EU DIVIDED: Brexit 'extremely favourable' for France but Merkel left with massive problem
TENSIONS between the EU pillars of France and Germany will rise inexorably after Brexit as the process will be “deeply favourable” for Emmanuel Macron whilst being Angela Merkel’s worst nightmare, an expert has claimed.
The revelation was made by former Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski on the BBCRadio 4's podcast 'France and Germany: Divided They Stand'. He explained: “Brexit if it happens, from a French point of view - a purely power-political point of view - extremely favourable. Because, well, over the last 30 years France was the most integrationist country and also the most protectionist.
“Britain was the most eurosceptic and the most free trade, with some allies in Scandinavia and Holland.
“And Germany was in between - not only the biggest economically but also, in a sense, the swing voter.
“What’s going to happen now is that Germany will be the other pole.
“Germany will be the power that is less integrationist and more free trade.
“And they will have to come to an accommodation with the other pole of that spectrum, which is France.
“And they won’t be in the middle.
“It’s very convenient to be in the middle.
“You can then choose which way you go on individual issues.
“So, from a French point of view, it reestablishes something close to parity.”
This lack of parity was demonstrated throughout the Euro crisis.
Mr Rostowski was President of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council in 2011 and claimed that the much “weaker” France could never stand up to Germany - and therefore had to establish an elaborate theatrical relationship to simulate parity.
He said: “We had what was a very exceptional period in the Franco-German relationship because, basically, there hardly was one.
EU DIVIDED: Brexit 'extremely favourable' for France but Merkel left with massive problem