News France Wins World Cup

And even drunk they don't riot as much as the French youth.
Maybe you should allow more immigration . Take a leaf out of the French playbook . In the composition of your team , particularly.

As an aside , it's a wonder the Irish haven't taken to football given their passion for menial labour .

But as an Irish friend pointed out , everytime they boot the ball they feel an uncontrollable urge to handle it . Hence , rugby & their success in the US in AFL.
Nah, we only riot when we lose historically but most of the clowns are probably in prison now. The French just like to riot, it's like wine to an alcoholic, anything is an excuse.

I forgive you your trespasses. From now on let us join hands in our common enemity against Zeee freeenshhh...yaaa?
Two main events... seperated by 20 year

France wins Fifa..Nawaz Sharif in jail

France wins FiFA....Nawaz Sharif in jail

Two main events... seperated by 20 year

France wins Fifa..Nawaz Sharif in jail

France wins FiFA....Nawaz Sharif in jail


Let’s hope the focker stays in prison for the rest of his fat life. I heard today under his latest governance the country has borrowed over 38!billion which in 4 years is more than the previous 50.
*censored* deserves hanging with the rest of them
Let’s hope the focker stays in prison for the rest of his fat life. I heard today under his latest governance the country has borrowed over 38!billion which in 4 years is more than the previous 50.
*censored* deserves hanging with the rest of them

Not happening. He will still win Punjab and bargain with government for a middle way.
Not happening. He will still win Punjab and bargain with government for a middle way.
Stop derailing the thread! From the World Cup you’ve ended up discussing that dickhead! I may have to report you if you continue down this road!!
Btw I’m still allowed to dream - hope he gets to experience prison daal.
Stop derailing the thread! From the World Cup you’ve ended up discussing that dickhead! I may have to report you if you continue down this road!!
Btw I’m still allowed to dream - hope he gets to experience prison daal.

Fifa is over, and you get over it as well. So as the thread.
Maybe you should allow more immigration . Take a leaf out of the French playbook . In the composition of your team , particularly.

As an aside , it's a wonder the Irish haven't taken to football given their passion for menial labour .

But as an Irish friend pointed out , everytime they boot the ball they feel an uncontrollable urge to handle it . Hence , rugby & their success in the US in AFL.
The Irish do play football. However the nationals sports are Gaelic football and hurling.
the binge drinking was invented in GB....

You are at least 10 years ahead of us ! World champion in this area. Congrats !!! :ROFLMAO::p:ROFLMAO::cool:
At least we can handle it. Your assclowns riot even when sober.
stop changing the question depending of the answer !
You said french team did quite nothing between 1998 (not 1994...) and 2018. 2 x 2nd, and always by the smaller margin possible. Not so few Bro.
You're either good or shit though. Two did not qualifies since 1990, two group stage knockouts, two wins, once runner-up. It's just a raffle of luck. You have no consistency.
You're either good or shit though. Two did not qualifies since 1990, two group stage knockouts, two wins, once runner-up. It's just a raffle of luck. You have no consistency.
If for you it's just luck to win 2 world cup and to be 2nd in two of the harder cup of the morld in 20 years.... OK. If you want.

Remember me what scored England during these same 20 years please. :eek::p:cool:
If for you it's just luck to win 2 world cup and to be 2nd in two of the harder cup of the morld in 20 years.... OK. If you want.

Remember me what scored England during these same 20 years please. :eek::p:cool:
Yes, but you also failed to qualify twice and were knocked out in the group stage twice since 1990. You are either good or terrible, there is no consistency.
Over the last 8 WCs, England has got past the group stage 6 times, compared to 4 times for France.
Yes, but you also failed to qualify twice and were knocked out in the group stage twice since 1990. You are either good or terrible, there is no consistency.

I follow English football carefully and i can safely say France national team is consistently better than the English team - to say any difference is bollax IMO
yes. And lost all times. ENgland has also consistently lost all Cricket World Cups and Crochet etc.
Most teams lose in the WC eventually, but not getting there, or only getting to the group stage is losing more than most.
I follow English football carefully and i can safely say France national team is consistently better than the English team - to say any difference is bollax IMO
Facts speak for themselves, in the last 8 WCs, France has failed to get past the group stage 4 times, England only twice. I wouldn't call that 'consistently' better, it's more like sometimes worse and sometimes better.