Arihant-class SSBN - News & Discussions

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It's available all over the net , if that's your concern. Remember seeing it on Indian Defense Twitter nearly a, yr back.
In the other forum they were asking to delete it, so I thought it might be sensitive, hence I requested for the deletion.
The part-2 of the article feels more like a fantasy. I don't know how much is authentic but the three scenarios with SSBN, SSGN were like a wish list kind of thing.
Frankly in our case you can project 2-3 situations based on experience, out of which one is very likely to happen. Conversion of 2nd & 3rd gen subs are a real possibility.
The part-2 of the article feels more like a fantasy. I don't know how much is authentic but the three scenarios with SSBN, SSGN were like a wish list kind of thing.
Once these were the fanboy thing that we used to share on forums. It was more of a discussion. Now these new generation has their own younger more gullible followers. And they are monetize them with ads. I mean good for them!.