VVIP Aircrafts of India

India – 777 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures Self-Protection Suite

WASHINGTON, February 6, 2019 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to India of two (2) 777 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) Self-Protection Suites (SPS) for an estimated cost of $190 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of India has requested to buy two (2) Self-Protection Suites (SPS) consisting of AN/AAQ 24(V)N Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM), ALQ-211(V)8 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS), and AN/ALE-47 Counter-Measures Dispensing System (CMDS) to protect two (2) Boeing-777 Head-of-State aircraft. This potential sale would include: twelve (12) Guardian Laser Transmitter Assemblies AN/AAQ-24 (V)N (6 installed and 6 spares); eight (8) LAIRCM System Processor Replacements (LSPR) AN/AAQ-24 (V)N (2 installed and 6 spares); twenty-three (23) Missile Warning Sensors (MWS) for AN/AAQ-24 (V)N (12 installed and 11 spares); five (5) AN/ALE-47 Counter-Measures Dispensing System (CMDS) (2 installed and 3 spares). Also included in this sale are Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS), LAIRCM CIURs, SCAs, HCCs, and UDM cards, initial spares, consumables, repair and return support, support equipment, Self-Protection Suite (SPS) engineering design, integration, hardware integration, flight test and certification, selective availability anti-spoofing modules (SAASM), warranties, publications and technical documentation, training and training equipment, field service representatives; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated cost is $190 million.

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I tried to look at photos & videos of this Boeing-777 but could not find any SAM defence or even warning equiment like MAWS, DIRCM, CMDS, LWR, RWR, etc. There are Boeing-737 jets named Rajhans, Rajamal, Rajdoot which have some sensors visible like MAWS, not sure about CMDS, no DIRCM.
I tried to look at photos & videos of this Boeing-777 but could not find any SAM defence or even warning equiment like MAWS, DIRCM, CMDS, LWR, RWR, etc. There are Boeing-737 jets named Rajhans, Rajamal, Rajdoot which have some sensors visible like MAWS, not sure about CMDS, no DIRCM.
How visible are these systems on Air Force One for example? From my understanding, these aircraft are like unmarked police cars with these systems being well hidden.
How visible are these systems on Air Force One for example? From my understanding, these aircraft are like unmarked police cars with these systems being well hidden.
When the aircraft is a non-stealthy civil airliner then there is no point in making these sensors & counter-measures stealthy with retractable hatches or blended design. It adds mechanical complexity which even Air-Force-1 didn't do. On AF1 the MAWS, DIRCM & dazzlers are very much visible, positioned near heat exhausts of APU & engines, but they cover only rear & side sectors. They are not seen facing up, down & front. I also can't confirm chaff/flare dispensers, all other inlets & vents are of standard 747 design, but CMDS can be attached easily. Some EW antennas can be embedded in wing edges & tail, enough volume there. However, on every military jet & helicopters the antenna & sensor positions are either marked or painted differently for maintenance crews to locate & service them without damage.
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