*More than* 10dB RCS reductionOnly 10dB RCS reduction

Anyways here is something interesting. IIT Kanpur has developed a transparent meta-material that is going to be used on our future/upgraded fighter jets that also absorbs RF waves between 90%-98%.
Link: Protective Layer for Microwave Metamaterial Absorbers
Here are some interesting quotes from the research paper:
- The new invention can be applied directly to optical transparent windows, making them capable of absorbing over 90% of incident electromagnetic waves at microwave frequencies.
- This invention has great potential in defense for stealth technology and in commercial sector for reducing electromagnetic radiation in buildings and houses by deploying it on windows.
- The metamaterial absorber remains robust even under harsh environmental conditions and rigorous handling, without compromising its microwave performance over time.
Some more:
Notably, coating the absorber led to a significant increase in absorption efficiency within microwave frequency range, rising from 95% to an impressive 98%.
So we've developed stealth Paints, Composites, Laminates and even meta-materials than can absorb well over 90% RF waves(in various frequencies), almost upto 98-99%.
It's really remarkable how fast we've caught up to the West. Our AMCA is going to be one very very stealthy bird. Just sort the engine FFS and we're all set.