Brexit and Future of UK : Discussions

We don't want participation in their programs, we're severing ties with them. The money was never for participation in their programs, 19 of the 28 nations get billions each every year, that's where the bulk of the money goes. Sure we can escape them.

Why? No one else gives two craps about the EU crying. We adhered to their terms whilst we were members, after that stops we don't have to listen to them at all.

Me too. Macron can stuff his Peugeots and Citroens up his short ar5e.:LOL:

The whole world cares for the EU, not the UK. EU is the market to be in, that's where 500 million people reside.

And if the UK cannot fulfill agreements that were already committed to, then down goes the UK. You can trade with the rest of the world through WTO after that.

Oh, even Boris Johnson doesn't want a no-deal. So you should come to terms with that first. That's why he's making the threat.
The whole world cares for the EU, not the UK. EU is the market to be in, that's where 500 million people reside.

And if the UK cannot fulfill agreements that were already committed to, then down goes the UK. You can trade with the rest of the world through WTO after that.

Oh, even Boris Johnson doesn't want a no-deal. So you should come to terms with that first. That's why he's making the threat.
But they're not going to screw up their own economies to punish the UK just because the EU is mad.

Any rational person looking at the balance of payments the UK has made to the EU would realise we've paid more than our fair share and we're not interested in dealing with any clowns who think otherwise. WTO? We'll happily switch that off, just like Trump has done.

He isn't actually bothered.
a nice collateral effect of the soon Brexit : the pound is so low that it's a real and not too costly pleasure to visit GB. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
a nice collateral effect of the soon Brexit : the pound is so low that it's a real and not too costly pleasure to visit GB. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
More tourism revenue, thanks. Shame the opposite will apply the other way.
Queen Will Suspend U.K. Parliament At Boris Johnson's Request

Bill Chappell August 28, 2019​

Updated at 10:15 a.m. ET

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has asked Queen Elizabeth II to suspend Parliament, infuriating his political opponents and others who accuse Johnson of circumventing the democratic process. The move would likely allow Johnson to bypass lawmakers and push through a no-deal Brexit.

Within hours of Johnson's request, the queen agreed to prorogue, or suspend, Parliament for several weeks in September and October.

Johnson asked the queen to suspend Parliament during the second week of September, soon after lawmakers return from their summer recess. Under his plan, the body would not meet again until Oct. 14 — just two weeks before the deadline for Britain's planned departure from the European Union.

Parliament had been scheduled to meet during the first two weeks of September and reconvene on Oct. 9.

Johnson insists he wants Parliament suspended so he can develop an agenda for his new government. He adds that a queen's speech has now been scheduled for Oct. 14, when he will present his agenda.

Critics, opposition politicians and some members of Johnson's own Conservative party say his maneuver would give lawmakers little time to push back on a no-deal Brexit, which a majority of the Parliament opposes.

In an interview at 10 Downing Street, Johnson said, "We're not going to wait until October 31st before getting on with our plans to take this country forward."

"This is a new government with a very exciting agenda," Johnson continued.

Outrageous that #Parliament will be shut down at a moment of crisis as we face crashing out of the #EU with no deal & for which there is no mandate. Our democracy is under threat from a ruthless PM elected by less than 100K Con members. Email your MP now & demand Parliament sits​
Member of Parliament Anna Soubry called Johnson's move "outrageous." She tweeted that Parliament "will be shut down at a moment of crisis as we face crashing out of the #EU with no deal & for which there is no mandate. Our democracy is under threat from a ruthless PM elected by less than 100K Con members. Email your MP now & demand Parliament sits."

Yvette Cooper, an opposition Labour lawmaker, tweeted, "Boris Johnson is trying to use the Queen to concentrate power in his own hands — this is a deeply dangerous and irresponsible way to govern."

Conservative Member of Parliament Philip Hammond reacted by saying, "It would be a constitutional outrage if Parliament were prevented from holding the government to account at a time of national crisis."

The move, Hammond added, was "profoundly undemocratic."

Johnson threw his plan to suspend Parliament into action one day after he reiterated his commitment to take Britain out of the European Union on the Oct. 31 deadline.

"Jeremy Corbyn wants to cancel the referendum and argue about Brexit for years," Johnson said via Twitter. "I am committed to leading our country forward and getting Britain out of the EU by October 31st."

The term for suspending Parliament in this way is "prorogue" — to formally end a session of Parliament by royal prerogative without dissolving it. According to the official Parliament website:

"A prolonged prorogation reduces the influence of Parliament over the way the country is governed. While Parliament is prorogued, MPs and Peers cannot formally debate government policy and legislation, submit parliamentary questions for response by government departments, scrutinize government activity through parliamentary committees or introduce legislation of their own."
In the U.K., there are longstanding precedents to prorogue Parliament before a queen's speech, "albeit generally more briefly, and rarely, if ever, at such a constitutionally charged time," the BBC reports, citing royal correspondent Jonny Dymond.

The news agency adds that under Johnson's plan, Parliament would be closed for 23 working days. According to the House of Commons Library, prorogation periods since the 1980s have rarely lasted longer than two weeks.

The idea that Johnson might resort to prorogation to get his way on Brexit was seen as a possibility earlier this summer, before he formally replaced Theresa May. One week before Johnson took office, the House of Commons approved an amendment seeking to block any attempts to prorogue Parliament — in a vote that saw more than a dozen defections from Johnson's party.

In the House of Commons' background paper about the process, it notes that because prorogation is a royal prerogative power, "there is no obvious legal mechanism by which Parliament could prevent its exercise otherwise than by passing legislation to constrain it."

When asked what levers might be used by angry lawmakers to ensure they can work on a Brexit deal, NPR's Frank Langfitt reports from London that the options include approving legislation to postpone the Oct. 31 deadline, or perhaps seeking to oust Johnson himself.

"He's only been in office since July," Langfitt notes, "It would be extraordinary to call a no-confidence vote this early. But this is where we are in the Brexit process."

Noting the high stakes involved, Langfitt adds, "People are very angry, and they say this is beyond Brexit — it has a lot to do with democracy."


Source: NPR
About time, all they're doing is grid-locking the process in a deliberate attempt to subvert it.
Queen Elizabeth and Boris Johnson Doom the Windsors to the Fate of the Hapsburgs
Martin Sieff
August 30, 2019

A proud imperial dynasty dominated an entire continent for half a millennium. Even when forced out of its global role, it remained a huge core kingdom in Europe. Its capital city became mythical for its vibrant culture, unparalleled theater and extraordinary music that entranced the world. In sharp contrast to its imperial past, it gloried in being an example of tolerance and diversity to the entire world.

Yet, suddenly, without apparent warning, it all went wrong. The great empire fell apart leaving only a tiny, isolated rump core dominated by a huge, so-long-proud imperial city that it could not even feed any more, let alone economically sustain. The empire’s proud and dignified royal family got embroiled in generations of sordid, bizarre and ultimately tragic scandals.

Is this the story of the fabled fairytale Hapsburg Empire of Austria-Hungary in the half century up to its dissolution after World War I? Yes of course. But exactly the same remorseless fate is now overwhelming the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom has not been conquered and occupied by any foreign power in 950 years, since 1066. It has suffered no revolution or civil war since the 1640s, more than a third of a millennium ago.

Yet suddenly, as a result of its extremely narrow decision in 2016 (by 52 percent to 48 percent) to exit the European Union, the UK is collapsing on all sides. It suddenly looks like an elegant old Carpenter Gothic wooden house that has been secretly devoured by termites for generations but nobody ever noticed.

Also, the British Royal Family, for hundreds of years the embodiment of public dignity, decorum and restrained good sense (or so they presented themselves) has become tabloid fodder. Its every misstep, embarrassment and scandal is instantaneously relayed to a salacious global audience of billions.

Is the proud Windsor Dynasty of Britain about to go the way of the Hapsburgs of Austria? Indeed it is. Thanks to bungling the Brexit crisis of leaving the EU, the United Kingdom is on the brink of disintegration with Scotland and Northern Ireland going different ways and leaving Little England isolated, confused and in economic crisis – just like Austria in the 1920s.

The British Royals’ parallels with their hapless Hapsburg predecessors are uncanny. The crumbling mess is still presided over by an incredibly ancient monarch raised in an otherwise long forgotten and vanished world universally respected for their probity and dignity but who usually does not seem to have a clue what is going on around them.

For the Hapsburgs, it was the Emperor Franz-Josef – still revered in Vienna today. He ruled for 68 years, still the longest record rule of any monarch in history since Pepi II of the Sixth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

But today Queen Elizabeth II is in her 68th year of rule too and remains almost universally revered as well.

However, like Franz-Josef, the Queen is no stranger to heartbreak, personal humiliation and scandal. Her daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, became a worldwide romantic charismatic sensation entrancing the globe as no one had since Marilyn Monroe and divorced from her overshadowed husband heir to the throne Prince Charles. Then she died tragically in a car smash in a Paris tunnel. Rumors of conspiracy and secret assassination still swirl around her death.

Crown Prince Rudolph, the liberal, reforming, much adored only son of Franz-Josef died violently too, apparently by suicide at age 30 with his teenage mistress Baroness Mary Vatsera at the hunting lodge of Meyerling in 1889. It was no secret that Franz Josef and Rudolph loathed each other and the deaths were widely suspected as being murder because the son was determined to grant full independence to Hungary in return for ruling it.

Rudolph’s mother, the extraordinarily beautiful and accomplished but also unstable Empress Elizabeth (“Sisi”) came to a violent end too. She was stabbed to death by an anarchist on the lake front at Geneva, Switzerland in 1898.

The dark fates hovering over the Hapsburgs never let up. A later heir to the throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his beloved wife Sophie were gunned down by a Serbian terrorist in the city of Sarajevo in June 1914. The archduke’s last words were “Sophie! Sophie! Don’t die! Live for our children!” It was the assassination that propelled the old empire into starting World War I, in which it was utterly destroyed.

Ironically, Franz Ferdinand had foreseen the war and its outcome. Since 1912, he had fought to prevent the imperial army’s chief of staff, the war-loving and criminally incompetent Field Marshal Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf, from starting it.

If there is a Conrad von Hotzendorf stalking the corridors of Buckingham Palace, the main Seat of the Windsor Dynasty, today, it is new Prime Minister Boris “BoJo” Johnson, another power-hungry, incompetent buffoon with dreams of being England’s second Oliver Cromwell (one was already too many).

On Wednesday, August 28 Johnson prevailed on the ancient Queen Elizabeth to suspend parliament. In effect he killed nearly 360 years of constitutional rule in England since the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660 after Cromwell’s death stone cold dead and made the Queen his accomplice.

The End of the Monarchy and the final collapse of the UK are now certain to follow: And soon.

Queen Elizabeth and Boris Johnson Doom the Windsors to the Fate of the Hapsburgs
Not really. The problem is that parliament is full of idiots who are denying reality. The choice is the deal or no deal, and that will be the choice after any extension too, except extensions force us to continue paying the EU. Therefore we need another general election to boot the idiots out of their seats immediately. Whichever party wins can then do what it likes.
Picdelamirand-oil taking the dog for a walk along the streets of Paris 2030.

Do you really want the UK interfering with EU presidential elections?
British Brexit Mess and Their Embarrassment

Great Briton specifically for the last five years (probably about 70 years in all) has been making fun of India no matter how smartly India conducts itself. They on the outside give an appearance of the friendliest former colonial overlord, but in fact are encouraging its media and a lot of its hostile population to verbally abuse or break the windows of India’s High Commission. These deeds are always overlooked to favor Pakistan. No media man has ever come out in Briton to compliment India for its fine economic management. They simply wish to report negative news and analysis. Has any media person condemned attack on the Indian High Commission.

Today it is India’s turn to make fun of Briton of its own economic mess in its divorce from Europe. It was Conservative PM Edward Heath in the 1970s and also other former PMs which literally begged the European Common Market to let them get into the trade grouping. After reservations, Germany and France let Briton in. British economic gains were good, but none were spectacular. Both Germany and France stayed as the masters which was to the dislike of Briton. By and by a host of other countries joined the grouping and its charter included the free movement of goods, services, capital and citizens. All other conditions did not bother Britons much except the liberal movement of labor. Suddenly Britons found that they are neighbors of Romanians or other non English speaking nationalities. That didn't sit well with them, although a similar number of Britons had travelled to Europe seeking better prospects which they did like. Since then a host of other issues have cropped up which they did not like.

A few years back, movement to leave European Market began. It caught steam soon and the British Parliament became a big party to all these discussions. Prime Ministers came and went, but could not get a favorable formula for the divorce. The current PM made plans to leave on October 31st but was unable to persuade the Parliament for a favorable vote. Instead, he found his powers substantially curtailed when the House voted to take away the PM’s power for a un-negotiated divorce. It was partly a few of his own party MPs who voted against going away without a deal. Prior to that a big sticking point had emerged as to where about will the land border with Europe would be set. The only place for it to begin seemed to be Ireland. Untold custom and excise issues emerged, and no understanding could be reached. That is fun, same kind they are critical of India.

Mavericks in the PM’s Party had a large economic concern as they calculated that $16 billion Trade loss (or call it a shock) would be forthcoming, if a Briton leaves without a deal. Future years' losses could be higher. Hence, the only option left is a new government, a new snap poll, a bitter campaign to re-look at the issue. That is all fun. We must enjoy this British stupidity and remind them that how they laugh at other people’s difficulties.

Today let us sweep aside all above facts and start making fun of them as they have been making fun of India’s economic mess under Gandhi’s. The latter are gone, Indian economic management is better and today India is close to $3 trillion economy. But the Britons never stopped making fun of India or being critical of India trying to attain a super power status of its own (unlike China without US and Europe FDI investment to the tune of nearly one trillion dollars since 1997).

How are the Britons doing today - really poorly. How will they fare in the future - very poorly for 3 to 5 years. Who will bail them out - most likely countries like India, US and so forth with a large consumption centers, provided a proper trade deal is struck.

Then why this anti Indian attitude on the left oriented British Media against India is rife. But in the last six weeks the British media is in an overdrive to criticize India about Jammu and Kashmir re-organization. That overdrive has led to the demonstration outside Indian High Commission and breaking of its windows. This is purely India’s internal matter. India has been never critical of the Britons military occupation for more than twenty years of Northern Ireland. India always supported caution to the warring parties which Briton is unable to do to the Kashmiris.

Well, coming back to Brexit, the outcome could be that by hook or by crook Briton will crash out of Europe and then it will go searching for trade deals elsewhere. India may or may not oblige until Briton drops its anti Indian attitude.
A $16bn trade loss is pittance. We pay the EU around that much net each year directly before other costs are even considered.

And Brexit has literally nothing to do with India. As regards the British media I honestly think they just like shock headlines rather than factual ones, because the shock leads to more publicity.
Royal prerogative in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

One of the monarch's historic prerogatives was the dissolution of Parliament, which was "perhaps the most important residual prerogative exercised personally by the sovereign, and represents the greatest potential for controversy."[15] This prerogative was normally exercised at the request of Parliament and the prime minister, either at his or her discretion or following a motion of no confidence. Constitutional theorists have had differing views as to whether a unilateral dissolution of Parliament would be possible today; Sir Ivor Jennings wrote that a dissolution involves "the acquiescence of ministers", and as such the monarch could not dissolve Parliament without ministerial consent; "if ministers refuse to give such advice, she can do no more than dismiss them". A. V. Dicey, however, believed that in certain extreme circumstances the monarch could dissolve Parliament single-handedly, on the condition that "an occasion has arisen on which there is fair reason to suppose that the opinion of the House is not the opinion of the electors... A dissolution is allowable, or necessary, whenever the wishes of the legislature are, or may fairly be presumed to be, different from the wishes of the nation."