LCA Tejas Mk1 & Mk1A - News and discussions

Mk1 already has internal UEWS. Mk1A will also have it.
Nope, internal UEWS would mean RWJ which is not for MK1A. MK2 has elongated fuselage exactly for this and bigger internal fuel tanks.

Tejas MK1A's EW pod has already been discussed in detail. Watch this video:

Nope, internal UEWS would mean RWJ which is not for MK1A. MK2 has elongated fuselage exactly for this and bigger internal fuel tanks.

Tejas MK1A's EW pod has already been discussed in detail. Watch this video:

You havent read it carefully.
J Manjula, Director DARE said "LCA is the first fighter aircraft of India fitted with a radar warner and jammer equipment. It has capability for both radar warning and jamming using a Unified EW Technology. Over the coming few months, ADA and DARE will be scheduling further sorties to evaluate the system in various signal scenarios".

SOJ pod is additional as per requirement of IAF
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I think @lcafanboy posted links here w.r.t weight reduction of the Mk-1a the last time a discussion around the topic was initiated. If I'm not mistaken a reduction of some 3-400 kgs was already achieved & the TTSL of the airframe was certified for 3000 hrs with work on to enhance the life & testing for the same.
yes the old ADA presentation from 2020 already showed that, I wonder how much progress have happened since then as more composite use became the norm.

You havent read it carefully.
J Manjula, Director DARE said "LCA is the first fighter aircraft of India fitted with a radar warner and jammer equipment. It has capability for both radar warning and jamming using a Unified EW Technology. Over the coming few months, ADA and DARE will be scheduling further sorties to evaluate the system in various signal scenarios".

SOJ pod is additional as per requirement of IAF
That is for LCA MK2. The presence of ASPJ pod itself means that MK1A doesn't have UEWS. Even if(and that a big IF) its gets RWJ(Radar Warning Jammers like Mig-29UPG) in the future, because of lack of internal space, carrying an external pod is a necessity.

Tejas MK2 won't need any self protection pods as it will have a full-blown powerful internal EW suite. All AATRU/cooling unit etc. of our EW pod would be embedded into the frame itself.

ASPJ= Advance Self Protection Jammer. After internal EW suit, a jey still may carry an Escort jammer(like SAP-14), but SPJ? Never. ASPJ pod itself means internal RWR combined with external pods in a unified way protecting the host aircraft.
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That is for LCA MK2. The presence of ASPJ pod itself means that MK1A doesn't have UEWS. Even if(and that a big IF) its gets RWJ(Radar Warning Jammers like Mig-29UPG) in the future, because of lack of internal space, carrying an external pod is a necessity.

Tejas MK2 won't need any self protection pods as it will have a full-blown powerful internal EW suite. All AATRU/cooling unit etc. of our EW pod would be embedded into the frame itself.

ASPJ= Advance Self Protection Jammer. After internal EW suit, a jey still may carry an Escort jammer(like SAP-14), but SPJ? Never. ASPJ pod itself means internal RWR combined with external pods in a unified way protecting the host aircraft.
So you assume you know more than DRDO itself. Then no point me doing “bhains k aage been bajana”.
Majority of Weight reduction has already been achieved. LCA mk1 LSP aircrafts weight was around 7500 kgs with telemetry equipments which weighed around 500kgs which were removed in production fighters and brought down to 6950kgs and now further reduced to 6560kgs which is very good but LCA mk1 still carries 300to400kgs of balast. One thing more to keep in mind they have also increased fuel capacity to 2950kgs. Further weight reduction is almost difficult to achieve as whatever weight they remove from excess ballast weight will be negated by internal electronic warfare suit, aesa radar, and many more other capabilities which will be added to the airframe.
For comparison Gripen C weighs 6800kgs with 2400kg internal fuel capacity, Kai 50 weighs 6450kgs with 2690 kg internal fuel capacity both of which have GE404 with 80kn power while LCA mk1 itself carries a 85kn engine giving it a better TWR.

As for TTSL airframe life it's already well above 6000hrs and should be comparable to any modern fighters like Gripen and Eurofighter typhoon as LCA has highest percentage of carbon composite materials and is being increased more to bring down the weight of LCA. HAL has already started Airframe stress test for LCA Airframe last year which will last 8to9 years which will establish the actual life of airframe which should be more than 8000 hours due carbon composite materials used...

Also the weapons payload has been been increased from 3600kgs to 4350kgs now which again is very good and comparable to jaguars and combat radius which is better than jaguar fighters.

So LCA mk1 itself is a beast now and mk1a would be a step ahead with aesa radar and electronic warfare suit..

The question is if the landing carriage has been modified. That's where the weight reduction has to come from.

And Gripen C and FA-50 are mostly metallic, an equivalent LCA should be at least a few hundred kilos lesser. I guess the lack of thought that went into the LCA's bulkheads has messed up the weight advantage.
UEWS for LCA mk1a is indeed internal but jammer is external poded which will go internal on LCA mk2...
Latest LCA mk1a testbed pictures show white colour RWR Antenna on both wingtips and tail... 😊

View attachment 26807View attachment 26808
Isn't exactly what I'm saying, lol:) Once that EW/ECM ASPJ pod goes fully inside the airframe, then only we can say that our Tejas has a 100% internal EW system. Till then it's still 50/50.

But, even Gripen-E carries dual wing-tip pods and its EW is considered best in the world. So even podded solution is not that bad(except outer drag/one pylon occupied etc.)
So you assume you know more than DRDO itself. Then no point me doing “bhains k aage been bajana”.
Don't get angry bro, we can have a polite discussion. An internal EW system can't be 100% internal if it needs ASPJ. Period.

Rest, aap jaisa uchit samjho:)
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Isn't exactly what I'm saying, lol:)
I do agree UEWS for LCA mk1a is not fully internal (but it does have several internal aspects of it which is my point) as LCA was conceptualized in 1990s when EW suit were not as advance as now and there wasn't any ASQR need for it and it was later integrated. Also remember Gripen C too doesn't have a complete internal UEWS and has similar setup like mk1a Only Gripen E will have complete internal UEWS and so will LCA mk2.... 😊
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I do agree UEWS for LCA mk1a is not fully internal (but it does have several internal aspects of it which is my point)

Tell that to @Arpuism, lol.
as LCA was conceptualized in 1990s when EW suit were not as advance as now and there wasn't any ASQR need for it and it was later integrated. Also remember Gripen C too doesn't have a complete internal UEWS and has similar setup like mk1a Only Gripen E will have complete internal UEWS and so will LCA mk2.... 😊
Once again you're wrong. Gripen-E will have MKI UPG like dual wing-tip Jamming pods(plus one tail mounted jammer), so still not 100% internal. Our Tejas MK2 will have 100% internal jammers like Rafale/Mig-29UPG.



LCA topped the charts when it came to tech, but lost in price, 'cause it's a full-fledged fighter jet. Can't argue against their decision either since the price difference was a lot, at least $10M.
Fa-50 offer was more expensive. But lca outperformed. The malaysians infact canceled the bid because tejas fulfilled their paramenters completely. Hlft 42 will cover those gaps soon.
As per Jane's, the LCA Mk1 (not Mk1A) was priced at $32M and the FA-50 was offered at $26.5M.

Other costs are also greater for LCA Mk1. The Mk1 could be further enhanced in a customised version, like the addition of AESA radar, if the Malaysians wanted.
The cost per unit for the Tejas and the FA-50 are around $28 million and $30 million, respectively. Despite the Tejas’ lower price than the FAI, it did not win the tender.

Multiple sources are reporting different sets of prices quoted. However I find it amusing RST quotes Jane's as a source when a few weeks ago he was busy dissing it for the bias Jane's had against Russian & Chinese platforms. Just like our fair administrator who disses PKS as semi fiction yet quotes him, defending his position with PKS is only to be believed as far as historical perspectives go. Let's see how RST pleads as far as special pleading goes..
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