Dassault Rafale - Updates and Discussion

so India is well ahead of France in this Tech. We have tested our own about an year ago.
I think west isn't much interested on speed when comes to attack missiles for non nuclear rolws, they preferred accuracy, stealth, terrain hugging, superior navigation over speed.
Does anybody have a good, high-res image of the rear cockpit on a Rafale B/DH?

The ones I found aren't the best and are from a side-on angle:



@Picdelamirand-oil @Herciv @Amarante @Bon Plan
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It all depends on the ambition of what you've tested. For example, on our M-51s our MIRV heads are already manoeuvring hypersonic gliders, and they're operational, not just being tested.

Aren't you referring to a MaRV rather than a true-blue glider?

Avangard separates from its booster at 100 km altitude, whereas M51 releases its warhead at 2000 km. The M51 follows a ballistic trajectory and maneuvers during its terminal phase, so a MaRV. A glider has to stay within the atmosphere.

The glide vehicle we tested operates within the atmosphere too. It switches from vertical flight to horizontal flight 8 seconds after lift-off.
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Aren't you referring to a MaRV rather than a true-blue glider?

Avangard separates from its booster at 100 km altitude, whereas M51 releases its warhead at 2000 km. The M51 follows a ballistic trajectory and maneuvers during its terminal phase, so a MaRV. A glider has to stay within the atmosphere.

The glide vehicle we tested operates within the atmosphere too. It switches from vertical flight to horizontal flight 8 seconds after lift-off.
No M51 Is Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) 6-10 warheads.
No M51 Is Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) 6-10 warheads.

MARV is independent from MIRV.

MIRV means a missile bus carries multiple warheads and can be launched independently. And MARV means the warheads themselves are maneuverable after launch, thereby capable of performing evasive maneuvers during the terminal stage.

The ABM Treaty prevented the need for MARV warheads on MIRV-capable missiles. You can see from images that US and SU warheads lack fins. I believe the M45 also carried non-maneuvering warheads with a similar shape as American warheads. I guess the French kept to the spirit of the treaty until 2002 and then created MARV waheads once it ended. The Russians also introduced MARV on Yars and Bulava. Rubezh is used to carry Avangard. It's unclear if Sentinel will come with MARV warheads.

Glide vehicles never leave the atmpshere and use horizontal flight. So these are not MARVs, 'cause they never perform "reentry."

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MARV is independent from MIRV.

MIRV means a missile bus carries multiple warheads and can be launched independently. And MARV means the warheads themselves are maneuverable after launch, thereby capable of performing evasive maneuvers during the terminal stage.

The ABM Treaty prevented the need for MARV warheads on MIRV-capable missiles. You can see from images that US and SU warheads lack fins. I believe the M45 also carried non-maneuvering warheads with a similar shape as American warheads. I guess the French kept to the spirit of the treaty until 2002 and then created MARV waheads once it ended. The Russians also introduced MARV on Yars and Bulava. Rubezh is used to carry Avangard. It's unclear if Sentinel will come with MARV warheads.

Glide vehicles never leave the atmpshere and use horizontal flight. So these are not MARVs, 'cause they never perform "reentry."

View attachment 41910

But to reach targets distant from one another, our warheads cease to have ballistic trajectories from the moment they enter the atmosphere, they are in fact small space shuttles.
But to reach targets distant from one another, our warheads cease to have ballistic trajectories from the moment they enter the atmosphere, they are in fact small space shuttles.

That's what MARVs do. They can enter the atmosphere and their lifting surfaces and fins can help them glide a bit.



And this is what a glide vehicle can do.

The only difference is Avangard and India's LRAShM have shorter apogees.