This part can be proved based on available public info and a bit of estimate / extrapolating from the old slcm schematics
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source ;
Significant Project Milestones Of S-2/ARIHANT S-73 SSBN
So if you are going to fit it inside S2 and others, the entire 3 missile launcher container can only fit if the silo dia is higher. Plus you probably also need the plume deflector inside some gaps. Even if it is say for slcm/slbm k-15 or whatever, the dimension shown kinda gives hint of the space needed inside to fit it. The ssbn silo dia measures will always be highly confidential. This also is similar to the chinese estimate. Since S2 ATV was more on the tech demo side than a full fledged high end SSBN , it is also likely K5 was not planned for this batch.
My point is , in the SLBM slide, they showed 1 slbm , a very good config one, crmc mirv everything incorporated but in A6-5 and A6 there were 2 distinct models which is now realised in practical development. So other than making really long range version, this one SLBM lets say K5 should be good for the long range second strike vector purpose. Further K6 K8 etc would only increase the complexity of further developing the weapons system complex, fitting inside the sub, maintaining etc. So is it necessary to go for variety or should they generalise under K5 solely ?
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