like they're progressives
  3. And a vast amount of endocrine disruptors in everyone's food, water, air, clothing, everything
This is what happens when you mix together the following ingredients:
  1. A hyper-individualist society in an advanced state of decadence
  2. A left-wing that has abandoned blue collar workers and the lower classes to chase after yuppies, bobos, and hipsters, so that they need to invent new minorities to defend so as to still feel like they're progressives
  3. And a vast amount of endocrine disruptors in everyone's food, water, air, clothing, everything
Somehow Roman decadence had a certain charm to it . The Americans go about even something as sombre & solemn like decadence in typical American fashion - an utterly graceless manner.

The reverse McCarthyism though is poetic justice. For everything that the US has imbibed from Europe , it's reconciliation with classical Marxist ideas without succumbing to it's onslaught isn't one of them .

Well it took China to deal soyboy a dose of his own medicine while our 56" is seemingly too coy to read the riot act to Canada.