Eurofighter Typhoon - Updates and Discussions

It is speculation, as no one here has the data. I can't prove he is wrong in range. Common sense says the F-35 exceeds the capability of the rafale. I can show that the rafale radar is primitive, in modes and function to the F-35.
One answer :
The first AESA prototyp of RBE2 was built with US T/R modules. The perf was "only" 25% better than PESA RBE2 radar range.
This is the origin of the 2011 UAE request for a more powerfull radar (ie with 14w modules instead of 10w, requesting a new and costly cooling system studied for them but never ordered).
Since we used european T/R modules in the serialy produced AESA radar : the range was 100% better than PESA ones. And since UAE ordered the legacy RBE2 AESA radar (with european T/R modules) without any modification.

Number and quality are two separate things.
Orders still being built...
28 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Kuwait
24 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Qatar
Total - 52 Typhoon

Ordered or 'due to be...' - On contract in Bold
28 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany under Project Quadriga

24 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Egypt - Not ordered yet but must be close
15+ x Typhoon EK to Germany - Now called EK instead of ECR. Airbus has said is unlikely that just 15 will be ordered.
20 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain under Project Halcon, to replace oldest EF-18
- 87+ Typhoon, including new EK variant

Potential order of probability...
25 x Typhoon 4 to Spain under Project Halcon 2, to replace some of the remaining EF-18 (64 in total remaining, plus 13 AV-8B+). Close to putting this in the 'due to be' list...
50 (up to) x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany to replace non-nuclear Tornado - Moved to potential as unclear what Germany is up to...the impact of inflation on the German one off budget increase has caused issues, still highly likely though...
48-72 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Saudi Arabia - still in the works allegedly, but very quiet.. - Added in 72 as increased buy has been mentioned. Large Saudi delegation recently at Warton as well...
25 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain - Potential for another 25 under a 'Project Halcon 4', probably won't happen though, more likely F-35.
12-24 x Typhoon to Malaysia - An ongoing saga... since the 2000's. The MRCA requirement. However, Malaysia has had issues with SU-30MKI reliability and their concerns will only increase post Ukraine war, FA-18D is also, generally, on the way out. They can't afford to be an orphan operator for long post 2030 with 8 a/c. Issues around EU palm oil ban, but the UK being out of the EU could help...either way its a slow burner...still serious finance issues. I think they're unlikely to go Russian or Chinese, KF-21 likely frontrunner after the recent TA-50 win for S.Korea in the LCA competition, however that is mired in the usual corruption allegations...
Total - 160-196 x Typhoon (both numbers include 20 to Chile as resale rather than new production, all new Turkish production and 50 to Germany)

Rumours...old and new
20+ x Typhoon Tranche 1 to Chile - Ex-RAF aircraft. Can't see it myself, but still rate it higher than Turkey.
24-48 x Typhoon to Turkey - Probably cobblers, 'sources' have said '2 Sqn's' Or 48 Tranche 3A.
? x Typhoon Tranche 1 (second hand) to Serbia - a very distant possibility, probably no more than 12-16. Unlikely given current developments.
? x Typhoon Tranche 1 (second hand) to Indonesia - a exceptionally distant possibility, probably no more than 12-16. These were the Austrian Typhoon Tranche 1. However, indications are that Austria intends to retain until 2030 and replace with F-35A (if the US will allow them...).
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ASRAAM Block 6 standard, developed under the ASRAAM Sustainment programme, is expected to enter service on the Typhoon in 2022, and the F-35 in 2024. It has new and updated sub-systems, built-in cooling and a new British-built seeker with more pixels. As it uses no US-made components, it could be exported without ITAR restrictions.

Why does that matter? Well, according to this source, a previous attempt to sell the missile to Saudi Arabia was scuttled because of objections from Washington. The previous missile variant’s seeker is made in America, thus requiring export approval from the United States.

This is now the most advanced IIR seeker on any AAM!

This is now the most advanced IIR seeker on any AAM!
Which block of ASRAAM has India got? Maybe, we could get TOT of this latest version as well in future.
No idea, I think you bought well before this came out though, for Jaguars IIRC.
From another forum:

Ordered or 'due to be...' - On contract in Bold
28 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany under Project Quadriga

24 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Egypt - Not ordered yet but must be close
15+ x Typhoon EK to Germany - Now called EK instead of ECR. Airbus has said is unlikely that just 15 will be ordered.
20 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain under Project Halcon, to replace oldest EF-18
- 87+ Typhoon, including new EK variant

Potential order of probability...
25 x Typhoon 4 to Spain under Project Halcon 2, to replace some of the remaining EF-18 (64 in total remaining, plus 13 AV-8B+). Close to putting this in the 'due to be' list...
50 (up to) x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany to replace non-nuclear Tornado - Moved to potential as unclear what Germany is up to...the impact of inflation on the German one off budget increase has caused issues, still highly likely though...
48-72 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Saudi Arabia - still in the works allegedly, but very quiet.. - Added in 72 as increased buy has been mentioned. Large Saudi delegation recently at Warton as well...
25 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain - Potential for another 25 under a 'Project Halcon 4', probably won't happen though, more likely F-35.
12-24 x Typhoon to Malaysia - An ongoing saga... since the 2000's. The MRCA requirement. However, Malaysia has had issues with SU-30MKI reliability and their concerns will only increase post Ukraine war, FA-18D is also, generally, on the way out. They can't afford to be an orphan operator for long post 2030 with 8 a/c. Issues around EU palm oil ban, but the UK being out of the EU could help...either way its a slow burner...still serious finance issues. I think they're unlikely to go Russian or Chinese, KF-21 likely frontrunner after the recent TA-50 win for S.Korea in the LCA competition, however that is mired in the usual corruption allegations...
Total - 160-196 x Typhoon (assumed all new Turkish production and 50 to Germany)
From another forum:

Ordered or 'due to be...' - On contract in Bold
28 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany under Project Quadriga

24 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Egypt - Not ordered yet but must be close
15+ x Typhoon EK to Germany - Now called EK instead of ECR. Airbus has said is unlikely that just 15 will be ordered.
20 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain under Project Halcon, to replace oldest EF-18
- 87+ Typhoon, including new EK variant

Potential order of probability...
25 x Typhoon 4 to Spain under Project Halcon 2, to replace some of the remaining EF-18 (64 in total remaining, plus 13 AV-8B+). Close to putting this in the 'due to be' list...
50 (up to) x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Germany to replace non-nuclear Tornado - Moved to potential as unclear what Germany is up to...the impact of inflation on the German one off budget increase has caused issues, still highly likely though...
48-72 x Typhoon Tranche 3 to Saudi Arabia - still in the works allegedly, but very quiet.. - Added in 72 as increased buy has been mentioned. Large Saudi delegation recently at Warton as well...
25 x Typhoon Tranche 4 to Spain - Potential for another 25 under a 'Project Halcon 4', probably won't happen though, more likely F-35.
12-24 x Typhoon to Malaysia - An ongoing saga... since the 2000's. The MRCA requirement. However, Malaysia has had issues with SU-30MKI reliability and their concerns will only increase post Ukraine war, FA-18D is also, generally, on the way out. They can't afford to be an orphan operator for long post 2030 with 8 a/c. Issues around EU palm oil ban, but the UK being out of the EU could help...either way its a slow burner...still serious finance issues. I think they're unlikely to go Russian or Chinese, KF-21 likely frontrunner after the recent TA-50 win for S.Korea in the LCA competition, however that is mired in the usual corruption allegations...
Total - 160-196 x Typhoon (assumed all new Turkish production and 50 to Germany)

Didn't you post this poppycock a couple of months back ? Check out #811 & compare the garbage there to what you've posted today & tell us how many orders materialized since then ? You can start with ze Germans Paddy .