Talk about an American yokel larping about soccer with the kind of authoritative air only a poseur can muster when if asked what's offside he / she / xe / xhe 'd jump to google it .
I'm an expert in soccer and sports in general unlike "you people."
Oh darling it is you who has the tittle of she for being the biggest drama queen when I got you to say something really stupid, which was easy by the way getting a chimp for brains like you to say something stupid, and geting reprimanded causing you to throw a complete hissyfit daring the mods to ban you. When the mods didn't give you what you wanted you boycotted thinking to yourself the forum would suffer greatly without you and people would be demanding for you to come back and when that didn't work, as you lurked in here and nobody gave a sht about you, you decided to swallow that butt hurt pride of yours and come back which makes me very happy that my monkey toy is back and ready for more D-slapping.In the event I wasn't wrong in my assessment of him / her / xim / xer at all when I wrote every post has to conform to his / her / xis / xer conscious / sub conscious desire to thrust himself / herself / ximself / xerself into the limelight & kiss his / her / xis / xer hairless culo in every post he / she / xe / xhe makes irrespective of the subject matter discussed.